Explain me a time when you encountered a difficult situation with a colleague and how you resolved it?
Submitted by: MuhammadPart of the reason for asking this question is to gain an idea of how the actuary interacts with peers and managers – whether that's developing or assessing a junior colleague, or responding to the demands of a superior. However, very often simply calling on actuaries to relay this information is a test of their communication skills.
“Employers want to see evidence of healthy working relationships, but half the point in asking it is to see how actuaries respond when they're required to tell a story for five minutes,” he says. “Increasingly, it's important for actuaries to be commercial as well as technical and communication skills are integral to this.”
Submitted by: Muhammad
“Employers want to see evidence of healthy working relationships, but half the point in asking it is to see how actuaries respond when they're required to tell a story for five minutes,” he says. “Increasingly, it's important for actuaries to be commercial as well as technical and communication skills are integral to this.”
Submitted by: Muhammad
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