1. What is the term BOM?

BOM stands for Bill Of Materials; it is a list of item or parts that makeup a product assembly. For example, a lawn mower requires a handle assembly, metal deck assembly, a control assembly, motor and blade assembly.

2. Tell me what is QMS?

QMS stands for Quality Management System; it documents all necessary information about company's design and operational controls, including issue reporting, monitoring, continuous improvement and training, to make sure that company delivers continuous product.

3. What is the term “factory overhead”?

During the manufacturing process, whatever the cost is incurred during the process is referred as “factory overhead”, excluding the cost of materials and direct labours.

4. What is SCAR (Supplier Corrective Action Request)?

Manufacturers are highly dependent on their raw material suppliers, to communicate with them effectively SCAR is used. It is a change request that mentions the issues with the process or material from a supplier and ask for a resolution. It sometimes also includes the details about how the complaint should be addressed.

5. Tell us your supervisory style?

When answering supervisor interview questions around your personal supervisory style remember that there is no wrong or right supervisory style.

The only criteria is that it should be appropriate to the situation. Your ability to adapt your style to the demands of the person you are dealing with, the task at hand and the circumstances is key to success as a supervisor. Provide examples of how you have had to adapt your supervisory style to meet different needs.

6. Do you know when evaluating an employee or team member's performance what factors are most important to you?

This question is designed to assess your performance standards. Show how you set high work standards for yourself and your subordinates, how you communicate your expectations and how you monitor performance.

7. Do you work well under pressure as Production Supervisor?

Yes.. When it comes down to the wire, the best thing I can to remain focused, have some flexibility, and understand priorities.. Giving them attention in the order theyre needed.

8. Explain me how do you prioritize your work?

Depends on the situation... I like to label certain tasks as either A B or C...A being the one that requires immediate attention, and C which are tasks that arent urgent but eventually need to get done... I like to focus my work on the things that need to get done, and done quickly... While balancing the other work alongside our first priorities.

9. Explain me about a time when you had to think strategically?

There was a time when I was told I had to get rid of 20% of my people. I had to determine which persons I needed the most by determining who could do what. I had to put aside personal feelings so that I could keep a working crew to handle he same workload with less people.

10. Tell me why do you want to work for our Warehouse team?

I want a challenging job. I like to multi task. I know working in a warehouse has different functions and I like the fast paced environment.

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11. Where do you see your career in five years as Production Supervisor?

I would like to retire from this company. I would like to make a difference in the company whether in the warehouse or any other position or area of the company.

12. Tell me what's changed over the years?

Well, supervisors and managers can expect the stock questions they've likely seen for years - but also need to prep for behavioral and situational interview questions for that next supervisory position. How you handled a certain challenge (e.g. staffing issue, cash flow problems) based on your past behaviors, for example.

With the integration of strategic systems into businesses, a candidate can also expect interview questions that involve business and system advancements, such as automation systems, Six Sigma compliance, ISO certification involvement, and so on.

13. Tell me what do you think the main goals of a supervisor are?

To keep the motivation of people high and to keep the atmosphere in the workplace friendly and the results as expected.

14. Do you like to start personal relationships with other employees?

Well, the right answer is yes and no. Good personal relations can improve the overall performance of a team. But on the other hand, you should not let your emotions to affect your decisions in work.

15. What is DCR?

DCR stands for Document Change Request, a change request which addresses about a problem with a document, SOP (standard operating procedure) or specification and propose a change to fix it.

16. Explain the challenge in manufacturing products?

Main challenge in manufacturing is to develop better production processes, ensure the right material and component supplies at the least cost, decrease production time, eliminate wastage and maintain quality in the final product.

17. What is RMA?

RMA stands for Return Material Authorization; it is a financial and work order tracking used to determine a returned item's origination. It is often used in a transaction where a customer returns goods to the manufacturer for replacement or repair purpose.

18. Describe me a time you had to manage conflict within your department/team/group?

Your example can show how you identified the source of conflict, used the conflict situation as a constructive process to exchange opinions and ideas and clarify roles and responsibilities. Discuss how you kept the focus on the desired outcome rather than on personal grievances.

19. Explain me do you have an understanding of lean six sigma?

Generally - I have completed yellow belt training which allowed me to do an improvement project within my department when I was at Leinster. I was the facilitator for my team which introduced a storage at heights methodology in the warehouse whilst increasing storage space by 33%. This was a top ten finalist in the WA chamber of minerals and energy 2010 awards.

20. Tell us if hired, how do you intend on making a difference with our company?

Dedicate myself to learn everything about the new company that I can, look for ways and ideas that could improve, processes, safety, removing obsitacles from the associates, I want to advance within the company.

21. Explain me what experience do you have in a warehouse?

I have experience in shipping and receiving, cycle counts and organizing a warehouse. I also have experience in import and export. I have successfully managed a warehouse in 2 of my previous jobs.

22. Please explain what does quality work mean to you?

Quality work to be is about doing work to the require or set standard, which is very important when it comes to warehouse operations.

23. Tell us what do you already know about our warehouse, and our company?

Good reputation of a large home grown company that has various departments and product.

24. Tell me why do you think you can be a good supervisor?

Because you are able to observe the strengths and weaknesses of every team member and utilize it to achieve optimal performance of a team.

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25. How do you imagine a typical day of a supervisor in our company?

Just do not say that you imagine to only walk and watch what people do. Rather try to show them your attention to details and proactive attitude to job. Mention that you would try to observe the problems, weaknesses as well as opportunities to improve the results and take measures according to it.