Can You Describe Steps of Creating Test Case Classes in Eclipse?

Submitted by: Administrator
There are detailed steps to create a test case class in Eclipse with JUnit plugin: org.junit_3.8.1.

1. Use the Browse button to search for a different super class. The default super class is junit.framework.TestCase.

2. Check which method stubs you would like to create. You can create a main method, setUp(), tearDown(), or a constructor(), but all of these are optional. A constructor is only run when the test case class is first instantiated, but the setUp() and tearDown() methods are run before and after, respectively, each test case is run.

3. You can browse the application that you are creating for a class that you wish to test, or this could be left blank if you will generate the class while creating while creating the test.

- If you selected a "Class Under Test" you can click the Next button, otherwise click Finish. You will be able to select which methods in the class under test that you want to write test cases for. The method signatures will be created for you. Click Finish. The new test case class will be open in the editor.

- This test class demonstrates the basic functionality of the setUp() and tearDown() methods, and gives example test cases. The testForException() method demonstrates how to test that an exception is properly thrown.

Note: All source methods in the class under test must be public or protected, not private, in order to be tested by JUnit. If the method in the class under test is private, the test class must be in the same package.
Submitted by: Administrator

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