1. Tell me A funniest kitchen incident?
Wow, too many to recollect or mention on this site. Although a server once asked me if there was any egg in eggplant. Too funny!
2. Explain In what ways can a chef be creative?
Creativity is crucial for this line of work. You can state that the chef must know the tradition and history of the food s/he works with, as well as numerous ways to combine ingredients. Chefs think and experiment with combinations. They can combine the traditional with the modern, a general taste with a touch of something personal, and create new flavors by trying new ingredient combinations.
3. What individual has had the greatest influence on you?
I think everybody has been overloaded with work its the nature of the food industry.
4. Explain what do you do to stay educated about new trends?
Always try to keep update with the help of Internet, beside most of the new techniques will be learnt at work when you work with other chefs.
5. Explain As a chef, what is your specialty?
I am experienced in cooking many different types of cuisines, including French, Persian, Italian, Indian and Turkish. This makes me a cut above others as not many people can do justice to so many different types of cuisines - 2 or 3 are usually the limit!
Only after I ate my meat.
7. Tell me what do you do for fun?
Golf, snowboard, poker, shooting the sh*t with the boys at the bar, jogging occasionally.
8. Who in the food world do you most admire?
I have respect for Gordon Ramsey, obviously Thomas Keller. All of the great chefs who have helped form this industry. But mainly to the young guns who represent and do what they do all in the name of good cooking.
9. Tell me what are your specialties as a chef?
Describe your specialties in cooking (pastry, sauce, etc.), and your relevant experience in general. You can also talk about anything else you excel at; perhaps your team management skills are especially outstanding, or your knowledge of local tastes, etc.
10. Explain about your leadership abilities?
My leadership abilities are I am a honest leader, I am pretty patient if you are new. I don't like to be a hands off leader. I do have expectations that the job will be done to the standards of the kitchen. I appreciate the guidance of the chef and the help of my coworkers.
I would suggest that you add a couple of organic or diet entrees in your menu. This is because customers are becoming increasingly health conscious and by doing so, you will be catering to an entirely new market, which in turn, will increase revenue as well.
Just outside London, UK.
13. Do you have a favorite wine?
White wine has to be from the Sancerre region in France and Red from the Paso Robles region in California.
14. Tell me are communication and self-presentation important for a chef?
Yes, in more than one way. At one end, the chef has to be an effective team leader; chefs enact discipline and professionalism in the kitchen. Good chefs inspire their kitchen staff. At the other end, the chef might need to communicate with customers and should make the best impression possible in appearance and behavior.
15. What do you like most about being a Sous Chef?
The ability to see different management styles from different chefs and the ability to learn different cuisine styles from different chefs. All of these things help me to grow and become better rounded.
The one main reason that I feel qualified to work for your restaurant is the fact that I have climbed up the kitchen staff hierarchy ladder step-by-step over the last 10 years. I feel that I am now prepared to take up this role as I understand and appreciate the struggle of each stage and can work effectively in providing support.
We were catering a large order of 112 pizzas and ironically ran out of pizza cheese! It was one of the most mortifying moments of my life. Thankfully, I knew of a local cheese supplier who was kind enough to supply me the cheese, provided that I went to pick it up from her. I rushed to her outlet myself. Thankfully, the cheese hadn't run out for the running orders till then and we were still able to prepare them all on time!
18. Tell me what was your greatest accomplishment as as Head Chef?
When guest ask to see me to tell me how wonderful the food I made for them was. Always puts a smile to my face.
19. Tell me what is your greatest strength? How does it help you as a Head Chef?
My palate. It does not matter if I am creating a dish, making one of dishes on the current menu or tasting something one of the line cooks made. As long as I understand the flavors and can pick up on the when I taste, then I will always be useful.
20. Tell me how do you evaluate success?
In the kitchen it would be the food output if its looks good and presented well and the staff is happy food output then its a success.
21. When did you know you wanted to be a chef?
When I was 15. I was fascinated by hotels from a young age and did a work experience at a hotel and the only department I liked was the kitchen. The rest is history.
22. What do you think is the most challenging ingredient to work with?
Typically, something I haven't worked with before proves to be a challenge, only for a few hours though.
23. Explain your typical day as a chef?
Even if you haven't yet worked in a large establishment yourself, you know the chef's routine. Emphasize the nuances of the job to convey an impression of intimate knowledge. For example, ordering food so that there is always enough fresh supply, while choosing it so that the dishes are varied and interesting. It requires knowledge of the qualities of ingredients, as well as familiarity with the market and suppliers. The chef's routine includes the ability to coordinate these administrative tasks with the art of cooking.
24. Please explain how would your former employer describe you?
Out going, very intense, creative and joyous, easy to talk too. Follows directions.
25. Tell me what is your greatest weakness and what are you doing to improve it?
My greatest weakness is getting people to relate to me. Some people it is like we have been working together for a long time. Others it is a little harder to relate with. I want to take some classes on interpersonal communication in the workplace along with some management courses.