1. List the steps to do to use Alerts in BO?
Alerts are used to alert some part of the data if any change occurs.
select the part of the data in the report where u want to keep alerts n just click on alerts in the tool bar which is present in the third line from menu bar besides rank
then a window pops up n we ca n give some condition where in if it crosses that an alert is sent.
Alerts means highlights the data.
1. select the cloumn/row
2. apply the alert that is available in tool bar
3. provide the necessary condition
4. Apply it
You can do Load testing for Webi Reports using Load runner tool.
1) Install loadrunner in your system. ( to use loadrunner you need admin rights).
2) Generate loadrunner scripts.
3) Use controller(which is present in loadrunner) to get the results.
Using loadrunner tool you will get these results:
a) Maximum Running Vusers: 50 ( Given by the testing person, you can increase virtual users if you want)
b) hits per second.
c)Average response time for every transaction like login,click on the particular link,logout etc.,
d) Errors per second.
e) Connections per second.
3. Explain difference between union and group?
The difference between union and group is as follows:
★ Take two tables t1 and t2.
★ In t1 we have columns like a,b,c,d. and t2 has a,d,e,f.
★ Ao union means t1 union t2 i.e getting result from both tables i.e a,b,c,d,e.,f
★ Where as group performs on a individual column in a particular table.
Repository means set of database tables, Business object store security information e.g user, group, access permission, user type etc. , universe information e.g. objects, classes, table name, column name, relation ship etc.and document information
it is centralized and set of data structure that can be stored in databases.basically repository can be made up by 3 domains.
5. Described about report template in B.O?
Report Template is a specimen for your future reports.
You create a report from scratch, say make it Master-Detail Report with charts, put your company logo, add some default colors(something like same colors your company uses for its documents, webpages etc.) & then save it as BO Report Template file.
Next time when you are creating new reports, & select use Templates option, your report saved as template will be listed in the box. If you select it, your new report will automatically use all color formats, & table-chart structures, logo....whatever you used in your template report file.
Advantage : 1 time devaelopment of display & structure format, for multiple reports use. i.e. Time Saving. No need of formatting for all standard reports.
6. Explain the difference between ZABO and webi?
ZABO is zero administrator businessobjects , which will be installed on your local m/c when any full client report in opened/edited from infoview . For this you don't require any BO mainkey , key will be installed from BO server.Webi is also called as thin client , where -in you are create BO reports on web browser . Reports are only based on Universe.
Cartesian product is getting incorrect results.
for instance if we have a cham trap or a fan trap n we din't solve them after checking the integrity also we get duplicate results of the same record ie nothing but cartesian product.
we have customer,orders,loans classes
orders for one product if the product_price is 150$ it will appear twice in the report due to traps bcoz of the cartesian product thats why to solve the cham trap we create context and in order to solve fan trap we create alias table.
We can do this in three ways:
1.alphabetical order-prompts will appear in alphabetical order
2.numeric order-prefix number and they will appear in numeric order
3.date order-prompts will appear date wise
it depends on the type we choose in prompt syntax
9. Which versions are used in the BO dashboard work?
Bo XI R2 versions is used in the BO dashboard work.
10. Which steps to taken to schedule the report?
As far as i know we schedule the reports through broadcast agent.
To get good name , fame n earn well amt is top business.
The DENSE_RANK function computes the rank of a row in an ordered group of rows. The ranks are consecutive integers beginning with 1. The largest rank value is the number of unique values returned by the query. Rank values are not skipped in the event of ties. Rows with equal values for the ranking criteria receive the same rank.
The DENSE_RANK function does not skip numbers and will assign the same number to those rows with the same value. Hence, after the result set is built in the inline view, we can simply select all of the rows with a dense rank of three or less, this gives us everyone who makes the top three salaries by department number.
Give me the set of sales people who make the top 3 salaries - that is, find the set of distinct salary amounts, sort them, take the largest three, and give me everyone who makes one of those values.
SELECT deptno, ename, sal,
PARTITION BY deptno ORDER BY sal desc
) TopN FROM emp
WHERE TopN <= 3
ORDER BY deptno, sal DESC
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
10 KING 5000 1
CLARK 2450 2
MILLER 1300 3
20 SCOTT 3000 1 <--- ! (in case of rank JONES will have 3 and dense rank will have 2)
FORD 3000 1 <--- !
JONES 2975 2
ADAMS 1100 3
30 BLAKE 2850 1
ALLEN 1600 2
30 TURNER 1500 3
13. Can you execute the plsql procedure from the report by clicking with mouse?
We can select either tables or procedures or views as our data to generate our reports.In the designer in bo's we can select tab "insert" n select the particular data source for generating the report through mouse click.
14. Which three things do you consider to be the most important factors for a Executive?
1. Motivation factor
2. Team leader quality
3. Risk handler
15. Is there any other repository domains rather than universe, security, document?
No there are only 3 repository domains for BO 6.5 i.e universe, security and document.
16. Is there any tool that can compare two Unvs / two Rpts , built using BO 5.1 / BO 6.5?
There is no such tool available yet for comparing Universes/Reports. The best way to compare Universes is to do check intergity constraints & the compare the outputs.
