What is an average day in the field like?

Submitted by: Muhammad
Morning shift...
Unlock the office, switch on computer, while it boots up put the kettle on for a cup of tea.

Check the overnight logs of crime to see if there was any incidents that may need dealing with quickly (assault scenes where a cordon has been put in place, scenes where the weather may destroy evidence etc). If there is, get in touch with any allocated officer (if there is one yet), contact officers at scene and give them an E.T.A.

If no major incidents, check the crime scene log for the scenes that have come in overnight or have been left over from the day before. Check what staffing levels for the CSI office are that day and allocate the scenes. Drink tea. If no immediate scenes (that need attending pronto - such as businesses that will want to get their crime scenes done quick so they can get on with opening for business, or people who are available for a visit straight away) get kettle ready for the CSI officers who are coming on soon.
Submitted by: Muhammad

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