How would you hold your boss to the promise for a pay raise?
Submitted by: AdministratorIf the answer was yes, the final hurdle may be actually receiving the raise. Back-pedaling or even simple forgetfulness are always possibilities. Do not jump to conclusions if the raise does not go into effect right away. Things do go wrong: your boss might encounter resistance from the higher-ups or face budgetary problems, etc.
☛ Making your boss feel bad about reneging (for example, mentioning someone you know who asked for a pay raise only to have a boss take it back and how staff morale plummeted). This will have to be done subtly and with tact.
☛ Ask when your boss will implement the pay raise. A subtle way of doing this might be to ask if there is anything you need to sign to put it into effect.
☛ Go one step further and tell your boss: "I guess that you will have this arranged by the end of the month after you have approved the paperwork," etc. This puts a plan into action so that he or she does not have to.
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☛ Making your boss feel bad about reneging (for example, mentioning someone you know who asked for a pay raise only to have a boss take it back and how staff morale plummeted). This will have to be done subtly and with tact.
☛ Ask when your boss will implement the pay raise. A subtle way of doing this might be to ask if there is anything you need to sign to put it into effect.
☛ Go one step further and tell your boss: "I guess that you will have this arranged by the end of the month after you have approved the paperwork," etc. This puts a plan into action so that he or she does not have to.
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