How to create info package from ods to ods then to infocube for process chain?

Submitted by: Administrator
Create an info package under the infoorce starts as
8ODSA,choose data target as ODS B under targets tab of info
package and create one more info package under info source
8ODSB ,choose data target as Infocube under data target
tab if its BW 3.5

if its BI 7.0
Create DTP between ODS A and ODS B
and ODS B to CUBE

Create a process chain as shown below

if its BI 7.0
Start --> DTP to ODSB from ODS A -->activate ODS B---
>Delete index -->Deactivate Aggregates --> DTP to Cube From
ODS B -->create indexes -->rollup ---> compression

if its BW 3.x

START --->infopak to ODS B from ODS A -->Activate ODS--
>delete index --->Deactivate Aggregates -->IP CUBE from ODSB
-->Create Indexes -->rollup-->compression
Submitted by: Administrator

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