1. Why should I hire you as CAD/CAE Engineer?
Whether your interviewer asks you this question directly or not, this is an essential question of your interview because you must answer this question favorably peeping his mind before you will be hired. Walk through each of the position's requirements as you understand them, and tell each with a reason how you meet that requirement so well.
2. Tell us where & What you have learned from your industrial training?
To answer this start with where & in which department. Workflow of that department, advantages, disadvantages, information about a product and various types of problems.
3. Explain me do you enjoy collaborating with others?
I really do enjoy collaborating with others. I can always learn something from another team member and am able to give input as well. I find it very rewarding.
4. Tell me what is the difference between File, Erase and File, Delete?
File erase removes the object from the RAM of the computer and file delete removes the object from the disk or hard drive of the computer.
5. Tell us what is a free body diagram?
A free body diagram is a simple sketch of an isolated section or member of a part or a system with applied loads and reaction loads that satisfy the equations of static equilibrium in the principles of statics.
6. Tell me what are SFDs and BMDs for beams?
SFDs and BMDs are Shear Force Diagrams and Bending Moment Diagrams of loaded beams.
7. Do you know what is a trail file in Pro-Engineer?
The trail file is a record of every menu pick and screen pick and keyboard input during an entire session of pro/engineer. This file can be retrieved and edited and replayed to retrieve work lost during an unexpected failure of a session.
8. Do you know what is blend vertex in Pro-Engineer? Or what does blend vertex do?
A blend vertex adds one additional vertex to the sketch, for example, when blending between a rectangle and a triangle a blend vertex is required on the triangle section so that the sections have the same number of vertices.
It was an imaginary engine conceptualized by Carnot and this follows the Carnot cycle and provides 100% efficiency.
Currently I am responsible for mentoring my own junior CAD drafter. My current company puts a large emphasis on mentorship and it was a huge compliment to me when I was asked to be a mentor to someone newer to their career. This is because I have a higher than average level of knowledge in regards to our systems, and projects.
11. Tell me what is the minimum number of sections you must sketch when adding a blend feature?
Two sections
12. Top Professional CAD/CAE Engineer Interview Questions:
☛ Draw stress-strain diagram for various materials? (Mild steel, Glass, Brittle materials Etc.)
☛ Concepts of stress and strain. (Like What is stress? Stress unit?)
☛ Stress-Strain behavior. (Elastic deformation, Plastic deformation. Etc)
☛ What is Poisson's ratio?
☛ What is Hooke's law?
☛ Tensile Properties. (Ductility, Toughness and resilience)
☛ What is True stress and True strain?
☛ Theories Failure? (Max Principle stress theory, Distortion theory, Etc)
☛ What is plane stress and plane strain?
☛ Why Mohr's circle are used?
☛ All the Mechanical properties of materials
☛ What is fatigue?
☛ What is creep?
☛ What is finite element analysis? Steps in FEM analysis?
☛ What are the different types of Analysis?
☛ What are the types of Elements used in FEA?
☛ What is Volumetric strain?
☛ What is SFD and BMD? Why it is used?
☛ What is Moment of Inertia?
☛ What is Torsion? Concepts of torsion?
☛ Assumptions in Bending and Torsion theories?
☛ What is stiffness matrix?
☛ What is degree of freedom?
☛ How to draw SFD and BMD for cantiliver beam? (Important)
☛ Concepts of Heat Treatment
☛ Which is first Stress or Strain?
☛ Shear stress and Shear strain?
☛ Concept of Elongation?
☛ Types of support? (May be they will ask you to draw cantilever or Simply supported)
☛ Deflection theories?
☛ What is convergence criteria in FEM?
☛ What is Truss Element?
☛ What is Natural frequency?
☛ Draw bar element and write the stiffness matrix
☛ What is dampener?
☛ Difference between FEA and FEM?
☛ Why FEA?
☛ What is the approach of FEA?
☛ There is a cantilever beam if i heat the beam to certain temp, how much stress is developed in that body.
