1. Which is the largest marsupial?

The largest of all marsupials is the red kangaroo (Macrpus rufus).

3. Which animal live in hot region?

Camels, lizards, scorpian, centipedes, millipedes, spiders, snakes, goats etc.

4. Name three aquatic mammals?

Walrus, whale and Dolphins.

5. Which is the worlds smallest and ferocious mammal?

The Shrew; a tiny mouse like mammal only two inches long and weighs about as much as a nickel.

6. Define what is an Ovoviviparous animal?

Oviparous animal is one which after laying eggs, keeps them within its body to hatch and incubate later.

8. Define what is hippology?

The study of horses is called Hippology.

10. Which is the smallest marsupial?

The smallest Marsupial is the very rare Ingram's planigab(planigabingrami), a flat-skulled mouse.

11. Why do elephants flap their ears so much?

To keep themselves cool in hot weather.

12. Define what is Murrah?

It is a hybrid buffalo which is a high milk producer.

14. Which animal is the fastest on foot?

Cheetah is the fastest runner with a speed of 65 miles/hour.

19. Which is the smallest member of the Fox family?

The Fennec Fox, which lives in the Sahara

20. Define what does a Beaver build?

Beavers build wooden dam to stop flowing water.

22. Which are the biggest cats; tiger or lion?

Tiger: male Siberian Tigers average 3.15 meter (10.3 feet) in length.

23. Which cat can live without water for the longest time?

The sand cat, which lives in the Sahadra desert.

24. Which are the animals that live in cold regions?

Seal, Penguin, Some fishes, polar bear and rein deers.

25. Define what is the difference between a hare and a rabbit?

Hares have longer binding legs and longer ears than rabbits

29. Define what is Pangolin?

Pangolin is a mammal which does not have teeth. It gives on eating ants. It is known as anteater

30. Define what is a dog's most highly developed sense?

Smell, it is uses its nose to hunt or find a mate.

31. Define what is a guinea pig?

A guinea pig is a small stout bodied, short eared and nearly tailess domesticated rodent.

35. Which is the smallest mammal?

The pygmy whitetoothed shrew.