Can you explain electricity at atom level and if possible show some diagrams please

Submitted by: Administrator
If you look at the classic Bohr model of the atom (from 1913), you have electrons orbiting around a nucleus of protons and neutrons. Normally there are as many electrons (negative charge) as protons (positive charge), so the net charge of the atom is zero. The various shells or orbit radii of the model have different characteristics as to how many electrons they are happy having orbiting in them. The first shell likes 2 max, the 2, and 6, etc. If there is one less electron that what the outermost used shell considers full, it will happily take on another electron, even if this unbalances the charge. If it has just one electron in a shell, it would happily give it up even if it unbalances the charge. Copper, one of the best conductors of electricity, has 29 electrons, which means in its 4th orbit, it has one electron. It is easily taken away by something pulling on it. In fact, if you put a bunch of copper atoms together, there is a cloud of electron sharing with that one electron moving from atom to atom, and others taking its place.
Submitted by: Administrator

Electricity is current flow, and current flow is the movement of electrons. In a copper wire, if you push the electrons with some electro-motive force, they will flow and make a current. A battery has chemicals in it that push electrons with a chemical reaction. A generator pushes electrons with a magnetic field. A solar cell pushes electrons when photons hit a certain material and knock electrons off. If you push electrons through something that does not want to give up its electrons, it will resist and give off heat or light when electron flow is forced upon it. This all gets very complicated in the details, but it explains heaters, LEDs, and incandescent lights, etc. A moving electron flow creates a magnetic field, which explains motors and electromagnets. Energy is therefore passed by moving electrons through a wire, a very convenient effect for the world.
Submitted by: Administrator

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