☛ What is Pre-Processor and Post-processor? What is analysis stage?
☛ Define node?
☛ Draw a typical three dimensional element and indicate state of stress in their positive signs.
☛ Write the standard form of finite element equation
☛ Write the stiffness matrix for the plane truss element
☛ Heat treatment concepts.
☛ Name at least four FEA popular packages.
☛ Is stress depends on material property?
☛ how many natural frequencies and mode shapes can beam has? why?
☛ what is the S-N curve?
☛ Shell plate are having How many degrees of freedom ?
☛ What is the shape function?
13. Fresh CAD/CAE Engineer Job Interview Questions:
☛ What is FEA?
☛ What is meshing?its purpose?
☛ Types of elements?
☛ What is discretization?
☛ What is CAE?
☛ What do you know about CFD?
☛ How to refine mesh?
☛ What is clean up geometry?
☛ Steps in FEA?
☛ What are types of material?
14. Can you explain me what is your minor & major projects?
While answering it is important to consider the principles of the project, reasons for your selection, Methodology, Results and Applications, pros and cons & future scope. Be prepared with a topic conclusion.
15. Suppose if I use Window->Close without saving my model, have I lost my work?
No, still the model can be retrieved from session until you use command Erase not displayed.
16. Can you please explain the difference between P11 and P12 Pipes?
P11 the chromium molybdenum composition which has 1% of chromium and molybdenum by 1/4% .
Whereas P12 is the chromium molybdenum composition which has 1% of chromium and 2% of molybdenum.
18. Tell me what do you enjoy the most about being a drafter?
I find my career as a CAD drafter to be very rewarding. What I enjoy most is that I am able to work on such a large variety of projects within both architectural and civil engineering. My skills over the years have become vast and there is always more to learn.
19. Tell me how would you explain the reasoning behind your plans to someone outside of your field?
Shows communication skills.
20. Tell me what are the three types of dimensional patterns?
Identical, Varying and General.
21. Can you tell me do you plan on continuing your education as a drafter?
I would be happy to upgrade my associates degree into a degree in urban planning. Of course, this would have to be in the form of evening and weekend courses, as I would need to continue to work full time.
22. Tell me a time when you used your skills to resolve a problem with a complex job?
Demonstrates job knowledge and ability to solve problems.
23. Tell me what is a reference pattern?
A pattern that follows another pattern.
24. Tell us what is the difference between a ‘straight' and ‘smooth' blend feature?
Straight extrudes with straight segments between the sections. Smooth extrudes with the best fit arc between three or more sections
25. Tell me how would you handle two high-priority projects with conflicting deadlines?
Shows task handling skills.
26. Why do you want to join our company as CAD/CAE Engineer?
Start your answer by saying that it is one of the reputed and fast growing company in the sector. It has so many branches in India as well as throughout the world. The growth rate of this company is very good in the (count of )years.
27. Can you tell me what do you know about our company?
As per statistics, 47% of candidates have little or no knowledge of the company they are being interviewed with. Follow these 3 easy tips before your next job interview:
☛ 1) Look in the “about us” section and “careers” sections of the company on-line.
☛ 2) Visit the company's LinkedIn page to view information about the company.
☛ 3) Search a keyword phrase like “press releases” followed by the company name, and you'll find the most recent news stories shared by the company
At least you should include the following in your answer:
☛ 1. The type of product or service the company sells.
☛ 2. Duration for which the company has been in business.
☛ 3. What is the company's culture OR mission statement?
28. Tell us what is the most involved project you have worked on? What was your role?
Provides details about past performance.
29. Tell me what is the config.pro file used for?
The config.pro file contains configuration options which control the behaviour of pro/engineer. This file also contains user macros which are called map keys.
31. Tell me your experience with CAD software. Provide Details?
Tests applicant's technical skills.
32. Tell us what is your favorite subject?
When answering this question give reasons or examples for your choice. But don′t state the obvious. If you are asked why CAD is your favorite one, give more than “Because I like it” or “Because of I′m good at it.”