How long do you envision yourself staying with this company?
Submitted by: AdministratorUnderstand that companies invest a lot of money into hiring the right staff. You want to emphasize that you are in it for the long run and you want to develop a career there and that it's not just a "5 month stepping stone" type of a job. You should be thinking how you're going to grow with that company. After all, don't you want to invest your energy and time with a company that is going to continue to be successful and one that will help you grow?
Submitted by: Administrator
Submitted by: Administrator
Read Online Employee Relations Representative Job Interview Questions And Answers
Top Employee Relations Representative Questions:
☺ | How long do you envision yourself staying with this company? |
☺ | How have you shown yourself to be a leader? |
☺ | If you have seven white socks and nine black socks in a drawer, how many socks do you have to pull out blindly in order to ensure that you have a matching pair? |
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☺ | How do you plan to go by an example for your subordinates? |
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