1. Explain Metadata?

Metadata is termed as "Data about content of the data" and it is found in the catalog of libraries. Practically, it is used at back side of book to see the necessary topic.

2. Can you please explain the difference between VB and VB.Net?

Platform dependent
VB is backward compatible
Exception Handling by 'On Error…..Goto'
Cannot develop multi-threaded applications

Platform Independent
VB.Net is not backward compatible
Compiler Language
Exception Handling by 'Try….Catch'
Can develop multi thread applications

3. Can you please explain the difference between C# and VB.Net?

Optional Parameters are accepted
Not case sensitive
Nothing is used to release unmanaged resources
Support of Both structured and unstructured error handling

Optional Parameters are not accepted
Case Sensitive
'Using' is used to release unmanaged resources
Unstructured error handling

4. Explain namespace?

A namespace is an organized way of representing Class, Structures and interfaces present in .NET language. Namespaces are hierarchically structured index of a class library, available to all .NET Languages.

5. Tell me which namespace are used for accessing the data?

System.Data namespace is used for accessing and managing data from the required data source. This namespace deals only with the data from the specified database.

6. Explain JIT?

JIT is termed as Just in Time compiler which is used as a part of runtime execution environment. There are three types of JIT and they are:
★ Pre-JIT
★ Econo-JIT
★ Normal JIT

7. What is Pre-JIT?

Pre-JIT - Compiles at the time of deployment of an application.

8. What is Normal JIT?

Normal JIT - Compiles called methods at runtime and they get compiled first time when called.

9. What is Econo-JIT?

Econo-JIT - Compiles called methods at runtime.

10. Explain an assembly and its use?

An assembly is one of the elements of a .NET application and it termed as a primary unit of all .NET applications. This assembly can be either DLL or executable file.

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11. Explain strong name in .NET assembly?

Strong Name is an important feature of .Net and it is used to identify shared assembly uniquely. Strong name has solved the problem of creating different object with same name and it can be assigned with the help of Sn.exe.

12. List the different types of assembly?

There are two types of assembly:
★ Private
★ Public

13. What is Public assembly?

A public assembly or shared assembly is stored in Global Assembly Cache(GAC) which can be shared by many applications.

14. What is Private assembly?

A private assembly is normally used by a single application and it is stored in application's directory.

15. Can you please explain the difference between Namespace and Assembly?

Assembly is physical grouping of all units and Namespace logically groups classes. Namespace can have multiple assemblies.

16. Explain INTERNAL keyword in .Net Framework?

INTERNAL keyword is one of the access specifier which will be visible in a given assembly i.e. in a DLL file. This forms a single binary component and it is visible throughout the assembly.

17. Explain Option Strict?

.Net generally allows implicit conversion of any data types. In order to avoid data loss during data type conversion, Option Strict keyword is used and it ensures compile time notification of these types of conversions.

18. Explain Option Explicit?

Option Explicit is the keyword used in a file to explicitly declare all variables using declare keywords like Dim, Private, Public or Protected. If undeclared variable name persists, an error occurs at compile time.

19. Explain ReDim keyword?

Redim keyword is exclusively used for arrays and it is used to change the size of one or more dimensions of an array that has been already declared. Redim can free up or add elements to an array whenever required.

20. Explain jagged array in VB.Net?

Jagged array is nothing but an array of arrays. Each entry in the array is another array that can hold any number of items.

21. Can you please explain the difference between Dispose and Finalize()?

Finalize method is called by Garbage collector which helps us to make free of unmanaged resources. There are some other resources like window handles, database connections are handled by iDisposable interface.

Dispose method is handled by IDisposable interface to explicitly release unused resources. Dsipose can be called even if other references to the object are alive.

22. Explain about Garbage Collection?

Garbage collection is also known as automatic memory management, which is used for automatic recycling of dynamically allocated memory. Garbage collection is performed by Garbage collector which will recycle memory if it is proven that memory will be unused.

23. Explain the use of New Keyword?

New keyword is used with the constructor in which it can be used as a modifier or an operator. When it is used as a modifier, it hides inherited member from the base class member. When it is used as an operator, it creates an object to invoke constructors.
Dim frm As New Form1 frm.show()

24. Explain Manifest?

A Manifest is a text file that is used to store metadata information of .NET assemblies. File type of Manifest can be saved as a type PE. Assembly Name, Version, Culture and key token can be saved as a Manifest.

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25. Explain the use of Option explicit?

Variable must be compulsorily declared when the Option Explicit is termed as ON. If it is OFF, variables can be used without declaration.