When You Overcame a Challenge?

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The workplace can be full of obstacles. Whether you need to navigate a tricky relationship with your manager or you get stuck with an overwhelmingly difficult project, it's important to show that you aren't quick to back down from a challenge.

There are so many inspiring stories out there that it can be tempting to rack your brain until you come up with a tear-jerking example of how you overcame adversity. But, you don't need to lie about how you climbed Mount Kilimanjaro or pulled yourself out of homelessness. Interviewers aren't looking for a movie plot.

Instead, come up with a real-life instance of when something stood in your way and you did everything you could to get around it. For example, maybe you worked two part-time jobs in order to pay for your college tuition. Or maybe you turned around a huge work project on an impossibly tight deadline. Those are great stories to share about how you took initiative in order to climb over roadblocks.
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