1. Is there any feature like summing total in crystal report?
Yes, There are options in crystal reports for summing up
the records. You can sum the records by group , or by grand
total. There is also another feature for summing up
is "Running Total". You can just insert running totals, or
summaries by just using the icons or you can write your own
2. What is caching? What are the different types of caching?
I don't know how this question can be answered interms of
crystal enviroment. Anyhow I know somethig abt caching,
There are many servers comes along with your CRS suite, BO,
or Crystal Enterprise suite.
All these servers run behind crystal reports to run and
publish the reports successfully. Maintaining all these
servers is kind of amin job.
Below are the list of servers that work together to make
Crystal reports a successfull pack:
1) Input server(File repository Server)
2)Output server(File Repository Server)
3) Cache server
4) destination job server
5) event server
6)list of values job server
7) page server
8)program job server
9) RAS(Reports Application Server)
10)report job server
11)CMS(Central Management Server)
3. Does Crystal Report support all the functions that we have in Oracle?
No its not supporting all the functionalities or oracle
like triggers, cursors etc.
4. Can we use stored procedure for creating the report?
Yes we can use stored procedure for creating the report
with the help of Add commoand.
5. Can we add any database field once we have chosen Close button?
Yes, go to the main menu on the top of the window..--
>Database-->database expert..through this you can add any
d/b fileds.
6. What are the sections that we have in Crystal reports?
Report Header, Page Header,Detail section,Report Footer,
Page Footer.
7. Can we use our own SQL for creating a report?
We can use our own sql by add command funtion in to the
crystal reports.
8. Can we create report using more than one database?
We can create the report but we must having the primary
key for both the database, otherwise it fails to create the
smart linking between two database.
Generally using more than one link is not supported.
9. Can we export data of reports into other format like in world doc etc?
We can export the data in Word doc. Adobe Acrobat,
HTML,Excel,Rich Text format,XML.
10. How do we format field?
How do we connect to the database?
Go to Field explorer-right click on any of the filed
like formula field,Database field,special fields,Formula
field, running total field etc.
Using Database expert-->Current connection-->OLEDB
Connections-->Microsoft OLEDB SQL SERVER OR choose whatever
the database like oracle,sql server,sybase..etc..
-->will get another window with server info.address. and
login information.
11. Can we use Crystal report as a stand-alone application?
Generally we use Crystal Reports with VB6. However we can
make crystal report stand-alone application also. But for
that limitation is for viewing the report user should have
crystal reports installed on his/her PC.
12. How to "Print" in Crystal Reports while using ASP DOT NET Platform?
Method 1
You can use Business Objects toolbar which comes with
crystal report viewer control in ASP.NET.
enable the toolbar and you can see options for printing.
Method 2
Finally you crystal report will be shown in ASP.net page
as HTML so you can print you html page using Javascript
Advantage of having Crystal report:
Say if you have billions of data and you need to
group/sum the data then Crystal reports is the tool
to use to do the calculations and other business login in
easy and professional way.
You can provide drilldown options, hyperlinks to the
data, alert the user based on the data, pictorial view of
the data using Graphs and all these thing you can do it on
Disadvantage of using ur own reports:
You need to code for each and everything in your report
and which needs more time.
14. What is OLAP grid? Where it is used?
Use the OLAP Grid command to insert an OLAP Grid into your
report. When you choose the OLAP Grid command, the OLAP
Expert appears. The term OLAP is used to refer to all common
forms of OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) and
multi-dimensional data storage and access systems.
15. How many different types of reports we can create in Crystal reports?
We can create report types like
3.Listing Reports
Moreover you can create your own report format and make it
as template for your other reports in Crystal.
16. What is subreport? In one report maximum how many subreport we can insert?
Subreport is like the main report however the values from
the subreport can be passsed to the main report. If we wish
to link the subreport to the main rport then it is called
as a 'Linked Sub report' else it is a 'Un linked Sub
report'. Any number of sub reports ca be placed in a main
report. However the maximum number being 256. In practise
you would never have so many sub - reports in a main
17. In one subreport how many subreport we can insert?
No. in Sub Report we cann't insert subReport.
18. How many types of subreport are there?
There are three types of subreports
a.Unlinked Subreport
ie the subreport doesn't depend on the main report
at all.
b.Linked subreport
A linked subreport is handy when we need to display
related data elements from more than one database table on
a report
c.On-Demand Subreport
If your report has a section that handles a large number of
records, you can put that section into an on-demand
subreport. An on-demand subreport appears as a hyperlink in
the primary report. When you open the primary report, no
data is retrieved for the on-demand subreport until you
drill down on the hyperlink.
19. How can we change the Hierarchi of group? and for parameter also?
Group: To change the group using chang group option. or
goto the group expert we can change the group.
Parameter: To set the parameter order. To change the
parameter value goto edit menu.
20. What is the section expert? Why we use it?
A section expert is used for the entire section, it could
be the details section or the header section. Once you
change the settings in the section expert it can be seen
through out the section. if we want to make sure that a
specific data has to be displayed in the entire setion ,
then you can write a formula for that in the section expert
which will work good for all the sections.
21. Can we stop the database null values? How?
1. Go to Record!Selection formula.
2. Record!In the formula workshop.
isnull({Customer.Address2}) = false // Customer.Address is
the field
22. How to create diff. types of templates?
Basically, what is a template.....a set of object frames
placed in a way that suits most of the requirements of day
to day office work.
To create a template, u can either develop a variation from
the existing templates of the Crystal reports Suite or open
a saved report, , in the new report u r creating, click on
the template expert and choose template from existing file.
the template, that is the object frames and not the data
will be copied to the new report u r developing.
even , now u have the liberty to make changes, and save
them for future use as template!
So u can literally create as many differnt types of
templates as u like through all the templates already
available or the reports u created from teh scratch.
23. How to know the time taken for particular report execution?
menu - performance information. it gives all the details
24. What is the difference between running total and sub-total?
running total is line by line total
Ex : Debit credit Balance
the balance is the running total
sub total is after last record
exp : Debit Credit
The balance us sub total
25. How to performance tune reports?
For tuning of reports we can use the following ways
1 Check the option Perform grouping on Server, Use indexes
or server for speeds.
File>Report Option>Perform grouping on Server.
File>Report Option>Use indexes or server for speeds.
2 Instead of joining DB tables on report , use add command
option. Put all the filters, Prompts in SQL command. This
way report will run faster.
3 Uncheck option save data with report.
File>Report Option>Save data with report.
4 If report contain Many Sub reports, use a prompt which
ask whether you want that particular data or not. If Use
chooses no, then that prompt's data value should be in
Report selection criteria of report. based on that value do
coding to not to get data on report.
Crystal Dictionaries are simply Database Views. All we can
suggest is you open the Cr Dictionaries in the Dictionary
Designer to get the info out and then you'll have to create
a new report. There is no way to convert a report that used
a Dictionary to hit the database directly.
1) As dc5 files were never meant to be used in any
development at all, I would be surprised is this worked
without issues
2) As CR 8.5 and dc5 have been out of support for close to
7 years, it will be quite hard to find anyone that has any
expertise in this
3) You are using the Report Designer Component
(craxdrt.dll) in .NET. The RDC has not been tested in .NET
and as such is not supported in .NET of any version
27. Is it possible to design report layout in crystal reports without Database info?
Yes, It is possible design report layout in crystal reports
without Database info. There will be no database connection
and only the template will be there. We can add date, text
field etc. in the report.