C. Modify the application to authenticate and authorize user access within each assembly as it is
A. Create a new application domain and set the security policy level. Run custom components in
this application domain.
B. Use permission class operations to modify the security policy.
B. Validate all incoming data character lengths at the business layer.
D. Modify the user interface to prevent users from entering data above the maximum character
C. Deploy the application to a Windows XP Professional computer and a Windows 98 computer.
Log on to each computer by using a domain user account that is a member of only the local
Power Users group.
B. Ask the network administrator to configure the IIS directory security to Integrated Windows
D. Set the authentication mode in the Web.config file to Windows.
E. Set the impersonation attribute of the identity element in the Web.config file to true.
D. Ask a domain administrator to create three domain user accounts for examing.
Place one account in each of the three user groups that will run the application.
Exam the application three times, logging on to your computer by using a different exam
domain user account for each exam.
D. Modify the security policy to grant the application the FullTrust permission.
D. Run the application by using the runas command and specify a user account in the local
Administrators group.