1. Described Pareto Analysis?

It is a decision making technique, also known as 80/20 rule. It is used for quality control and defect resolution. It explains few factors that can be responsible for big problems. It is named as 80/20 rule, because as per this rule, 80 % effects in the system, arises from 20 % causes.

2. Described BCG Matrix?

The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix is developed to analyze several of business processes and new product offerings from companies. It is a useful tool that can be used in portfolio analysis, strategic management, product management, and brand marketing.

3. Define swimlane in Business Analysis?

A swimlane is related to group activities on an activity diagram.

4. Which types of actor can be there in a Use-Case?

There are primary and secondary actors. Primary actors start the process and secondary actors assist them. Moreover, actors can be of four types such as Human, System, Hardware and Timer.

5. Described Pair-Choice Technique?

The pair-Choice Technique is used to give priority to various items in a process. It is mainly used when distinctive stakeholders are involved in the project. This technique asks from the group to compare each item with the other and select the one having highest priority.

6. How many key areas are there in a Kano Analysis?

They are three in number, namely as Unexpected Delighters, Performance Attributes and Must Have Attributes.

7. What is Kano Analysis?

Kano Analysis is used to analyze a system in terms of its requirements to identify its impact on customers' satisfaction.

8. List the five basic elements' categories in BPMN?

They are Flow Objects, Data, Connecting Objects, Swimlanes and Artifacts.

9. Explain about Agile Manifesto?

Agile Manifesto is a guide for software developers about the development principles to ensure iterative solutions.

10. Described BPMN Gateway?

BPMN Gateway is a processing modeling component that is used to control flow of interaction, sequence of processes.

11. BPMN stand for?

It is Business Process Model and Notation. It is a graphical representation of business processes.

12. Define mis-use case?

It is a term derived from use-case. Unlike use case, a mis-use case is something that shows -what kind of malicious activities can be performed by an actor that may result in system failure.

13. SQUARE stand for?

SQUARE stands for Security Quality Requirements Engineering. It is one of the software engineering steps that mainly focus on documenting the security requirements of the system.

14. Described 8-omega?

It is a business framework that is mainly being adopted by firms and organizations for the betterment of their business. Its key factors are Strategy, People, Process, Technology.

15. What is a 100-point method?

This method is used to assign priority to different steps in a process. Each group member is supposed to assign points to different steps. In the end all the points for each step are calculated. The step having the highest points has the highest priority.

16. FMEA stand for?

It means Failure Mode and Effects Analysis. It is a failure analysis, that is used mainly in product development, system engineering and operations management. This analysis is performed to figure out various failure modes and their severity in any system.

17. Described Pugh Matrix?

Pugh Matrix is used to decide about the most optimal and alternate solutions. This technique is now a standard part of Six Sigma technique. It is also known as problem or design matrix.

18. Define OLTP Systems?

OLTP stands for On-Line Transaction Processing; such systems are capable to perform database transactions and are meant to provide good speed for database transactions. These systems are mainly used for data entry and retrieving data from the database.

19. Described database transaction?

When we perform any activity in a database, such as addition, deletion, modification, searching etc. is said to be a database transaction.

20. Described Application Usability?

Application usability is actually the quality of the system that makes the system useful for its end users. System's usability is good if it is capable of achieving users' goals. Personas are basically social roles, performed by any actor or character. It is derived from a Latin word meaning character. In marketing terminology, it represents group of customers/end users.

21. Described Personas?

Personas are used instead of real users that assist developers and technical team to judge the user behavior in different scenarios, more clearly. Personas are basically social roles, performed by any actor or character. It is derived from a Latin word meaning character. In marketing terminology, it represents group of customers/end users.

22. Described centered design methodology?

It all depends on the end users. In such scenario, we develop the system with a user's point of view. Who are the end users, what they require etc. Personas are basically social roles, performed by any actor or character. It is derived from a Latin word meaning character. In marketing terminology, it represents group of customers/end users.

23. What is better, the spiral model or waterfall model?

It all depends on the type and scope of the project. Also a life cycle model is selected on the basis of organizational culture and various other scenarios to develop the system.

24. Which steps are required to develop a product from an idea?

You have to perform, Market Analysis, Competitor Analysis, SWOT Analysis, Personas, Strategic Vision and Feature Set, Prioritize Features, Use Cases, SDLC, Storyboards, Test Cases, Monitoring, Scalability.

25. Described SaaS?

SaaS means Software as a Service. It is related to cloud computing. It is different from other software as you don't need this type of software to be installed on your machine. All you need is an Internet connection and a Web Browser to use it.

26. What are extends?

Extends are actions that must take place in a use case.

27. What are exceptions?

These are the unexpected situations or results in an application.

28. Described alternate flow in use case?

It is the alternative solution or activity in a use case that should be followed in case of any failure in the system.

29. INVEST stand for?

INVEST means Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Sized Appropriately, Testable. It can assist project managers and technical team to deliver quality products/services.

30. Explain the difference between Business Analyst and Business Analysis?

Business Analysis is the process performed by the Business Analyst.

31. What are the name of two types of diagrams heavily used in your field?

The two diagrams are Use Case Diagram's and Collaboration Diagram.

32. List the two document's related to a use case?

The two documents are FRD (Functional Requirement Document) and SDD (System Design Document).

33. Which tools as a business analyst you think are more helpful?

There are many but I mostly use, Rational's Tools, MS Visio, MS Word, MS Excel, Power Point, MS Project.

34. Which kind of documents you have created In your previous experience?

I've worked on, Functional Specification Documents, Technical Specification Documents, Business Requirements Documents, Use Case Diagram etc.

35. UML stands for?

It stands for Unified Modeling Language