Explain me what is the role of actuary analysts in investment?
Submitted by: MuhammadThe main role of actuary analysts is to save companies money and time, by identifying the possible risk in investment. Apart from that they have to
☛ Identify an area of investment having a minimum risk factors
☛ Avoid the situation where the quantifiable risk is relatively low in terms of the potential gains
☛ To provide actual quantifiable estimates by creating complex financial models
☛ Providing rating or ranking of different investment opportunities based on the risks to the possible returns
Submitted by: Muhammad
☛ Identify an area of investment having a minimum risk factors
☛ Avoid the situation where the quantifiable risk is relatively low in terms of the potential gains
☛ To provide actual quantifiable estimates by creating complex financial models
☛ Providing rating or ranking of different investment opportunities based on the risks to the possible returns
Submitted by: Muhammad
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