1. What are the Install support files on RTEMS?

bash-2.04$ ./installIraAgentTEMS.sh /opt/IBM/ITM
Loading TEMS support without restart requires 6.2 Fixpack 1 or higher and HUB TEMS information passed via -h, -u, and -p.
Restarting TEMS to activate support.
Stopping TEMS...
It can take up to ten minutes.
TEMS stopped...
Starting TEMS...
It can take up to ten minutes.
TEMS started...
Install of K1s TEMS support successful.

2. What are the install support files to TEPS?

bash-2.04$ ./installIraAgentTEPS.sh /IBM/ITM Installing k2s .....
Online help for this agent will not be available until the Help Server is restarted, which also requires restarting the TEPS.

3. What are the pre requisite for Agent Builder?

To install the Agent Builder, you must first install and have running one of the following operating systems:
• AIX 5.2 ML10 x86 (32-bit) or later
• AIX 5.3 ML5 x86 (32-bit) or later
• AIX 6.1
• AIX 7.1
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 + U2 x86 (32-bit) or later
• Red Hat Desktop Linux 4.0 + U2 x86 (32-bit) or later
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0 x86 (32-bit)
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0 x86-64 (64-bit)
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0 x86 (32-bit)
• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 Sp1 x86 (32-bit) or later
• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 x86 (32-bit)
• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 x86-64 (64-bit)
• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 x86 (32-bit)
• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 x86-64 (64-bit)
• Windows Server 2000
• Windows 2000 Advanced Server
• Windows Server 2003 EE x86 (32-bit)
• Windows Server 2003 SE x86 (32-bit)
• Windows Server 2003 Data Center x86 (32-bit)
• Windows Server 2003 EE x86-64 (64-bit)
• Windows Server 2003 SE x86-64 (64-bit)
• Windows Server 2003 Data Center x86-64 (64-bit)
• Windows XP Professional
• Windows Server 2008 Data Center x86 (32-bit)
• Windows Server 2008 EE x86 (32-bit
• Windows Server 2008 Data Center x86-64 (64-bit)
• Windows Server 2008 EE x86-64 (64-bit)
• Windows Server 2008 SE x86-64 (64-bit)
• Windows Server 2008 R2 Data Center x86-64 (64-bit)
• Windows Server 2008 R2 EE x86-64 (64-bit)
• Windows Server 2008 R2 SE x86-64 (64-bit)
• Windows 7 x86 (32-bit)
• Windows 7 x86-64 (64-bit)
• Windows Server 2008 SE x86 (32-bit)
Before you can run IBM Tivoli Monitoring Agent Builder, you must have Administrator authorization for the following reasons:
• Ability to ensure a consistent running environment for the Agent Builder and the agents designed with it.
• Ability to access parts of the operating system, which requires Administrator authorization. The Agent Builder is installed on a development system and is designed for developers who require this type of access
• Before installing the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Agent Builder, uninstall any previous versions. No data is lost when you uninstall.

4. Write the command to verify the agent running status?

Verify Agent Running Status:
Go to /IBM/ITM/bin and run the below command:

bash-3.2$ ./cinfo -r

*********** Wed Sep 28 12:03:30 IST 2011 ******************
User: itmuser Groups: staff
Host name : CNDAUSSDAPZP01 Installer Lvl:
CandleHome: /IBM/ITM
Host Prod PID Owner Start ID ..Status
CNDAUSSDAPZP01 ux 3539062 itmuser 12:03:12 None ...running

Also run the below command to verify the agent has establish the connection with RTEMS

bash-2.04$ netstat -an | grep IP

5. How to configure the Agent?

Login as itmuser and go to /IBM/ITM/bin folder and run the below mentioned command-

NOTE: In the below command the product code ux stands for Unix types of OS that includes AIX, HP Unix,Sun Solaris ect., For linux servers lz should be entered in place of ux. The same product code will be applicable for starting or stopping the agent. For simplicity use ./cinfo –I command as mentioned above to get the exact product code.

bash-2.04$ ./itmcmd config -A ux
Agent configuration started...

