3. Tell me how would you handle an altercation between two team members?

I always make it a point to listen to both sides of the story before making a decision of what is right and what isn't. I try not to let an altercation affect their work or have a negative effect on guests to whom we have to show a united front.

4. Tell me what do you find rewarding working as a housekeeping supervisor?

There are many aspects that are rewarding about this job. Knowing that your supervision is responsible for guest satisfaction is a great feeling. Also, training others to perform excellently in a team environment and seeing them obtain praise from guests is quite rewarding.

5. Explain how would you calm down a particularly irate customer?

I do not believe in arguing - so I will listen to what he or she has to say first without interrupting. When I know for sure what is bothering him or her, I will try to look for a solution that satisfies the customer and is also within the policies and procedures of my place of work

6. Tell us what is your prime chemical safety concern in your job?

Chemical safety is of the utmost importance for a person working in a housekeeping position. It is important for them to understand the portions in which chemicals need to be mixed and their safe use. This is for both their own safety and that of the guests. My prime concern is that housekeeping personnel should be trained in mixing and using hazardous materials properly and this is the areas where my training is focused on.

7. Explain how do you handle a client who is angry or upset and dissatisfied by your work?

If a client is not happy with my work I apologize and then work on improving my services. I always try my best to understand the client's housekeeping requirements fully and to deliver high standard housekeeping and clients are generally happy with my work.

8. Tell me how would you react if you see misconduct or inappropriate behavior in a fellow worker?

I will report it immediately to supervisor since I would not want the facility or the management to suffer due to an employee's indiscretion.

9. Tell me how do you react if you are asked to perform tasks that are not in your job description?

I am a helpful person, and generally gladly fill in for my colleagues. However if I am continuously asked to perform tasks that are not part of my duty I discuss the matter openly and politely with my supervisor.

10. Explain what measures have you taken to update your knowledge of working as a housekeeping supervisor in the last year?

I have been actively involved in trainings pertaining to leading teams of housekeeping personnel. The basic idea behind my involvement in these trainings is to understand conflict management between workers and to downplay the effects in front of guests.

11. Tell us how do you manage to take on simultaneous tasks as is the nature of any hospitality job?

To be able to multitask, one has to have a clear head. I make sure I get enough sleep before I report to work and I have a habit of not just multitasking physically but mentally as well. If one has to work in a capacity that is so demanding, one has to do a lot of mental computing in order to get the job done right.

12. How long should it take to clean a guest room?
How would you react to a guest screaming at you?

Guests and housekeepers interact often. Your housekeepers must be able to deal with all types of guests-nice or rude.

13. Please explain a time when your work was criticized? How did you handle it?

During my first year of work my supervisor called me once and criticized me for not cleaning the windows properly. I took the criticism positively and improved my window cleaning skills.

14. Basic Housekeeping Interview Questions:

☛ Why have you chosen housekeeping?
☛ What are the key components of housekeeping?
☛ Are you good at multitasking?
☛ How would you handle a client who was angry or upset about something?
☛ What would you do if one of your colleagues was behaving inappropriately on the job?
☛ What were your responsibilities and tasks in your last position?
☛ Why did you leave your last position?
☛ What do you find rewarding about housekeeping?
☛ What do you dislike about housekeeping?
☛ What skills do you have that you feel help you to be a good housekeeper?
☛ What do you think are the most important skills for a housekeeper?
☛ What knowledge do you feel is required for a successful housekeeper?
☛ How comfortable are you with chemical safety procedures?
☛ Can you give me some examples of health and safety procedures you have used?
☛ What types of procedure tracking systems have you used?
☛ Do you enjoy working as part of a team?
☛ How well do you work on your own?
☛ When can you start working?
☛ What hours and days are you available?
☛ Do you have reliable transportation?
☛ What are two words that you would use to describe yourself?
☛ What are two words that your previous supervisor would use to describe you?
☛ What has been your greatest accomplishment at work?
☛ What has been your greatest disappointment at work?
☛ Describe the most productive environment you have worked in.
☛ What would be your ideal working environment?
☛ What characteristics does a great manager possess?
☛ How energetic a person would you say you are?
☛ How energetic would your colleagues say you are?
☛ Have there been times when you have been asked to perform duties that were not in your job description? What did you do?
☛ Have there been times when you have not agreed with a company policy? How did you handle the situation?
☛ Have you ever disagreed with your supervisor about a policy or situation? What did you do?

15. General Housekeeper Job Interview Questions:

☛ What is your concept of a clean house?
☛ What are your hobbies and interests?
☛ What do you consider to be your greatest strengths?
☛ What do you consider to be your weaknesses?
☛ What are your most significant accomplishments?
☛ Do you have a current position and why do you want to leave?
☛ What are your expectations for your next position?
☛ What are your long-range goals?

16. Operational and Situational Housekeeper Job Interview Questions:

☛ How much housekeeping experience do you have? What were some of your responsibilities as a housekeeper?
☛ What's the most challenging aspect of working in housekeeping?
☛ How do you make sure that you complete all the work that is assigned to you?
☛ How long do you think it should it take to clean a guest room?
☛ What precautions do you take when using any kind of chemical cleaners?
☛ What would you do if someone asked you to perform tasks that are not in your job description?
☛ What would you do if you caught a coworker stealing?
☛ Describe a time when you disagreed with a coworker or manager. How did you handle it?
☛ Recall a time when the quality of your work was criticized.
☛ How would you deal with an angry customer?
☛ Have you ever had to apologize to a customer for any reason?
☛ How would you handle special requests from customers? (Extra pillows, soaps, etc)
☛ This work tends to be repetitive. What motivates you to do a good job?
☛ Describe a time someone praised you for a job well done.

