1. What about your character makes you a good candidate for this job?
I am a reliable and fast worker. I maintain focused in Rush Points.
2. Do you work well under rush hours?
I'm the kind of person who stays calm under pressure, and handles stress fairly easily.
3. How did you fill downtime at your last job?
Cleaning,Filling up and prepping for future orders, you never know when a rush point will come in, You have to be filled and prepared for multiple orders.
4. What are your weakness as Cooking chef?
Im a very talkative person , probably if there was less movement in the kitchen i would commence talking lol. Aside from that im not very good filleting fish , but it depends on the fish really.
5. Can You Handle Being Short-Staffed During a Rush?
If you work as a line cook for any restaurant, you will inevitably be forced to deal with a rush of customers all at once. This typically occurs during common mealtimes-breakfast, lunch and supper. As if the rush itself was not crazy enough, you may be required to handle it while you are short-staffed. Your potential employer will want to know how you will perform during a stressful situation. "I will do my best to follow the guidelines and prepare each order to perfection. I am working to hone my multitasking skills so that I can handle the needs of the restaurant during a rush, even if I have little to no help." This answer shows your employer that you will not crumble under stress.
6. Why did you choose this profession as Line Cooks?
Food is my passion and I enjoy experimenting with different flavors.
7. Tell us of some of the duties that you performed every day?
(This question is aimed at finding out how much you know about your work and what experience you have had previously. Be precise but make sure that you provide information of important tasks.)
Station set up, food preparation, stocking, cleaning and some amount of cooking are some of the duties that I performed on a daily basis.
8. How Would You Handle Complaints about Your Food?
No matter how skilled you are, there will always come a time when a customer will be dissatisfied with something you have prepared. Whether or not you feel that you made an error, the customer is always right. You should answer with "I would listen very carefully to the complaint and resolve the issue by anticipating the needs of the customer. I may ask questions to discover the nature of the complaint and take the proper steps to ensure that the error does not occur a second time." No matter how serious or slight the issue, there is always something to be learned. Your interviewer will want to make sure that you will not take small complaints too seriously or more complex complaints too lightly.
9. Share a major achievement you have made as a line cook previously?
I contributed a special sauce recipe to serve with the restaurant's most famous Crisp Fried Fish and it was included in the menu. I also initiated and implemented high quality safe and hygienic work station practices at the restaurant which were highly commended by the sous chef
10. Can You Handle Working with a Coworker You Are Not Fond Of?
Regardless of where or in which setting you work, there will sometimes be an individual with whom you clash. Perhaps you do not see eye to eye or you use different techniques to accomplish the same tasks. In any case, you will need to show your employer that you can handle working with that individual in a professional setting. "My personal feelings about a coworker will not affect my ability to produce high quality food for customers. There is always some sort of resolution that can be reached, and I would work toward that." This shows your interviewer that you are willing to go to great lengths to ensure that the quality of the restaurant will not be affected by your dislike for another employee.
11. If you have different orders and you are on the line alone, how will you manage that?
Depends on the orders and there methods cooked , i would attempt to do them alone , if im in the weeds i either stay calm , breathe , and try to get everything out orderly to feed everyone m or ask for help to a disoccupied chef.
12. How Do You Maintain Safety in the Kitchen?
When you prepare food for the general public, it is important that you keep things safe for not only your customers, but also for yourself and your coworkers. If you have a food safety certificate, this is a great time to present it. At the same time, you can mention some of the safety tips that mean the most to you. Even if you do not have a certificate, you should be sure to list some of the things you would do. "I would ensure that all of the ingredients I use are fresh, I would wear gloves and wash my hands often, and I would always let other employees know if I am walking behind them with a hot dish or pan."
13. First Line Cook interview questions:
Give me an example of a high-pressure situation for Line Cook.
Tell me about a time when you had to give someone difficult feedback.
How do you go about setting goals with subordinates?
How did you get work assignments at your most recent employer?
How did you handle meeting a tight deadline?
Situation where others disagreed with your ideas.
Do you prefer to work independently or on a team?
Always associate your skills and experience with the requirements of the job.
Explain that you are looking for a new challenge, better career prospects or a change of environment. The interviewer wants to find out if you are focused and set goals for yourself.
14. Cooking Interview Questions:
► Imagine you see a product getting low, but you are working on a completely different task. What would you do?
► Tell me about a time at work when you did something without being asked?
► Imagine you need to make a product, but you do not have all the ingredients you need. What would you do?
► Imagine multiple people complained to you about a meal you prepared.
► How would you handle their complaints?
► Describe a time you helped a coworker who was struggling to complete a task.
► Tell me about a fast-paced environment in which you have worked. How did you handle it?
► Describe a time when you had to work with a co-worker with whom you were not fond. How did you handle the situation?