Will this agent connect to a TEMS? [1=YES, 2=NO] (Default is: 1):
TEMS Host Name (Default is: <serverhostname>): IP

Network Protocol [ip, sna, ip.pipe or ip.spipe] (Default is: ip.pipe): ip.spipe

Now choose the next protocol number from one of these:
- ip
- sna
- ip.pipe
- 0 for none
Network Protocol 2 (Default is: ip.pipe): ip.pipe
Now choose the next protocol number from one of these:
- ip
- sna
- 0 for none
Network Protocol 3 (Default is: 0):
IP.PIPE Port Number (Default is: 1918):
Enter name of KDC_PARTITION (Default is: null):
IP.SPIPE Port Number (Default is: 3660):

Configure connection for a secondary TEMS? [1=YES, 2=NO] (Default is: 2):
Enter Optional Primary Network Name or 0 for "none" (Default is: 0):
Are you installing this product into a clustered environment [1=YES, 2=NO] (Default is: 2):

KCIIN2569E ERROR: You are not running as root, and rexec is not enabled on this machine,
so your machine boot scripts cannot be updated automatically for you. Please re-run
this configuration session as root, or please manually run /opt/IBM/ITM/bin/UpdateAutoRun.sh as rootAgent configuration completed...

6. What is TCLI?

TCLI(Tivoli Command Line Interface)
• Most of the Tivoli operations can be performed on command line interface.
• Must setup/”source” the Tivoli environment first.
o /etc/Tivoli/setup_env.sh
o %systemroot%system32driversetctivolisetup_env.cmd
o Most commands begin with a w
o Must have the same authorization to perform operations from the CLI or the Tivoli Desktop.
o W+verb+object

7. Give the overview of TMR?

TMR means Tivoli Management Region. It is a set of systems that are managed by one server. Each TME has its unique set of clients. Tivoli does not support more then one TMR at a particular time, but you can interconnect one or more TMRs.
• TMR consist of :
o Tivoli Server
o 1 or more Managed Nodes/Gateways
o Tivoli Management Agents/Endpoints

8. What are the features of Business Service Management?

Business Service Management features the following products:
• IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager.
• IBM Tivoli Service Level Advisor.
• IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console.
• IBM Tivoli Netview.

9. Give the categorization of IBM Tivoli Software Products?

IBM Tivoli Softwares are categorized into six areas:
• Availability
• Business Service Management
• Orchestration
• Provisioning
• Security Management
• Storage and Optimization solution

10. Give the steps to Configure qi agent?

i) Go to /IBM/ITM/config
ii) copy the qi.xmland create a new file as given below-
cp qi.xml <ServerHostname>_qi_<MSGBROKERID>.xml
eg : cp qi.xml CNDAEAI2APZP16_qi_BREIBP5.xml
iii) Edit the new file as shown below-
Enter the Message broker ID in the shown in bold character below

bash-3.2$ more CNDAEAI2APZP16_qi_BREIBP5.xml
<!--Agent performance during startup will be greatly enhanced if the defaultPersistentBrokerData parameter is set to YES.-->
<!--Note: the defaultReplyQueueModel parameter must be set to "SYSTEM.BROKER.INTERBROKER.MODEL.QUEUE" or the name of another permanent model q
ueue if the defaultPersistentBrokerData parameter is set to YES.-->
<!--When agent is not running, the subscription $SYS/Broker/<broker_label>/# and the reply queue used by the agent will continue to receive an
d store broker event messages ready for processing when the agent is restarted.-->
<!--You must ensure that the reply queue does not become full when the agent is stopped. In particular, the reply queue will become full extr
emely fast if snapshot accounting is enabled. -->
<!--The requirements and effects of setting the persistentBrokerData parameter to YES for a single broker are same as setting the defaultPersi
stentBrokerData parameter to YES described in above.-->

<KqiAgent version="700"

11. Give the steps to Configure mq agent?

i) Go to /IBM/ITM/config
ii) copy the mq.cfg and create a new file as given below-
cp mq.cfg <ServerHostname>_mq_<QMANGERNAME>.cfg
eg : cp mq.cfg CNDAEAI2APZP18_mq_QMEIGP6.cfg
iii) Edit the new file as shown below-
Important :
In that following 3 places QManager names need to be added marked in bold
bash-3.2$ cat CNDAEAI2APZP19_sv1_mq_QMEIAP6.cfg
* *
* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM *
* *
* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2007 All Rights Reserved. *
* *
* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or *
* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with *
* IBM Corp. *
* *


iv) Change the file permission

chmod 777 Hostname_mq_QMANGERNAME.cfg

v) configure mq agent using itmcmd command ( normal configuration)
vi) start the instance of MQ

