1. Explain me what Is Maintenance Capacity?
Capacity planning is the translation of the maintenance load into resource needed to meet the forecasted load. Resources include, number and skills of craftsmen, maintenance tools, labor, material, spare parts, etc.
2. Tell me what do you enjoy most/least about engineering?
You should tailor this to the responsibilities of the role you are interviewing for and try to keep your answer centred on the positives.
3. Explain me what Is Maintenance Scheduling?
Maintenance scheduling is the process of assigning resources for tasks to be accomplished at a certain time in a certain frequency. Scheduling of tasks should take into account production schedules, optimization of resources and reducing costs.
4. Tell us what is Drafting machine(Mini Drafter)?
It is a device to do drawing work neatly and quickly.An attachment provided to move any position and may be adjusted at any required height.
5. Explain me what is a Drawing?
It is a graphical representation of a real thing to define and specify the shape and size of a particular object by means of lines.
6. Explain what do you mean by Break Lines?
It is used to limit a broken section. For short break an uneven freehand thick line is recommended and for long breaks a long thin ruled dashes joined by freehand ‘ Zig Zags' are used.
7. Explain me how to calculate bearing number to diameter of the inner and outer?
Divide the shaft diameter size by 5, it will give last two digit of the bearing no. and according to type of load we have to chose the type of bearing and that will give prior no. of the bearing.
8. Tell me what Is Maintenance Load Forecasting?
Maintenance forecasting is a major part of planning concerned with estimating the current and future amount of maintenance work and type needed. Maintenance load forecasting is a complex task that involves a lot of uncertainties and influenced by many factors such as the age of the equipment, the rate of use, usage climate, and skills of workers.
9. Explain me what is an accident?
An accident is a unexpected and unforeseen event which may or may not injury to a person or a machine tool.
10. Explain me what is a Centre line?
Centreline is a thin line in the form long and short dashes. It indicates area of symmetrical parts, circles and path of motion.
11. Tell me what Are The Elements Included In Technical And Operational Plans?
☛ Maintenance philosophy
☛ Maintenance load forecasting
☛ Maintenance capacity
☛ Maintenance scheduling.
12. What do you mean by First Aid as Maintenance Engineer?
First Aid is immediate and temporary care given to a person who affected accidental injury or a sudden illness before the arrival of doctor.
13. Tell us what are the standard sizes of drawing board as per Indian Standards?
As per Indian Standards:
sizes are available.
14. Tell us what are Phantom Lines?
These are thin lines composed of long dashes with pair of short dashes. Phantom Lines used to show adjacent parts, alternate positionsand the lines of motion.
15. Tell us what is the main advantage of chain dimensioning?
Chain dimensioning can be used where the possible accumulation of tolerance does not cause danger to the functional requirement of the part.
16. Tell us what Is Reliability Centered Maintenance?
Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) was initiated by the commercial aviation industry and then adopted by the U.S. military in the 1970s and then by the U.S. commercial nuclear power industry (in the 1980s) followed by other commercial industries and fields in the early 1990s.
RCM is defined by the technical standard SAE JA1011, as ‘‘an engineering framework that enables the definition of a complete maintenance regime. It regards maintenance as the means to maintain the functions a user may require of machinery in a defined operating context''.
17. Do you know what is a Vernier Scale?
This is used to measure very small unit with greater accuracy. It consists of a primary scale and a vernier scale.Vernier scale slides on the primary scale.
18. Tell me what was the workload like in your previous engineering department?
It is imperative that you do not complain about the workload in your previous job, even if it was taxing. Illustrate your efficiency; explain how you manage your time and prioritise tasks.
19. Tell me what Are The Types Of Manufacturing Systems?
The oldest type of manufacturing system is the custom manufacturing where a person or a machine makes a certain product tailored to a specific need. A shoemaker is an example of this system. Modern manufacturing have intermittent, continuous or flexible production systems.
20. Tell us what are Section lines?
Section lines are thin lines and used to show the cut surface of an object in sectional view.
21. Tell us what is software scope?
Software scope is a well-defined boundary, which encompasses all the activities that are done to develop and deliver the software product.
The software scope clearly defines all functionalities and artifacts to be delivered as a part of the software. The scope identifies what the product will do and what it will not do, what the end product will contain and what it will not contain.
