1. What are schedules related to the Indian constitution? the meaning of these schedules?

Indian constitution has 12 schedules. originally we had 8
schedules. a schedule is something like annexure to the
constitution. most of the schedules has lists in it. for
example 8th schedule has list of official languages in

2. What is money bill?

money bill is related to the income and expanditure of the
govt. this may a smallera mount to be passed for any
particular work or it may the budget of govt. At center it
can be produced before loksabha only than in the rajaya

4. What was the criteria to be elected in British parliament for Indians before 15 august1947?

Before leave India british are conditions for India they
have devidend rule post.

6. Which countrys independence day is same with India?

South Korea is the Country which got its official
independence on the same day as India.

8. The Structure of Indian Constitution is?

Basically structure of indian constitution is of 4 types:
4.partly unitary partly federal

9. How to encourage right person in politics or how a entrance exam can be conducted for politicians?

politics isdirect related to society then always select
ecofriendly persons ,who belief that socialism is more
importance the religionism and who accept the change

10. Explain liberty and equality as in the preamble?

liberty and equlity are the two faces of a coin. in our
preamble it is very clearly conveyed that there will be no
discrimination on the basis of caste, religion, race, sex,
colour, place of birth etc...
at the same time it also says that india is a democratic
country where the representives of the people is directly
chosen by the people through adult sufferage meaning, one
person one vote. also the ratio of representatives as per
population is another form of equality. however the
dictinctions have been made for SC,ST,OBC,FEMALES etc.
besides some facts this is positive discrimination.

11. What is work experience?

the work expiriance to have an knowlege of particular work
by teire daily working and for example
A.... working with the telicom company with the engeeniar
job effectivly the A... have an work ex[iriane of the
engeenir's work

12. Explain what is skilled?

krambudh gyan anything

14. What is Public opinion?

The opinion which emerges after analysis of different
opinions and is accepted by a bulk of people.

15. What is Freedom of Press?

Freedom of speech and expression, which enable an
individual to participate in public activities. The
phrase, "freedom of press" has not been used in Article 19,
but freedom of expression includes freedom of press.
Reasonable restrictions can be imposed in the interest of
public order, security of State, decency or morality.

16. How the importance of press has increased in recent years?

To make the people aware about their leaders

17. In India freedom of press is?

It is a part of fundamental Right. i.e. Right to Freedon &
Expression in Atr 19 of consttution of India

19. Explain socialism?

socialism the system of governance in which the major means
of production is owned by the government and the government
itself ensures the equal distribution of resources besides
ensuring that wealth is not accumulated in the hands of few

20. What is main objective of Socialism?

different forms of socalism have different objectives, but
most of them (not all) have distubuting money more equally
between people.

21. To which socialism stands for?

Liberty as well as equality

25. Workers of the world unite: you have nothing to lose except your chains, who said it?

Its a quote from The Communist Manifesto, ussually
attributed to Marx and Engels (thgough Marx was the major

26. What Fascism means?

A bundle of rods

27. Say something about Fascism?

It was formed to oppose Socialism, it believed in the
theory of Corporate state and single leadership and
subordination of women and it has absolute faith in violent

28. What is the main factor that contributed Fascism to rise in Italy

Following factors led to rise of fascism in Italy :-

1. Soaring unemployment
2. Rising price of articles of daily use.
3. The people were fed up with the various political
factions in Italy who were incessantly fighting amongst each
other for their vested interests rather than providing
stability to the nation through a mature and responsible

These 3 factors along with feelings of nationalism and
injustice done to Italy during World War I vis-a-vis denying
her share in territorial possessions (Treaty of Versailles
clause) paved the path for rise of fascism in Italy.
Mussolini's dictatorial ideology provided a rallying point
for the people who gave their full-fledged support ot him
and threw their weight behind the fascist party.

All these factors helped Mussolini to effectively emerge as
the sole powerful party in Italy. After coming to power, he
systematically eliminated all those people/parties who
opposed his views/ideas.

It needs to be noted that the rise of fascists in Italy was
similar to that of Nazis in Germany as in both countries,
the socio-politico-economic situation was same and the Nazis
and Fascists exploited these conditions to their favour and
rose to power.