./itmcmd agent -o <QMANGERNAME> start mq

12. What are the VM Ware Environment can be monitored by using VM Ware VIagent?

• VMware Virtual Center 2.5 or later
• VMware ESX Server 3.5 or later
• VMware ESXi Server 3.5 or later

13. What are the VM ware Agent Supported Platform?

VM ware agent can be deployed in the following OS platform-

• Windows Server 2003 Standard (x86-32)
• Windows Server 2003 Standard (x86-64)
• Windows Server 2003 Enterprise (x86-32)
• Windows Server 2003 Enterprise (x86-64)
• Windows Server 2008 Standard (x86-32)
• Windows Server 2008 Standard (x86-64)
• Windows Server 2008 Enterprise (x86-32)
• Windows Server 2008 Enterprise (x86-64)
• Windows 2003 Data Center (x86-32)
• Windows 2003 Data Center (x86-64)
• Windows 2008 Data Center (x86-32)
• Windows 2008 Data Center (x86-64)
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 x86-32
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 x86-64
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0 x86-32
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0 x86-64
• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.0 x86-32
• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.0 x86-64
• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10.0 x86-32
• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10.0 x86-64
• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11.0 x86-32
• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11.0 x86-64

14. What are the pre requisites for ITM VM Ware Agent Deployment?

Pre requisites:

1.1. Hardware :

200MB of Disk Space is required in the client machine to deploy VM Ware Agent v.6.2.1.
1.2. Software:
Software prerequisite to deploy VM Ware Agent is as follows
• IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.2.1 IF3 or later

15. Give the overview about Kul_Configfile Entry?

After completion of the formatting make edit the kul_configfile located in Candlehome/config and make the entry of the custom log file path along with the format command as shown below-
/nim/WAS/profiles/AppSrv01/logs/server1/plugin.log ;n ;u ;a,"%*c%*s %s %d %d:%d:%d %4d %*s %*s %s %*c %s %s %s %256[^n]" , month day hour min sec year system = "CNDAINOTOTZT01 %s" source type class desc
/nim/WAS/profiles/AppSrv01/logs/server1/SystemOut.log ;n ;u ;a,"%*c%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d%*c%*d %*s %*s %s %s %s %256[^n]" , month day year hour min sec source type class desc.

Save, exit and restart Unix log agent.

16. Give some operations on kulmapper.samp file?

bash-2.04$ cat kulmapper.samp
a,"%*c%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d%*c%*d %*s %*s %s %s %s %200[^n]" , month day year hour min sec source type class desc
[6/23/11 18:05:06:063 GMT+05:30] 0000000a WSChannelFram A CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain SOAPAcceptorChain2.The Transport Channel Service has started chain SOAPAcceptorChain2

bash-2.04$ ./kulmapper
a,"%*c%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d%*c%*d %*s %*s %s %s %s %200[^n]" , month day year hour min sec source type class desc
[6/23/11 18:05:06:063 GMT+05:30] 0000000a WSChannelFram A CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain SOAPAcceptorChain2.The Transport Channel Service has started chain SOAPAcceptorChain2
year: 11
month: 6
day: 23
hour: 18
minute: 5
second: 6
source: WSChannelFram
type: A
class: CHFW0019I:
description: The Transport Channel Service has started chain SOAPAcceptorChain2.The Transport Channel Service has started chain SOAPAcceptorChain2

17. Give the brief about monitoring of custom logs and kulmapper utility in ITM?

Monitoring of Custom Logs
Steps : 1) Install Unix logs agent on the host machine where you want to monitor the custom logs.
2) Get the logs and map the same using Kulmapper utility

Using kulmapper utility:
Kulmaaper is a binary file that can be used to map the different fields of a log into ITM standard format. Kulmapper binary is located in Candlehome/bin directory. By default it uses the sample mapping file kulmapper.samp located in Candlehome/config directory. To map a custom log file take a backup of the kulmapper.samp file and enter the format command in the first line and the log file entry in the second line, after that execute the kulmapper binary.