22. Tell us what Are The Maintenance Concepts And Strategies?
Several maintenance concepts were developed in different parts of the world that are usually based on cultural and philosophical backgrounds. These trends encompass other strategies and technologies of maintenance. Some of these concepts are briefly introduced below:
☛ Total Productive Maintenance
☛ Reliability Centered Maintenance
☛ Maintenance Strategies
23. Tell us what do you get out of engineering that you couldn't get from any other kind of work?
You could talk about one engineering achievement that you are especially proud of, or you could explain how day-to-day aspects of the work stimulate you. If it is the latter, you should again tailor this to the role for which you are interviewing.
24. Tell us what Is Maintenance And Manufacturing?
Maintenance is one of the major activities in manufacturing as it highly influences production quality and quantity and directly affects production cost and customer satisfaction. As new manufacturing technologies emerge and global communication advances, new maintenance practices are developed to cope with these changes.
This is an ideal opportunity to depict several key qualities such as attention to detail, effective communication and creative thinking. You should come to the interview prepared with an example.
26. Please explain what Are The Main Advantage Of Fms?
The main advantage of FMS is its high flexibility in managing manufacturing resources. The resulting gains are numerous including:
☛ Reduced manufacturing cost,
☛ Greater labor productivity,
☛ Greater machine efficiency,
☛ Improved quality,
☛ Increased system reliability,
☛ Shorter lead times.
However, FMS implementation requires a large initial capital and substantial preplanning. It also requires high skilled labor.
27. Do you know what happens if gasoline is used in a Diesel engine?Diesel engine will work?
No, It will not work,as the Compression ratio of Petrol engine is 6 to 10 & that of Diesel engine is 15 to 22. Thus on such high compression, gasoline gets highly compressed & it may blast.
28. Explain me what Are The Elements Of Tpm?
There are seven major elements of TPM as follows:
☛ housekeeping on the production line,
☛ cross-training of operators to perform maintenance tasks,
☛ teams of production and maintenance personnel,
☛ operator involvement in the maintenance delivery system,
☛ disciplined planning of maintenance tasks,
☛ information tracking of equipment and process condition and plans,
☛ Schedule compliance to the maintenance plan.
29. Tell us what is project estimation?
It is a process to estimate various aspects of software product in order to calculate the cost of development in terms of efforts, time and resources. This estimation can be derived from past experience, by consulting experts or by using pre-defined formulas.
30. Tell us what are Cutting Plane Lines?
These are thick lines used to indicate the location of cutting planes in sectioning and the viewing position of removed pieces.
31. Please explain what Is Total Productive Maintenance?
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is developed from the preventive maintenance methodology introduced from the USA and further developed and implemented in many Japanese companies since 1971. It is then spread throughout the world.
TPM is defined as a system of maintaining and improving the integrity of production and quality systems through the machines, equipment, processes and employees that add business value to the organization. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a proactive and cost-effective approach to maximize equipment effectiveness using the principles of teamwork, empowerment, ‘zero breakdowns' and ‘zero defects'.
32. Explain me what is Representative Fraction?
It is the ratio of drawing to the object. R.F=Length of the object in the drawing /Actual length of the object.
33. Tell us what Is Maintenance In Manufacturing?
Maintenance in the manufacturing environment is one of the most complicated types of maintenance in comparison to construction, transportation and service business. Manufacturing is becoming highly competitive with extremely high pressure in reducing cost and increasing value of assets and improving the quality of outcomes (products). Manufacturing systems has grown over the years to be parts of global networks and supply chains. All of these changes in the manufacturing business have put maintenance in a great pressure on developing more effective and efficient operations.
Other special feature of manufacturing environment that makes it distinct from other environment is its complicated interrelation with large number of stakeholders, internal and external. The management structure in manufacturing environment is usually highly structured with many several decision layers and many parallel functional areas.
34. Tell us what is Engineering Drawing?
A drawing which is worked out an engineer for the engineering purpose is known as Engineering Drawing.
35. Tell us what are the precautions to be taken to avoid fire?
1) The buckets along with sand should be placed inside the workshop.
2) Switches and other electrical parts must be made of fireproof material.
3) Carbon dioxide gas should be place at required points in special containers.
4) Fire extinguishers of suitable type should be placed at accessible places.