1. Why should I hire you as Veterinary Surgeon?

I have been bitten, but never a puncture wound. I have been bitten while in VA by the cats before while learning to restrain, but I have gotten much better at it.

2. Tell me how do you maintain accurate patient records?

Growing up with horses and cows, I have had to make a few split second decisions based off the reactions from an animal. I have almost been run over by large animals a few times.

3. Explain about the different types of animals you have worked with in the past?

I have been a part of multiple euthanizations and have felt emotional, but have so far kept my composure.

4. Tell me how do you respond in an emergency situation?

Although it is hard to see an animal in pain I know they are in the best place now and it will push me to do everything in my ability to make this animal feel more comfortable whether it be giving it fresh food and bedding or just giving it attention.

5. Tell me what are some of the animals you've worked with in the past?

Though it is always difficult to see an animal in pain, my purpose is to stay calm, assess the situation, and help in any way possible. In order to help you must remain composed and focused on the situation at hand.

6. Tell me what do you do when you are working with a scared animal?

Yes, patient care is always the top priority, but I have developed effective time management skills and I will be able to efficiently split my time between required tasks and still be successful.

7. Tell us how do you maintain accurate patient records?

I have been laid off from a job due to budget costs but I have never been asked to leave due to my work performance.

8. Tell me how would your employer describe your past work?

Walking my dogs, cleaning out and spending time with my animals, reading, socalising with friends, go horse riding when I can and going kickboxing.

9. Tell me why are you the best person for this position?

I believe that I am the best person for this position because I have 5 years experience working in an animal hospital and your hospital philosophy resembles my own in that I believe the best form of care is preventative through client education.

10. Tell me how do you manage your time in the work place?

When working in the veterinary hospital you have to be able to prioritize your work. I will complete tasks that must be done by a vet tech and then I will delegate other tasks that can be done by another coworker so as not to fall behind schedule.

11. Tell me how would you respond if asked to come in on your day off?

I am very hard working and I learn very fast. If I make a mistake I am quick to own up to it and fix it.

12. Explain me about some of the animals you have cared for in your life?

I helped out with the cows on my parents farm since the time I was 12 until 2005. Then I cared for many animals at ... in my 4.5 years there, including hospitalized and boarding cats and dogs. I now volunteer with Animal Aide, where I go almost every sunday to clean cages, feed and water cats and kittens, and some times do some socializing of cats and kittens.

13. Tell me how do you handle stress as Veterinary Surgeon?

Traveling the world and helping animals of all sorts on various continents. I was involved in a lion breeding & rehabilitation program a few years ago that aims to increase the African lion population in an impressive 4 stage program.

14. Explain me how Would You Handle a Scared Animal?

A suffering animal may be aggressive and try to bite unfamiliar people who are trying to help it. Share your techniques for dealing with these situations to assure the employer that you can safely treat animals despite their fear.

15. Tell me what kind of animals do veterinary surgeons see?

Veterinary surgeons work on all kinds and sizes of different animals, from small domestic pets up to horses and bigger animals in zoos.

16. Explain what is the biggest mistake you have made? What did you learn from it?

Seeing them leave the hospital after a long stay with us after a full recovery, I love seeing how happy the animal is and how relieved and thankful the owner is.

17. Explain me about a time when you provided excellent customer service?

I know it won't be easy, but it's something I'm passionate about. It's not all puppies and kittens, and a lot of our patients come to see us because they're sick. I want to provide animals with compassionate care.

18. Tell me how do you feel about cleaning up after animals?

Yes I am. I am very curious about it but I think in the Vet field that we do research everyday just not as much as an actual researcher.

19. Tell me how Do You Think You'll Feel When We're Required to Euthanize an Animal?

This is a difficult part of a vet tech's job, and you can acknowledge that in your response. The interviewer is hoping that you show understanding about the need for such a process and that you will put the needs of the pet and the owners above your own discomfort or emotions. Making sure a pet is comfortable and that you are there for the owners is important.