18. For ITM agent upgrade, what agent version should be used?

For itm agent upgrade , we must use below agent version dump as highlighted and shared with you. Here we are using ITM agent version 6.2.2 fix pack 4 dump

For aix 5.3 - ux_06210000_aix526
aix 6.1 - ux_06210000_aix526
aix 5.2 - ux_06210000_aix523

For linux 2.6 32 bit - lz_06210000_li6263
linux 2.6 64 bit - lz_06210000_li6263
linux 2.4 32 bit - lz_06210000_li6243

19. For fresh ITM agent installation, what agent version should be used?

For fresh itm agent installation , we need to use below agent version dump as shared with you:

For aix 5.3 - ux_06210000_aix526
For linux 2.6 32 bit - lz_062100000_li6263

20. Give the steps to install the VMWare agent?

Step 1: Copy the VM Ware Aent support file software dump and proceed as mentioned below-

bash-2.04$ cd /software/itmvm/sup
bash-2.04$ ls
AUTORUN.INF Deploy README.TXT WINDOWS kcirunas.cfg notices silent_install.txt
CZ9N7EN.tar DeployLnk.sh REPORTS install.sh non_ibm_license silent_config.txt unix
bash-2.04$ ./install.sh

Enter the name of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring directory
[ default = /opt/IBM/ITM ]: /IBM/ITM

ITM home directory "/IBM/ITM" already exists.
OK to use it [ 1-yes, 2-no; "1" is default ]? (Press Enter Here)

Select one of the following:

1) Install products to the local host.
2) Install products to depot for remote deployment (requires TEMS).
3) Install TEMS support for remote seeding
4) Exit install.

Please enter a valid number: 1
Initializing ...
International Program License Agreement

Part 1 - General Terms




Press Enter to continue viewing the license agreement, or
enter "1" to accept the agreement, "2" to decline it, "3"
to print it, "4" to read non-IBM terms, or "99" to go back
to the previous screen.

Product packages are available in /software/itmvm/sup/unix

The following products are currently installed in "/IBM/ITM:"

IBM GSKit Security Interface V07.40.27.00 @ AIX R5.2 (32 bit)/R5.3 (32 bit) AIX R6.1 (32 bit)
IBM GSKit Security Interface V07.40.27.00 @ AIX R5.2 (64 bit)/R5.3 (64 bit) AIX R6.1 (64 bit)
TEMS Configurator V07.00.02.00 @ AIX R5.3 (64 bit) AIX R6.1 (64 bit)
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring SOAP Server V06.22.03.00 @ AIX R5.3 (64 bit) AIX R6.1 (64 bit)
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server V06.22.03.00 @ AIX R5.3 (64 bit) AIX R6.1 (64 bit)
Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions V06.22.03.00 @ AIX R5.3 (64 bit) AIX R6.1 (64 bit)
Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface V06.22.03.00 @ AIX R5.3 (64 bit) AIX R6.1 (64 bit)

All agents require that application support files that contain agent-specific information be installed on the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server that the agents will connect to, Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and Tivoli Enterprise Portal desktop and browser client. Install application support before starting to install any Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents.

KCIIN2463W Warning: This installation media does not contain any components which can be run on the current system platform arcPressecture. To install components which can run on this system, please locate the installation media containing files similiar to *aix5*.jar.

Press Enter to continue, or type 'q' to quit: (Press Enter Here)

Product packages are available for the following operating systems and component support categories:

1) Tivoli Enterprise Portal Browser Client support
2) Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server support
3) Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server support

Type the number for the OS you want, or type "q" to quit selection: 3

You selected number "3" or "Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server support"
Is the selection correct [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ? (Press Enter Here)

The following products are available for installation:

1) Monitoring Agent for VMware VI V06.21.00.03
2) all of the above

Type the numbers for the products you want to install, type "b" to change operating system, or type "q" to quit selection.
If you enter more than one number, separate the numbers by a comma or a space.

Type your selections here: 2

The following products will be installed:

Monitoring Agent for VMware VI V06.21.00.03

Are your selections correct [ 1=Yes, 2=No ; default is "1" ] ? (Press Enter Here)

... installing "Monitoring Agent for VMware VI V06.21.00.03 for Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server support"; please wait.