17. What is derived table in data warehousing?
It is similar to views,it is mainly used to restrict the datas.
18. Which steps to be taken to schedule the report?
You can schedule any report using Business Objects (reporter) .1) Open report in BO2) Select option " File->Send To- BCA"3) Select the BCA name to which report has to be scheduled4) Set other options for report scheduling like time , any macro , user etc.
19. Described Alerts in Bos, Under what situation we need to use alerts?
Here alert means to highlighted data in a particular report.in every report we can apply alerts situtation like, sales revenue per city wise.here city field we can apply alert,condition like sales revenue >=50,000.
20. How many universes can be created in a project?
We can create any number of universe, but at a time we can open only one universe, generally number of universes should be equal to number of sub-domains.
21. Described about thumbnail?
BusinessObjects Enterprise lets you preview a report using thumbnails. You can request the server to take a snapshot of the first page of the report and return it to the browser as an image file. This image can then be displayed as part of the Report Details page.
To retrieve a thumbnail, a separate page needs to be created because the code that writes an image to the screen erases any text that may have previously been there.
22. How to generate the report from excel sheet?
Start BO,
Select "Others" on Data Providers wizard page,
from drop down menu, select "ersonal data files",
specify file location & check the box "First Row contains Column names" this will help you in creating Objects.
click Ok.
Start building your reports...
23. Can you please explain the difference between condition & filter?
Conditions: these retrievals the data based on the condition (universe level)Filter: it brings the data and filter; performance will be slow (report level)
Filters - are used to restrict the number of rows in the output.
Conditions - It wont reduce the Number of Rows, but you can show up data based on some validations.
For Eg: select cust_id from customer where cust_name like 'A%'
Filter is Cust_name like 'A%'.
Condition is also applied at report level.
24. When we use aggregate awareness function in designer?
1. In order to solve fan trap in busines objects we either create alias table or aggregate awareness function
2. Through aggregate navigation we can also select the compatable as well as incompatable objects
Ex:-year, quarter, month, week, day
year:-quarter, month, week, day are compatable objects
quarter:-year?class is incompatable and month, week, day are compatible.
3. We specify the objects in descending order.
25. Explain difference between compatible and incompatible objects?
We can select or choose compatable n incompatable objects through aggregator navigation in the designer.
with this method the performance increases tremendously.
instead of checking for each n every object only the compatable objects are only looked for aggregate awareness.
year:-month,quarter,week,day are compatable but customer class is incompatable.
26. How we drill up week to Month?
In data Warehouse when u change + symbol to - , u would c all the aggregation level in that + this is called rolling down.
So if u again click over that - it would again compressed back to +. This is call drill up.
your Aggregation levels woudl b like
So by changing the symbol from - to + at month aggregation level u can drill up.
Object store is nothing but the container of object which is created after rpt file run once.
28. Explain difference between detect alias and detect context?
We should use Detect Aliases and Detect Contexts to formally identify and resolve loops.
i.e.if a loop contains only one lookup table then the loop can be resolved by detecting the alias.
if a loop is having 2 or more fact tables(multiple fact tables) then the loop can be resolved by detecting context
Detect alias: resolving fan trap
Detect context: resolving chasm trap
29. Would you consider as your biggest achievement and why?
THOUGH my biggest achievement is still to be achieved ,and that would be if I am able to give all the happiness to my family along with a reputed professional position.
30. Explain the difference between custom hierarchy and report based hierarchy?
By default one class having one hierarchy ie called report hierarchy.Custom hierarchy we can create in designer according our req.
31. Is there any default username & pwd for BO designer & supervisor?
When we install Enterprise Server, by default if we dont specify any password then it create "Administrator" userid with no password.
32. Explain the difference between slice and dice and cross tab report?
Cross tab report is like at the intersection of 2 dimensions measure is displayed.like if we have two dimensions year and product and a measure revenu,revenue is displayed at the intersection of year and product.
33. Explain the difference between BoXIR2 and BOXIR3?
1) XIR3 can use Excel document as a data provider which was not possible in XIR2.
2) We can open XIR2 universes using XIR3 Designer but XIR3 universe cannot be opened using earlier versions of designer.
34. How to schedule the report in B.O?
We can schedule the reports through broadcast agent.
If some part of the data in your report is sensative, you can't risk sending the whole report to everybody, even to those who need to see the least sensative part of report !
Solution is Report Bursting.
You can send reports to BCA for scheduled processing & distribution to users based on THEIR profiles (profile = user rights) & not based on your profile !
BO 5 & WebI 2.5 procedure to do this :
Open the document, click "Send to BroadCast Agent" on Doc Exchange toolbar.
In Actions tab select "Refresh with the Profile of Each Recipient"
In the Distributions tab select "Distribute via the Business Objects Repository. ONLY OPTION to enable you for Report Bursting)
click To, select recipients,
Schedule it & OK.
In WebI 2.5...........
in Refresh options Select Scheduled Refresh & click send
on Scheduling Options, Set "Refresh According to the profile of each recipient" to Yes & OK.