a) activating the table
2. What type of files are created during the export?
control file
<sid>ko<no>-for client indipendant objects(cross client)
<sid>kt<no>-for client specific objects
<sid>kx<no>-for client specific texts
in Ecc6, Please set the profile parameter:login/no_automatic_user_sapstar=0,then restart the sap system and logon with password 'pass'.
in the SUIM t-code we have option called Change document,
use this option or you can use use trace in ST01 to trace
user activities.
5. What is check point in the database of oracle & what return code 247 in TMS mean?
check point is a process of db which runs for every 60
sec... when ever check point occurs all the processes of db
like log writer, db writer, smon, pmon will get
in tms return code 247 is related to buffers i think so...
any body plz correct dis if it is wrong
6. How to assign a object to 100 roles at a time?
Go to se11 T-Code..from there go to the table agr_agrs. You will be asked to provide the Access key ..then enter the object that needs to be added to 100 roles...then Select the range of roles in which the objects needs to be added and then save or Activate whatever option is given.
7. What is the function of garbage collector, explain?
garbage collector automatically frees the variables and objects from the memory when they are not in use. user program can't directly free the object from memory instead it is the job of garbage collector to automatically free the objects which are no longer referenced by the program.every class inherits finalize() from java.lang.Object finalize() is called by garbage collector when it determines no more reference to object exist.
8. What are the 2 systems in Solution Manager Landscape?
development and production!!
9. What is the difference between transactional rfc and regular rfc?
There are mainly 4 types of RFC communication in SAP. They are
1.Synchronous RFC
2.Asynchronous RFC
3.Transactional RFC
4.Queued RFC
Synchronous RFC (sRFC) : In this type of RFC communication,
the calling program waits until the requested processing
step on the remote system has ended and then continues to
work locally.
In other words, both the systems involved must be available
at the time the call is made.
Asynchronous RFC (aRFC) : In this type of RFC communication,
the calling program gives the request to the remote system
and immediately continues to work locally. The requested
processing step is executed on the remote system in isolation.
If the remote system cannot be reached at the time of the
call, the asynchronous calls of the RFC client are lost
Transactional RFC (tRFC) : This type of RFC communication is
similar to asynchronous RFC but by allocating a transaction
id(TID) it guarantees that if a request is sent several
times because of network problems it is processed only
once. Unlike asynchronous RFC, in Transactional RFC the
remote system does not have to be available at the moment
the RFC client program start the call. The data is held in
the source system until the target system is available.
The report program RSARFCSE is called in the background at
regular intervals and tries to place the unsuccessful
requests, identified by their transaction id again.
Queued RFC (qRFC) : This RFC communication is an extension
to the transactional RFC. In this method, all the requests
are queued up(inbound queue and outbound queue) and are
processed in a sequence only if it is certain that all
preceding calls are processed correctly. This method
guarantees that all the requests are processed in the
sequence in which they are received.
This type of RFCs will be used in SCM (APO) systems for CIF
queues etc where requests have to be processed in an order.
10. How does portal communicate with the ABAP stack?
Via Webdynpro.
11. What is the default file for TMS?
domain_sid.pfl file
MCOD - Multiple components on one database.
we can install multiple components on single database.
13. What types of security problem you will get?
1.user date expire 2.t-code not authorized 3.organization
level not maintain 4.user do't have authorizsation
SAINT - for updateing SAP-Addon like componets ST-PI, ST-
API etc
SPAM - for updateing SAP support packs like basis,abap, ST-
PI patches etc
15. What to do when we cannot login to a dialog server?
When we are not able to login into Dialog Server we can
goto command prompt to following path :
c:/Usr/sap/mms/sys/exe:and type NIPING -t to self test the
SAP system is working properly or not.If the self test is
ok then we can check for DISP+WP whether it is running or
not in console or else to goto Services and rerun oracle
16. What is the link between roles profiles and projects?
role is created
profile is generated after role
role contain authorazations and objects
profle contain combination of roles
17. Explain What is ECC? what is the main difference between ECC and other older versions of SAP?
In ECC6 and older version the major difference is of table
space in older version the table space were with NO AUTO
EXTEND feature but in ECC6 table space are with AUTO EXTEND
18. What is logical system? How to create and why?
Logical system is required for communication btw systems
within the landscape.
Logical system enables the system to recognize the target
system as an RFC destination
TCODE used is SPRO
19. Are any other tools other than SAP used to manage transport?
Revtrac--many in the market
21. what is ECC? what is the main difference between ECC and other older versions of SAP?
ecc- enterprise central componemnt, and ecc is version
ex:- 4-6c and ecc6.0
erp--- enterprise resources planning