20. Tell me when can a newly qualified Veterinary Surgeon start working?

After your 5 year degree. In your sixth and final year. You get to use everything you've learned. You will be closely supervised, but you are responsible for your own cases and have to diagnose them. Once the sixth year is completed you can apply for veterinary surgeon jobs anywhere.

21. Tell me how do you feel about being asked to perform tasks outside of your job description?

In a way yes. I have uni fees to pay off and such but in my heart not so much. I just want to do it for the animals and for my own sanctification.

22. Tell me how would you handle a situation that could cause you to be late for work?

The most difficult experience that I faced at the Durham Humane Society was viewing how deplorable the conditions were within the small rodent room, and having the employee in charge of that room refuse to let anyone clean in there. I discovered a bug infestation amongst the food, which helped to resolve a major infestation occurring within the shelter.

23. Tell me how would your co-workers describe you as Veterinary Surgeon?

I have worked with everything from feral cats, to monkeys, and even lions. I have a very wide range of skills I can bring to your organization. I am looking for a starting position in an environment that will allow me to continue to grow and learn in this profession and I feel your practice will really allow me to do that.

24. Explain me about time you had a conflict with a team member. How did you handle it?

My family has labs and a beagle mix. The beagle mix is my problem child she has a lot of medical issues. We also have standardbreds that are retired. At school I assist in the management of the goat herd where we breed them and assist with kidding procedures.

25. Think of a day when you had many things to do. How did you schedule your time?

Not a problem at all, the busier I am the better I tend to do.

26. Tell me how Would You Perform This Procedure?

Be prepared to tell how you would perform a urinalysis and dental prophylaxis, along with how you would take images and collect tissue samples. Rehearse talking about each procedure, describing it step by step in a logical manner.

27. Tell me what specialized area did you focus on during your studies? Why?

I have had experiences dealing with animals my entire life. When I was young I had every pet imaginable, from guinea pigs to even a pony in my yard. When I was in junior high and high school I volunteered at a wildlife center rehabilitating native California wildlife and educating the public. Six years ago I decided to become involved in veterinary medicine due to my love of animals and strong interest in the medical aspect involved.

28. Tell me how do you handle an unhappy customer?

Growing up I always had cats and dogs. And when I was old enough I started helping my mom out with feeding the dogs and cats, which led to me having my own cat that I cared for and now I just help out when care for our 4 dogs, 2 cats, and our hamster.

29. Tell me what will you do if you are working for a vet that only allots 15 minutes for routine visits/physical exams?

In this instance, it seems that preparation would be the utmost importance to keep the clinic running smoothly. For example, background information about the visit would be needed to be obtained before hand by receptionists, vaccines prepared before and a quick foot would be needed!

30. Tell me what's the most difficult situation you have dealt with in your work experience?

I am very proud of having qualified as a veterinary nurse, and I'm also very proud of my achievements with my music.

31. Tell me how did you become interested in veterinary medicine?

I would find it enjoyable to assist the vet techs and other staff with unique equipment that I have never had the exposure to use/assist with previously. I would find it interesting to help animals during rehabilitation as well.

32. Tell me how would you handle an aggressive animal?

I have experience, I love animals, I am fluent in two different languages and I am ready to learn anything that can be learned.

33. Explain me a time when you anticipated a problem and took measures to prevent it?

Cat transfer from cage to vet office via cage... Anticipated stress on cat so I used a towel to cover cage and stayed as far away from the dogs as possible. Went slow when removing cat from cage making sure there was no stressful issues near by.

34. Explain me about a time when you had to go above and beyond the call of duty in order to get a job done?

Very critical patient, ex-lap earlier that day with a whole bunch of weird in there. Probably cancer, we took biopsies. We werent an overnight clinic and owners didnt want to transfer, and doctor didnt want him to go home. Came in after hours to check in.

35. Tell me what are some goals you would like to accomplish in the next five years?

I am most looking forward to learning new techniques and being able to expand on my knowledge. This will provide me with the challenges of getting to know new things and being able to remember everything that I have learned.