=> installed "Monitoring Agent for VMware VI V06.21.00.03 for Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server support".

21. What are the VM Ware Agent Support File?

Install VM ware agent Support file on each of the following-
• TEPS Desktop

22. State the features of TADDM?

Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager features are as follows: or it gives answers to the following questions:
• What is on the network?
• Is is the network changing with time?
• If it is, what changes are occurring?
• How do the components (servers, applications, and other processes) depend on each other?
• Do all the applications installed on the nodes are as per the security standards?
• TADDM do the discovery of computers, software, and relationships in the various business services applications.

23. Give the command to Check the Agent status?

bash-2.04$ ./cinfo -r

*********** Fri Jan 28 16:22:38 ISt 2011 ******************
User: itmuser Groups: staff
Host name : CNDATADMAPZ02 Installer Lvl:
CandleHome: /IBM/ITM
Host Prod PID Owner Start ID ..Status
CNDATADMAPZ02 ux 114694 itmuser 16:19:59 None ...running

24. Name the various Other ITM Agents installed on unix/linux servers?

ux Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS

um Universal Agent

yn Monitoring Agent for WebSphere

ht Monitoring Agent for Web Servers

mq WebSphere MQ Monitoring Agent

mc WebSphere MQ Configuration Agent

25. Give the steps to start the Instance of MQ agents?

Suppose we got Offline MQ agent as :


Check the agent status first :

bash-2.04$ ./cinfo -r

*********** Fri Jan 28 16:59:07 IST 2011 ******************
User: itmuser Groups: mqm mqbrkrs
Host name : CNDAEAI2APZP04 Installer Lvl:
CandleHome: /IBM/ITM
Host Prod PID Owner Start ID ..Status
CNDAEAI2APZP04_svc1 mc 176582 CNDAEAI2APZP04
CNDAEAI2APZP04_svc1 mq 295460 BREIBP2
CNDAEAI2APZP04_svc1 mq 238186 QMEIBP2

No MQ instance for QMEIBP1 running as can see for QMEIBP2 running above.

Hence , we will try to start the QMEIBP1 instance first with below command

bash-2.04$ ./itmcmd agent -o QMEIBP1 start mq
Starting WebSphere MQ Monitoring Agent ...
WebSphere MQ Monitoring Agent started

bash-2.04$ ./cinfo -r

*********** Fri Jan 28 16:59:07 IST 2011 ******************
User: itmuser Groups: mqm mqbrkrs
Host name : CNDAEAI2APZP04 Installer Lvl:
CandleHome: /IBM/ITM
Host Prod PID Owner Start ID ..Status
CNDAEAI2APZP04_svc1 mc 176582 CNDAEAI2APZP04
CNDAEAI2APZP04_svc1 mq 295460 BREIBP2
CNDAEAI2APZP04_svc1 mq 238186 QMEIBP2
CNDAEAI2APZP04_svc1 mq 30450 QMEIBP1

26. Give the steps To start Universal Agent : um?

bash-2.04$ ./itmcmd agent start um
Starting Universal Agent ...
Universal Agent started
bash-2.04$ ./cinfo -r

27. Write the steps to start TBSM?

1.Stop ngf service
2.update alerts.status set RAD_FilterIDList = '', RAD_ServiceName='', RAD_IsIntermediateFunction=0, RAD_FunctionType=''
3.delete from service_deps table in Omnibus
4.start 104 ngf service first and then start
5.106 ngf service

28. What are the phases of Discovery in ITNM?

Now that the discovery has started, can monitor the progress of the discovery on
the Network Discovery Status page. Use the status in the Discovery Phase field to
determine how the discovery is running:
1. Until the first device is discovered, the discovery phase is Idle/Standby (0).
2. After the first device is discovered, the status changes to Discovering Network
(1). As further devices are discovered, the count in the Processed IP Addresses
field increases.
3. The discovery then runs through the following statuses:
a. Downloading ARP (2)
b. Downloading Connections (3)
c. Correlating Connectivity (-1)
4. After the discovery is completed, the status reverts back to Idle/Standby (0).

