1. Tell me how to debug the report?
Set the profile option Concurrent: Debug Level to 5.
Run the report and get the debug log.
2. Do you know is it possible to run the interface without using oracle apps?
The Oracle standard interface code stays in the oracle apps
database in the form of PL/SQL routines. Without the
database up and running, we can not run the interface code.
After all why do we run the interface, when the oracle apps
is not available.
Result if count(*), count(1), count(0) will be same.
When we use count(*) then
first oracle query executer gets all the rows in buffure
cache, including all column and then counts all the rows.
this will impact with less performance.
select count(1) or count(0)
This reduces unwanted I/O by selecting just '1' against all
the rows.
Best practice to getting rowcount of table is
select count(rowid) from table_name;
4. Do you know where we can check the status of po?
in po_headers_all authorization_status coloumn is their
we can find through this coloumn
select distinct authorization_status from po_headers_all
5. What is pick selection list generation report?
shiping >>release sales order>>release sales order
after releasing sales order
after executing release sales order automatically 3
concurrent programs will run
one of the conc prg is pick selection list
the output of conc prg tells what orders has been booked
There are few reasons that a scheduled order could be
backordered during pick release process.
1. In-sufficient onhand
2. Order might be put as 'Pick release hold'
3. If it's a lot controlled item being involved then some
of the factors will be checking at picking rule setup (like
Lot- expiration date, etc) and tured to 'Backordered'
incase the criteria does not meet.
7. What are the error tables in OM?
In Order ManagementOM) Error Tables are as follows
8. Tell me where we find the status of order information?
Order header status is in oe_order_headers_all table
reference with flow_status_code column and order line
status would be oe_order_lines_all table reference with
flow_status_code column.
9. Explain what are the tables of auto invoice?
10. What is the difference between request group and request security group in oracle apps?
Request group is where the concurrent programs are attached
to which internally make them available under a
responsibility that the request group is attached to. If
request groups won't be there the program will not be
visible to the user who has a responsibilty attahced.
Data group is nothing but the data base user details with
oracle apps connects UI to DB
while defining Parameters you can set range option(in
concurrent prog parameters window).
Select low for from_Date and high for to_Date.Then it will
not allow for from_date > to_date.
12. Tell me how to find the custom directory in front end?
From Application Developer responsibility, navigate to
Application --> Register. Query for the custom application
name. The value in the field Basepath, is the OS system
variable that stores the actual directory info.
you can create two more dummy parameters(like
p2_dummy,p3_dummmy ) and set display property to no.
now set the default value for p2_dummy as "decode
(p1,'a','Y',null) in the same way for p3_dummmy.
now in the valueset for p2 use where $FLEX$.p2_dummy ='Y'
and similarly for p3.
14. How to Create a purchase order without a requisition?
We can create po three ways
(1)required sheet->requisition->RFQ->Quotation->po
(2) required sheet->requisition->po
(3) required sheet-po(with out requisition for po)
we can use rollback operation in exception block
16. What is instead of trigger in where we will use?
Instead of triggers are the procedures that execute in
place of Data Manipulation language (DML)statement on a
for example, if i have INSTEAD-OF-UPDATE Trigger on
TableA,and i execute an update statement on that table,the
code in the INSTEAD-OF-TRIGGER will be executed instead of
the update statement that I executed.
17. How to move the one file from one instance to another instance? And your scripts also?
Using FNDLOAD commands, which creates.ldt files and import
those .ldt files in new instance using same command.