17. Fresh Housekeeper Job Interview Questions:

☛ Why did you choose to become a housekeeper?
☛ What qualities do you have that make you a good housekeeper?
☛ What do you enjoy about looking after a home?
☛ Can you tolerate heights?
☛ How many years of experience do you have with house cleaning?
☛ Do you have experience with outdoor cleaning?
☛ Will you wash windows inside and/or out?
☛ Can you and would you be willing to use power washing equipment for windows, etc.
☛ Do you believe in the value of using green products?
☛ Are you knowledgeable about the treatment of different countertops (marble, granite,etc.)
☛ Do you supply your own cleaning materials?
☛ rags
☛ gloves
☛ mops
☛ Are there particular cleaning products that you feel are superior and/or cost efficient?
☛ What do you find the most challenging/interesting part of house cleaning?
☛ Do you have any pet allergies?
☛ Are you willing to work in a home with a dog and/or cat?
☛ Are you willing to work in a home with a smoker?
☛ Are you willing to work while the owners are home?
☛ What are your expectations regarding the condition of the house when you arrive?
☛ clutter on the floor
☛ dishes in the sink
☛ Are you willing to do laundry/ironing?
☛ Will you clean large appliances inside and out?

18. Explain how do you manage to take on simultaneous tasks as is the nature of any hospitality job?

To be able to multitask, one has to have a clear head. I make sure I get enough sleep before I report to work and I have a habit of not just multitasking physically but mentally as well. If one has to work in a capacity that is so demanding, one has to do a lot of mental computing in order to get the job done right.

19. Do you know what are key tasks of a housekeeper?

Typical housekeeping duties includes; cleaning designated, changing linens, damp dusting horizontal surfaces, vents, trash removal, cleaning/scouring sinks, mopping, vacuuming carpets, and washing windows, door frames and other vertical surfaces. There might be other tasks which may be assigned by the employer. I will be pleased to perform all of given tasks beyond my job scope.

20. What makes you a more qualified housekeeper than the other candidates?
What are the most important skills needed to be a housekeeper?
Why do you want to be a housekeeper?

A candidate who is willing to take any job is totally different than a candidate who is hoping that becoming a housekeeper will help them learn more about the hotel business in hopes of one day becoming a hotel manager. Their motivation and quality of work will differ accordingly.

21. Explain how do you manage to complete multiple housekeeping tasks in a single day?

I am good at multitasking and task prioritization. When given multiple tasks for a day I immediately prioritize them and set to work. This strategy almost always helps me in completing the day's tasks no matter how many there are.

22. Tell me how would you handle being asked to re-clean a room?

If the candidate takes offense to being asked to fix their work, think twice about hiring them. An ideal candidate should take the situation as a learning experience and express their desire to improve-rather than being defensive or objectionable.

23. Explain what are your personal strengths that help you as a housekeeper?

My strengths are persistence, patience and organization. These traits support me not only in the role of housekeeping but also in dealing with customers effectively.

24. Why Do You Want This Job Now?

The ideal candidate will be one who expresses interest in growing with the company and learning the business from the ground up. These kinds of housekeepers are going to be the most conscientious because they'll be looking for opportunities to move into positions of greater responsibility. Workers who just need a job may fill a vacancy, but may not be as motivated to do excellent work as those who plan to make a career in the industry.

25. Tell me why did you choose to work on this Housekeeping position?

I have exceptional cleaning skills which make me comfortable while performing different kinds of cleaning and sanitization tasks. In addition, i have a demonstrated ability to preform minor repair and maintenance tasks. Because of these skills, I have the capability to provide exceptional housekeeping services.

26. Tell me what are key tasks for Housekeeping?

Housekeeping includes; cleaning designated, changing linens, damp dusting horizontal surfaces, vents, trash removal, cleaning/scouring sinks, mopping, vacuuming carpets, and washing windows, door frames and other vertical surfaces.

27. Tell me are you familiar with chemical cleaning precautions?

Yes, I am an expert in chemical cleaning and fully understand the precautions to be followed while using any chemical cleaners including ice cleaners. I am capable of reading and following instructions to book that come with various chemical cleaners.

28. Explain why did you choose to work on this Housekeeping position?

I believe that I have exceptional cleaning skills which make me comfortable while performing different kinds of cleaning and sanitization tasks. Because of these skills, I have the capability to provide exceptional housekeeping services.

29. Please tell us something about yourself?

I am a dedicated housekeeper with extensive experience in hotel housekeeping. I am proficient in cleaning rooms, changing the linens, taking out trash and cleaning the bathrooms. In addition, I am competent in clearing off snow from parking areas using manual and chemical procedures.

30. Explain how Would You React to a Guest Who Yelled At You?

Even the most conscientious housekeeper is going to come into contact with a dissatisfied guest. It's part and parcel of the work. An effective interview should include examples of how the housekeeper reacted to disgruntled customers in previous jobs, or, for newcomers to the industry, what they would do when faced with an angry customer. You want to hire an employee who knows the value of listening to a customer's grievances and working to resolve his issues.

31. Tell us how well do you work in a team?

I am good at interpersonal relationships and exercise my effective communication skills when needed to work in a team. I also try to help my colleagues whenever possible which makes me a very effective team player.