If this element X combines with another element Y whose electronic configuration is 2, 8, 7 what will be the formula of the compound thus formed? State how did you arrive at this formula?
Submitted by: AdministratorThe element Y is Cl having electronic configuration 2,8,7
so to complete outer orbit and become stable it requires 1
electron So if it accepts 1 electron from Hydrogen (1) or Na having
electronic configuration (2,8,1) then the formula becomes
This will take place only if X is element having 1
electron in its outer orbit
Submitted by: Administrator
so to complete outer orbit and become stable it requires 1
electron So if it accepts 1 electron from Hydrogen (1) or Na having
electronic configuration (2,8,1) then the formula becomes
This will take place only if X is element having 1
electron in its outer orbit
Submitted by: Administrator
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