► How long can you stand on your feet without a break?
► What steps do you take to make sure your tasks are completed in the allotted amount of time?
► How important is it to you to keep your work space clean?
► What measures do you take to ensure safety in the kitchen?
► What training (formal or informal) have you had in cooking?
15. Situational Kitchen line cooks interview questions:
► What attracted you to this company?
► How do you evaluate your ability to handle conflict?
► What would make you happy in a job?
► Describe a recent unpopular decision you made.
► Do you have the qualities and skills necessary to succeed in your career?
16. Basic Line Cook interview questions:
► Example when you went above and beyond the call of duty.
► Do you think you are overqualified for this Line Cook position?
► What do you do when your schedule is interrupted? How you handle it.
► How have you changed in the last five years?
► What was the most stressful situation you have facedas as Line Cook?
► What personal weakness has caused you the greatest difficulty in school or at work?
► How do you stimulate the sharing of further information?
Make sure to have a specific idea of where you envision yourself in five, ten and even twenty years.
The interviewer is trying to see how well you would fit in to the position.
Start with the present and tell why you are well qualified for the position.
17. Video Based Kitchen line cooks interview questions:
► How have you changed in the last five years?
► What problems have you encountered at work?
► What was the most important task you ever had?
► What was the most stressful situation you have faced?
► If you were hiring a person for this job, what would you look for?
Don't spend a lot of time on these Kitchen line cooks interview questions.
Emphasize benefits to the company. Be prepared to discuss in detail and with examples your five or six main attributes.
18. Strengths and Weaknesses based Kitchen line cooks interview questions:
► What are you expecting from this firm in the future?
► What is your greatest achievement outside of work?
► Would you rather write a report or give it verbally?
► Tell us about the last time you had to negotiate with someone.
► What do you believe are your key strengths?
19. Competency Based Kitchen line cooks interview questions:
► Describe a situation in which you had to collect information.
► What would you say are your strong points?
► What techniques and tools do you use to keep yourself organized?
► When given an important assignment, how do you approach it?
► How do you feel about taking no for an answer?
20. Face to Face Line Cook interview questions:
► How have you gone about making important decisions?
► What type of management style do you thrive under?
► If selected for this Line Cook position, describe your strategy for the first days?
► Are you willing to work overtime?
► How would you feel about working for someone who knows less than you?
► What are key tasks for Line Cook?
► What were the responsibilities of your last position?
Asking these interview questions helps determine the candidate's ability to learn from successes and failures.
When interviewing, spend a few minutes describing your ideal environment so both sides can make an informed decision. Don't talk about yourself too much.
21. Mix Cooking, Server & Foodservice Worker, Hostess, Dishwasher Job Interview Questions:
► What situations, during the last year, have kept you from fulfilling your job duties and coming to work on time?
► How do you handle situations that could cause tardiness or absenteeism?
► Everybody misses work sometimes. What are some legitimate reasons to miss work?
► During the last year, when your replacement hasn't shown up and your manager asked you to stay late, what percentage of the time have you stayed late?
► What outside situations would affect your dependability on the job?
► Why do you think dependability is important for a restaurant cook?
► When you do not show up for work, how does it affect your co-workers?
► How many unscheduled absences did you have with your previous employer?
► How often are you late for work?
► Where does your employment fall in your list of priorities?
► Do you have your own transportation?
► Could I call your previous employer and ask how your attendance was and what would they tell me about your attendance?
► As a cook, if you see an increase or decrease in customer flow, how do you respond?
► If you see product getting low, what would you do?
► Give an example of a time when you did something without being asked? Can you give me another example?
► How would you handle not having everything in stock that you need to make the product you are assigned?
► What about your character would help you do this job day in and day out?
► The restaurant is busy, you're tired, short-handed and you haven't had a day off in six days. How does this affect your work and attitude?
► Tell me about the hardest job you have ever had? How did it end?
► How many hours can you stand on your feet without a break?
► What would your reaction be if your replacement didn't show up?
► How do you pace yourself through the day?
► What would you do if a 30 top table walked in?
► Are you willing to take on extra tasks or what kind of extra tasks would you be willing to take on?
► How do you handle complaints about meals you have prepared?
► What steps would you take to insure your job is done in your allotted amount of time?
► What would you do if a delivery driver accidentally left double the number of an item that his company charges us a lot of money for?
► Tell me about a time you saw a coworker taking out food they did not pay for?
► If you are shopping and the item you would like is not available in your brand, would buy something else?
► How do handle requests to work a non-scheduled shift?
► How do you respond when your manager changes your shift on short notice?
► How do you handle working with a co-worker you are not fond of?
► What if you get a special request from a customer, what do you do?
► If another work needs help in order to get a job finished on time, what would you do?