29. Explain how to Increase the storage limit for historical performance data in ITNM?

You can increase the storage limit for historical performance data. This enables
Performance reports to display a greater amount of historical data.
The storage limit for historical performance data is set by default to a conservative
value of 5 million database rows. You can increase this value; however, this can
lead to a degradation in the performance of the Performance reports.
To increase the storage limit for historical performance data:
1. Locate the following file:
v UNIX $NCHOME/etc/precision/NcPollerSchema.cfg
v Windows %NCHOME%etcprecisionNcPollerSchema.cfg
2. Find the section that contains the following lines:
-- =========================================================================
-- pruning
-- =========================================================================
create table config.pruning
MAXPOLLDATAROWS long64 not null
-- This defines the maximum number of rows allowed in ncpolldata.polldata.
-- Once the number of rows exceeds this limit the older data will be pruned
-- until close to the limit again.
-- Increasing this number will result in an increase in the data storage
-- size required for historical data and may also lead to a degradation
-- in the performance of reports using this data.
insert into config.pruning (MAXPOLLDATAROWS) values (5000000);
3. Change the value of MAXPOLLDATAROWS..

30. How to Assign poller for MIB graphing in ITNM?

If you have defined additional pollers, and want to assign a poller to handle MIB
graphing, edit the properties file
You must have created the poller that you want to use for MIB graphing before
you edit the file.
To assign a poller for MIB graphing:
1. Open the following file: $TIPHOME/profiles/TIPProfile/etc/tnm/
2. Change the value of the tnm.graph.poller parameter from DEFAULT_POLLER
to the name of the required poller.
3. Save and close the file

31. How to Remove a poller in ITNM?

If a poller is not being used to monitor the network, you can remove the poller
from the monitoring system.
To remove a poller from the monitoring system, you must delete its record from
the NCMonitor Poller table, which removes the record from the Monitor Policy
editor. The ncp_poller process attempts to remove the relevant record from the
poller table and then exits.
Complete the following tasks to remove a poller from the monitoring system.
1. From the Network Manager server, issue the following command.
ncp_poller -deregister -domain [domain_name] -name [poller_name]
Note: When you issue this command, the record is deleted from the
NCMONITOR Poller table.
2. From the Monitor Policy Editor, edit each active policy to use a valid poller.

32. What are Domain specific configuration files in ITNM?

Although in practice there are some files that you are unlikely to need to alter, in
principle all of the following types of files can be made domain-specific:
v Configuration files, that is, all files ending in .cfg
v Discovery agent files, that is, all files ending in .agnt
v Active Object Class files, that is, all files ending in .aoc
v Text-based stitcher files, that is, all files in a stitchers directory ending in .stch

33. How to Setup an additional poller in ITNM?

Set up an additional poller on the Network Manager server if one poller is not
sufficient to handle your network load.
To set up an additional poller for the monitoring system, you must add a record to
the NCMonitor Poller table, which adds the record to the Monitor Policy editor.
The ncp_poller process creates the record in the poller table and then exits.
The poller is automatically installed when you install Network Manager. Complete
the following steps to register a new instance of the poller and automatically start
the poller.

1. On the system where the poller will run, register the poller by entering the
following command.
ncp_poller -domain domain_name -register -name poller_name
2. Edit the CtrlServicesDOMAIN.cfg file.
a. Locate the entry for the ncp_poller process.
b. Copy the entry and change the -name parameter to match the name you
used to register the poller.
c. Save and close the file.
3. Restart the ncp_ctrl process with the specified domain. The ncp_ctrl process
restarts all running ncp_ processes, including the new poller

34. How to Checking process status by running the itnm_status command in ITNM?

On UNIX operating systems, you can check the status of IBM Tivoli
Netcool/OMNIbus, the Tivoli Integrated Portal, and Network Manager by using
the itnm_status command.? steps.
To check the status of all Network Manager components on the current server:
1. Change to the $NCHOME/precision/bin directory.
2. Type the following command: itnm_status
This command displays the status of all of the Network Manager components
that are installed on the server.

35. State the Database Requirements to install TADDM?

• IBM DB2 v9.1, Fix Pack 2
• AIX(64 bit)
• Solaris SPARC(64 bit)
• Linux on System(64 bit)
• Linux x86 (32 or 64 bit).
• Windows (32 or 64 bit) operating systems.