How do you decide what to delegate and to whom?
Submitted by: AdministratorIdentify the strengths of your team members and their availability based on the priorities they have on their plate. From there, invest the tasks upon each member based on where you think you'll get the best return.
Submitted by: Administrator
Submitted by: Administrator
Read Online General Manager Call Center Job Interview Questions And Answers
Top General Manager Call Center Questions:
☺ | Explain a time when you did not get along with your coworker? |
☺ | Explain an idea that you have had and have then implemented in practice? |
☺ | What are the goals you've set for yourself? |
☺ | Give me an example of an emergency situation that you faced. How did you handle it? |
☺ | What does your professional network look like? |
Top Customer Services Categories
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