5. What is Marshalling not necessary?

Marshalling is the process of packaging and sending interface method parameters across thread, process or machine boundaries.

6. How to remotely administer MS IIS?

using these steps

1)IIS Manager

2) Terminal Services

3)Remote Administration (HTML) Tool

7. Explain Why do we use Option Explicit?

Option Explicit requires that all variable names be defined (with the Dim statement).

8. What is IUnknown and what are its three parts?

The COM interface class from which all other interface classes are derived. This interface allows all COM objects to manage their own lifetime, ie, to release themselves from memory when they are no longer connected to any clients.

IUnknown Interface is the Interface which every COM should have.
The Three parts are:
1. QueryInterface
2. Addref
3. release

9. Explain session variables?

Variabiles saved between the sessions (ASP, PHP etc.)
Can be stored in server side or client side (with cookies).

10. Explain How many data types are supported in Vbscript?

VBScript consists of only one data type (Variant)

11. Explain the difference between web service and web application?

web services are mechanism to acess remote programmeble logical unit by using http and xml combinly called SOAP(simple object access protocol)

Soap has some methods to access programmeble application logic by get, and post method.

a client of web services has nothing to do with the internal logic of web services.

they only have to know how to send and get for xml request ie SOAP. while

web applications are accessible by clients and they are boud with assemblies.

what is the difference between webserviweb services are mechanism to acess remote programmeble logical unit by using http and xml combinly called SOAP(simple object access protocol)

Soap has some methods to access programmeble application logic by get, and post method.

a client of web services has nothing to do with the internal logic of web services.

they only have to know how to send and get for xml request ie SOAP. while

web applications are accessible by clients and they are boud with assemblies.

12. Explain the file needed to boot win-xp?

Bootable files in widow XP are
Boot.ini, Ntldr,Ntdetect, Ntfs.sys.

13. How to create Drop Down Combos in HTML? select Tag?

Drop down can done through (<select

<option> <option>

if you are creating a drop down for City then
<select name="ddlcity" multiple=true>
<option value="ohio">ohio</option>

<option value="nyc">nyc</option>

In the same way u can create for any thing.In this drop down a person can select more than one choice.If u want a user to restrict to only one value then don't set multiple=true

14. Explain Difference between Dim Object as object AND dim obj as myform?

Dim object as object --> the general VB object was created

Dim obj as myform --> the myform object was created.

The first one is general object and second one is the specified object.

15. How to create Virtual Root in IIS?

To create a virtual directory by using IIS Manager
In IIS Manager, expand the local computer, expand the Web Sites or FTP Sites folder, right-click the site or folder within which you want to create the virtual directory, point to New, and then click Virtual Directory. The Virtual Directory Creation Wizard appears.

Click Next.

In the Alias box, type a name for the virtual directory. (Choose a short name that is easy to type because the user types this name.)

Click Next.

In the Path box, type or browse to the physical directory in which the virtual directory resides, and then click Next.

Under Allow the following permissions, select the check boxes for the access permissions you want to assign to your users, and then click Next.


For security reasons, when selecting access permissions, consider allowing only the default Read permission. By restricting permissions in this way, you can help avoid attacks against your Web site by malicious users. For more information about setting access permissions, see Securing Virtual Directories and Access Control in Help and Support Center for Windows Server 2003.

Click Finish. The virtual directory is created below the currently selected folder level.

To create a virtual directory by using Windows Explorer
Open Windows Explorer.

Right-click the folder you want to be a virtual directory, and click Sharing and Security.

Click the Web Sharing tab.

Click Share this folder.

In the Alias box, type the name for the virtual directory.

Click OK twice.

To create a Web virtual directory by using the Iisvdir.vbs script
From the Start menu, click Run.

In the Open box, type cmd, and then click OK.

At the command prompt, type the following:

cscript %SystemRoot%system32iisvdir.vbs /create SampleWebSite[/Path] VirtualDirectorydrive:path

where SampleWebSite, VirtualDirectory, and path is the physical directory, as appropriate.

For more information about creating Web virtual directories by using the Iisvdir.vbs command and its parameters, type the following at the command prompt: iisvdir /create /?.

To create an FTP virtual directory by using the Iisftpdr.vbs script
From the Start menu, click Run.

In the Open box, type cmd, and then click OK.

At the command prompt, type the following:

cscript %SystemRoot%system32iisftpdr.vbs /create FTPSite[/Path] VirtualDirectory drive:path

where FTPSite, VirtualDirectory, and path is the physical directory, as appropriate.

For more information about creating FTP virtual directories by using the Iisftpdr.vbs command and its parameters, type the following at the command prompt: iisftpdr /create /?.

This is the right Answer.

To create a virtual directory by using IIS Manager

1. In IIS Manager, expand the local computer, expand the Web Sites or FTP Sites folder, right-click the site or folder within which you want to create the virtual directory, point to New, and then click Virtual Directory. The Virtual Directory Creation Wizard appears.

2. Click Next.

3. In the Alias box, type a name for the virtual directory. (Choose a short name that is easy to type because the user types this name.)

4. Click Next.

5. In the Path box, type or browse to the physical directory in which the virtual directory resides, and then click Next.

6. Under Allow the following permissions, select the check boxes for the access permissions you want to assign to your users, and then click Next.


For security reasons, when selecting access permissions, consider allowing only the default Read permission. By restricting permissions in this way, you can help avoid attacks against your Web site by malicious users. For more information about setting access permissions, see Securing Virtual Directories and Access Control in Help and Support Center for Windows Server 2003.

7. Click Finish. The virtual directory is created below the currently selected folder level.

16. What is MFC?

MFC provides stricter type checking for the return and parameter types of message handler functions. This new behavior notifies the developer of potential problems by flagging potentially unsafe message handlers with an error message. MFC now uses static casts for ON_MESSAGE, ON_REGISTERED_MESSAGE, ON_THREAD_MESSAGE, and ON_REGISTERED_THREAD_MESSAGE.

17. What is Marshalling?

Marshalling is the process of gathering data from one or more applications or non-contiguous sources in computer storage, putting the data pieces into a message buffer, and organizing or converting the data into a format that is prescribed for a particular receiver or programming interface.