How many types of facts and what are they?

Submitted by: Administrator
Factless Facts:Facts without any measures.
Additive Facts:Fact data that can be additive/aggregative.
Non-Additive facts: Facts that are result of non-additon
Semi-Additive Facts: Only few colums data can be added.
Periodic Facts: That stores only one row per transaction that happend over a period of time.
Accumulating Fact: stores row for entire lifetime of event.

There are three types of facts
1)Additive fact:a fact which can be summarized by any one of dimension or all dimensions EX:QTY,REVENUE

2)Semi additive fact:a fact which can be summarized for few dimensions not for all dimensions. ex:current balance

3)non additive fact: a fact which cannot be summarized by any of dimensions.ex:percentage of profit
Submitted by: Administrator

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