► You are cooking for dinner and the convection oven goes out, what would you do?
► Your boss changes the special, what would you do?
22. Behavioral Kitchen line cooks interview questions:
► How long would you stay with our company?
► Are you planning to continue your studies?
► What do you like and dislike about the job we are discussing?
► Give me an example of a high-pressure situation?
► How do you decide what gets top priority when scheduling your time?
23. Informational Line Cook interview questions:
► Give an example of situations when your leadership skills were needed.
► What do you feel is the best educational preparation for this Line Cook job?
► How did you handle meeting a tight deadline?
► Describe a situation in which you had to collect information.
► Do you know anyone who works as Line Cook at this company?
► What salary are you seeking?
► Describe a decision you made that was unpopular and how you handled implementing it.
24. General Line Cook interview questions:
► Do you have the qualities and skills necessary to Line Cook?
► Why are you the best person for this Line Cook job?
► What has been your biggest professional disappointment?
► Describe some ideas that were implemented.
► How long will it take for you to make a significant contribution?
► What was the most important task you ever had?
► What questions do you have for me?
Make sure to have a specific idea of where you envision yourself in five, ten and even twenty years. This is a good time to illustrate how you can contribute to the company if you are successfully recruited. Be careful and be positive. Describe more features that you liked than disliked.
25. Communication skills based Kitchen line cooks interview questions:
► What have you been doing since your last job?
► What relevant experience do you have?
► What do you think this position involves.
► What major challenges and problems did you face?
► Who has impacted you most in your career and how?
Try to avoid specific classifications, whatever it may be.
Discuss any attributes that may set you apart from other job candidates. Answer all Kitchen line cooks interview questions honestly and stay focused throughout the hiring process.
26. Telephonic Kitchen line cooks interview questions:
► When were you most satisfied in your job?
► Can you describe a time when your work was criticized?
► How well did your college experience prepare you for this job?
► Time when you made a suggestion to improve the work.
► What assignment was too difficult for you?
Keep your answer simple, direct and positive.
Don't feel too much pressure as you have been asked many strict questions that you are unable to answer well. The interviewers want to know the real you, the potential candidate they may accept in.
27. Operational and Situational Cooking Chef Interview Questions:
► What kind of formal training have you have?
► How would you describe the difference between broiling and braising?
► What dishes best showcase your creativity?
► What would you do if you were cooking and realized that you didn't have all the ingredients you needed to make a dish?
► What would you do if you were shopping and couldn't find the right brand of an ingredient for your recipe?
► How do you make sure that shift changes go smoothly?
► How do you respond to increases or decreases in customer flow?
► Describe the busiest times at your previous restaurant. How did you go the extra mile to help out?
► What are the least busy times? What do you do with your extra time?
► What would you do if you were on your way to work and your car broke down?
► How would you handle negative feedback from a customer about the food?
► Describe a time you went out of your way to please a customer.
► Describe a time you helped a co-worker finish a job on time.
► Describe a time you disagreed with your manager. How did you handle it?
28. Phone Based Line Cook interview questions:
► Are you good at working in a team?
► Give an example when you had to explain a complex technical issue to someone.
► What is more important to you: the money or the work as Line Cook?
► Give me an example that best describes your organizational skills.
► What's the best movie you've seen in the last year?
► Why do you believe you are qualified for this Line Cook position?
► How would you weigh a plane without scales?
Stay focused on what is critical to the job. Let answers show that you have taken the tithe interviewer. Say something about your interest and how it can help you on the job you are applying for.
29. Foodservice Job Interview Questions:
► How did you fill downtime at your last job?
► What situations kept you from fulfilling your job duties or from coming to work on time at your last job?
► What do you feel is an acceptable amount of days to be absent in a calendar year?
► Think about the last time your manager critiqued your work. How did you respond?
► What about your character makes you a good candidate for this job?
► How have you responded in the past when you found another employee was stealing?
► Priorities often change suddenly throughout the day. If you are asked to quickly do another task, how does that affect your mood? What if it's the third time before noon?
► How do you handle situations that could cause you to be tardy or absent?
► Tell me about your last performance review. What was mentioned about how you could improve? Any re-occurring themes?
► How have you responded in the past when your replacement calls in sick and a substitute will take over an hour to come in?
► 24/7 operations are like relay races where you take the baton, run with it and then pass it on smoothly. How do you make seamless transitions on shift changes?
► During the last year, when your replacement hasn't shown up and your manager asked you to stay late, what percentage of the time have you stayed late?
► Give an example of when you did something without being asked. Can you give me another example?
► Tell me about your most frustrating experience as a __________ (job title). Listen and then ask, how did you handle it?
► Describe a recent problem you had with one of your manager's decisions. Listen and then ask, how did you handle it?
