1. Explain me why do you want this job?
The best candidates will tell you not only why they want to be a help desk assistant, but why they want to work with you.
2. How would you rate your problem solving skills?
This is a common question asked for help desk jobs, so again it is a personal question, and you can rate yourself on number 1 to 10 / 10.
3. Tell us how do you handle irate customers?
Handling irate customers is something that I am quite experienced in. It is natural for customers going through a certain technical glitch to feel grumpy. I do not react negatively. I make sure that I understand their predicament, calm them down by using appropriate sentences, and then resolve their issues as best as I can.
4. Tell us how good are you at solving problem on phone?
Solving problem face to face is different than handling them on phone. To convince your interviewer that you have an ability to solve the problem you can put an example of any previous incident where you have solved the customer problem on phone easily.
5. Explain me how you deal with the frustrated customer?
The first thing a help desk person must do is to try understanding the customer, also try to avoid the conflicts or any such things that disturbs the customer. Then you can confront with each other and try to solve the problem.
6. Tell us how important is customer service for you?
Help desk staff handle customer service first, and the tone of the customer service sets the tone for the company's relations as a whole. Outstanding help desk staff put customer service first – always.
7. Tell us how do you respond when you do not know the answer?
When you do not know the answer, tell the customer straightway that you don't know the answer instead of hitting around the bush. And ask them to wait till further assistance provided by your colleague or supervisor.
8. Tell me in which areas do you consider yourself to be a specialist?
I am extremely expert in Hardware and Network troubleshooting. Besides, I am also skilled in installing operations systems, patches, antivirus, and other applications as required.
9. Explain me how do you respond when you do not know the answer?
When you do not know the answer, tell the customer straightway that you don't know the answer instead of hitting around the bush. And ask them to wait till further assistance provided by your colleague or supervisor.
10. Tell me what three qualities does the ideal help desk staff person possess?
The ability to listen, to communicate clearly, to be patient in a tense situation, and to know the available resources well all contribute to the success of an ideal help desk staff member.
11. Tell me what does excellence in customer service mean to you?
Customers are a company's assets and they need to be looked after in a manner not less than perfect. The best type of customer service comes about when you have been able to help the customer and he puts the phone down happily!
12. Tell us what kind of people are your current users? Do you like them?
This sounds like a dumb question. Who's going to say they hate their current users because they're terrible people? Actually, I've known that to happen. The applicant had little patience for needy users and didn't mind telling people. Patience is a virtue desperately needed on a help desk.
13. Explain me how would you rate your problem solving skills?
This is a common question asked for help desk jobs, so again it is a personal question, and you can rate yourself on number 1 to 10 / 10.
14. Tell me your worst experience as a help desk assistant. How did you handle it?
How the candidate describes the experience matters as much as what the candidate says. Look for candidates who focus on solving the problem, not on blaming others or commenting on personalities.
15. Tell me how do you handle an angry customer?
If you're working at a help desk, chances are you're going to be dealing with people who need help. If people need help, chances are they're confused, frustrated, upset, angry, or a little bit of everything, and you are the one they're reaching out to in order to calm their woes. It's important not to take personal offense to a customer's frustrations – unless, of course, they insult you personally, but most of the time your employer will still expect you to handle this with grace and professionalism. (Usually, this means transferring the elevated customer to a manager – being subjected to verbal abuse and harassment is not in your job description, so make sure to have this discussion with your higher-ups and know what to do in these scenarios.)
16. Write a paragraph explaining how DHCP works?
This task is good for both experienced and inexperienced candidates. It seems like a test of knowledge, but actually it's a test of communication skills. If the candidate admits no knowledge of DHCP, explain it to him or her and then request the paragraph. If the candidate returns a well-written explanation, this person could be a good support analyst.
17. Tell me what do you find most interesting about working in a help desk capacity?
I believe that working in this capacity is interesting all over. No one day is like another, and one gets to learn so much each day. It is a truly fascinating job.
18. Tell me what is your worst experience so far as a help desk assistant?
Try to give answer where you had a minimum conflict or misunderstanding with the customer, and then explain how you had solved the problem.
19. Tell me how important is customer service for you?
The whole business depends on the customer service, and if you are at the help desk you are holding an important position to help the customer in best possible way.
20. Tell me what was your best subject in high school?
Don't let cliché questions put you off. Just because people expect a question doesn't mean you can't learn a lot from their answers. Obviously the applicant wants to impress you and may say something like “computer class.” That's not a bad answer, but people who liked math should be quite good at problem solving even non-math problems. Also, applicants who admit to liking English will have the communications skills you seek.
21. Can you tell me one thing that you don't like about your job?
Give your answer in brief and avoid telling something that related to customer service. If you want to say something that you don't like than you can mention that long queue of customers waiting for their turn is something you don't like.
22. Tell me what are the three abilities of an ideal help desk person?
Ability to listen others
Ability to present your thoughts clearly
To be patient especially in a tense situation
23. Explain me how you face the criticism?
Answer to this question will judge your level of patience, they want to check how positively you can take your criticism and how you deal with them without losing your temper.
24. Explain what motivates you for the help desk assistant job?
I like to communicate with people. Help desk assistant job is a type of job where you continuously interact with people and help them to solve their problems.
25. Tell me what are your long-term career plans?
At this point in time, I am working hard to learn most of what there is to know about help desk dynamics, so that I can effectively lead a team of help desk workers. I hope to reach this milestone soon.
26. Tell me can you work this weekend?
This is a great question to ask early in the interview. Watch closely for an initial reaction. Obviously the candidate will be surprised. You haven't even offered the job and now you want to know about this weekend. Since most help desk analysts have to work odd hours, you want the candidate's first response to be a resounding yes. Something like “I've actually already promised to work at my current job for some of this weekend.” “When exactly do you think you need me?” is good, too. What you don't want to hear are excuses that explain why the applicant isn't available.
27. Tell me what experience do you have as a help-desk associate?
Speak about the experience that is related to your position, tell them what are the responsibilities that were involved and also explain what additional thing you were doing like managing call or using any software. If you don't have experience, you don't have to worry, you can tell them you are a fresher.
The best help desk candidates don't beat around the bush: They tell the customer they don't know, and immediately seek to find out.
Question seven is similar to question two in that you're looking for an answer that includes people. Support analysts must deal with users day in and day out. The job is a lot easier for someone who actually likes to work with people.
I will call my supervisor or coworker right away to discuss the problem to find out a solution.
31. Explain how you deal with the frustrated customer?
The first thing a help desk person must do is to try understanding the customer, also try to avoid the conflicts or any such things that disturbs the customer. Then you can confront with each other and try to solve the problem.
32. Tell me what is the recent skill you have learned that can be helpful for help desk position?
If you have done anything then you can mention to the interviewer like attending a seminar on mass communication, or any computer course. But it is still ok if you haven't done related to position.
33. Explain me if a user is unable to boot windows, how will you troubleshoot it?
I will use emergency repair disk and try to fix the problem. If problem still arise, I will re-install windows.
34. Are you flexible with the weekend's job?
As far as I get another day off in place of weekend, I don't have any problem in doing weekend Job.
35. Explain how you will organize your work schedule?
Based on the priority, I will schedule my work and assignment accordingly.