B. Configure PropertyCache to be a server-activated Singleton object.
D. Derive the PropertyCache class from MarshalByRefObject and override
InitializeLifetimeService() to return null.
B. http://XYZSrv/AppPath/WeatherService.asmx/RetrieveWeather?cityname=somecity
D. Attach the debugger to a Dllhost.exe process.
Set a breakpoint on the CreateNewSession method.
B. Add a data relation to myDataSet on OrderID between Customers and Orders.
C. Dim filePermission As New
FileIOPermission_(FileIOPermissionAccess.Write, ?C:EXServiceLog?)
D. Install EXPatientinfo in an Internet Information Services (IIS) virtual directory.
Configure EXPatientinfo to use an HttpChannel and a SoapFormatter.
Configure IIS to use SSL.
D. Set the CacheDuration property of the WebMethod attribute to an interval greater than zero.
C. Set the current thread?s CurrentCulture property to each culture locale before calling the
Scheduler methods.
A. Create an XSD schema that defines EXDataSet.
C. Create a class for EXDataSet that is based on the schema and that inherits from the DataSet