► How many cans of #10 green beans does it take to feed 200 people?
► What kind of formal training have you had?
► Can you show me a sample of your work?
► How do you spend your time when you are not at work?
► If you have to be at work at 5am, what time will you wake up and leave for work?
► There are only ten (10) minutes left to complete your shift. Your cleaning duty is not done, what will you do?
► What would your fellow employees say about your teamwork?
► How do you handle criticism from your manager?
► Tell me about the most recent problem you had with a co-worker and how you responded.
► What would you do if you mess up a recipe?
► What encourages others to talk to you?
► How would you handle a dissatisfied customer towards the food?
► Do you enjoy talking to people regardless of your mood? Can you give me an example?
► What would you do if you knew a fellow co-worker was stealing?
► You have an irate customer at the register, how would you handle this situation?
► How do you handle a situation when things go badly?
► You are stocking and there is only one other worker on the grill. There are 3 customers in line. How would you handle this situation?
► How often do you trade shifts?
► How would you handle a situation where an employee had difficulty following closing procedures?
► Tell me about the last time you had to work past your regular time and how did you handle this?
► Describe the most difficult position you have held?
► If I call your former supervisor, how many days would he/she say you have been absent or late in the last year?
► How do you keep your promises to others?
► Do you pride yourself in being dependable? Can you tell me about it?
► Give me an example of how you handled a complaint from a co-worker.
► Tell me about a big negative event that happened in your life. How did you handle this event.
► What do you think this position requires you to do?
► You have finished your tasks and have 45 minutes left on your shift, but your coworkers are not finished, what would you do?
► If you had extra time on your shift, would you be able to find additional work? Give me any example.
► How do you organize yourself to be more efficient?
► How would you go about making a customer feel welcome in our restaurant?
► How would you handle multiple demanding customers?
► What is the most difficult situation you have faced with a customer and what was the outcome? How would you handle it differently?
► How would you diffuse a situation with an upset customer?
► How do you feel about the philosophy of the customer always being right?
► How would you define a successful server?
► Everybody misses work sometimes. What are some legitimate reasons to miss work?
► Do others like to talk with you? How do you encourage others to talk to you?
► Why have you applied for the position of hostess?
► How do you put strangers at ease?
► Define what hospitality is and what it means to you.
► What qualities do you feel are necessary for the position you are applying for?
► Were you a team player in your last job? Tell me how?
► If we had 100 extra guests, how would you respond?
► How many times in the last year were you late to work, acceptable to you?
► How do you feel about working an extra shift if asked?
► In your last job, what situations kept you from being at work everyday?
► Why do you think dependability is important and give me an example?
► On your last job, what were some of your accomplishments? Choose some of the best and tell me about them.
► Do you participate in any physical activities to keep you in good physical shape?
► Tell me about a time when things were not going well and how you handled it.
► What are the 3 most important details about washing dishes?
► Can you give me an example of how you would accomplish everything necessary in an unusually busy day either at home or at work?
31. Basic Kitchen line cooks interview questions:
► What are you looking for in terms of career development?
► A team experience you found disappointing.
► Have you ever had to deal with conflicting deadlines?
► What steps do you follow to study a problem before making a decision?
► Describe a situation where you had to plan or organize something.
Just try to stay focused on the job you're interviewing for.
A short positive response is best. If you don't know the answer, just be frank and tell them that.
32. Line Cooks Interview Questions:
► What is your background and/or education in this field?
► Do you have any certifications?
► Are you devoted to this as a career, or is this just a job for you?
► Do you have knowledge of generally accepted cooking practices and techniques?
► Why do you think you're the right person to work in this kitchen?
► Are you willing to perform all kitchen jobs if needed, such as dishwasher?
► Do you thrive in a fast-paced environment, or do you prefer when things are slow?
► What is your favorite thing to cook?
► Are you comfortable working as a member of team, even if you're not the leader?
► What are your strengths and weaknesses?
(This is a trick question aimed at determining how well you handle situations that involve peers. You have to show that you are a tactful person and not a telltale.)
If I come across something like this, it is my duty to talk to the responsible individual and explain to him that he needs to report the problem.
34. What about your character would help you do this job day in and day out?
I am a very sociable and communicative person. I like to have good communication with my co workers and always be on the same page to work as a team and have the days production done.
35. What skills do you think a line cook should possess to be successful in his / her work?
(Be careful! The interviewer is trying to gauge if you actually possess all the skills that you are supposed to. Provide detailed information of some of the important skills that you believe a line cook should have.)
The foremost skill a line cook should have is the ability to prepare food in accordance to food handlers' guidelines. He should also possess knowledge of cooking procedures and safety rules for kitchen equipment. Additionally, he must be able to do repetitive work without getting bored and be flexible with job duties that he may is entrusted with.