1. What is automatic Valve?

A valve assisted by a spring,'which is opened by a difference of pressure acting in one direction and closed by a difference in pressure acting in the opposite direction.

2. What is case-Harden?

To harden the outer surface of metal to a given case or shell depth, while leaving the inner portion soft to absorb shocks and allow bending.

3. What is analog Sensor?

A sensor which sends a range of voltages in DC to the ECM to describe, for example, coolant temperature, engine oil pressure, or atmospheric pressure.

4. What is air Signal Attenuator?

A device that reduces both exhaust smoke and noise by slowing engine acceleration slightly until adequate turbocharger boost pressure is present.

5. What is critical Speeds?

Speeds at which the frequency of the power strokes synchronize with the crankshaft's natural frequency. If the engine is operated at one of its critical speeds for any length of time, a broken crankshaft may result.

6. What is brake Thermal Efficiency?

Ratio of power output in the form of brake horsepower to equivalent power input in the form of heat from fuel. Typical brake thermal effidency ranges from thirty to forty-two percent.

7. Tell me what are different types of vehicles based on diesel engines?

Automobiles, trucks, buses, marines, and construction areas are popular types that are based on diesel engines.

8. Do you know what is cam?

A rotating component of irregular shape. It is used to change the direction of the motion of another part moving against it, e.g., rotary into reciprocating or variable motion.

9. What is dead Center?

Either of the two positions when the crank and connecting rod are in a straight line at the end of the stroke. The total piston travel is the distance between the two dead center positions.

10. What is relay?

Normally used in control circuits, relay is a switch driven by electricity and rules over contactor by virtue of low amperage contacts.

11. What is compression Release?

A device which holds open the intake or exhaust valve, thereby permitting the engine to be turned over without compression. This is one method of engine braking where by the power stroke is cancelled.

12. What is chamfer (Taper Lead)?

The taper at the thread end of a tap or the throat of a die, made by cutting away the crests of the first few threads. This distributes the work of cutting over several threads and acts as a guide in starting the tap or die. The chamfer is relieved to facilitate cutting.

13. What is constant-Pressure Combustion?

Combustion which occurs without change in pressure. In an engine, this is obtained by a slower rate of burning than with constant volume combustion.

14. What is bimetal Arm?

A thin sandwich strip of two metals with very dif- ferent heat expansion rates that bends to the left or the right due to heat caused by resistance to voltage.

15. Explain me diesel mechanic duties for in this matter?

Diesel mechanic is typically responsible to operate, handle, maintain and repair diesel engines that are used to run any machinery including vehicles, generators and other machinery.

16. What is brush?

This graphite or copper made conducting element maintains sliding electrical contact between static and moving element.

17. What is condenser?

Also called a capaciator, this electronic component CI stores up electric charge until a set svoltage is reached; then a high but rapidly decaying current flows through the circuit until finally the voltage difference between the two leads reaches zero.

18. What is atmospheric Pressure (barometric pressure)?

The pressure exerted by the atmosphere, averaging 14.7 psi at sea level with a decrease of approximately 1/4 lb per
1,000 ft of altitude gained.

19. Please explain what a diesel mechanic is responsible for?

Diesel mechanics are basically responsible for the troubleshooting, upkeep, maintenance, and repair of diesel engines. This may include vehicle engines, generators and plant machinery that requires diesel to make it run.

20. What is generator?

A utility device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy, available either in the form of direct or alternating current.

21. What is displacement?

In a single acting engine, the volume swept by all pistons in making one stroke each. The displacement on one cylinder in cubic inches is the circular area (in square inches) times the stroke (in inches).

22. What is critical Compression Ratio?

Lowest compression ratio at which any particular fuel will ignite by compression. The lower the critical compression ratio the better ignition qualities the fuel has. (Gasoline engine, 4:1; oil engine, 7:1; diesel engine, 12.5:1.)

23. What is brinen Hardness?

The surface hardness of a metal, alloy, or similar material according to l.A. Brinell's method of measurement. A metal's surface is struck at a given force by a rigid steel ball of a given diameter, and the indentation is measured.

24. Do you know what are two most essential skills that a diesel mechanic should own?

A diesel mechanic must employ two important skills. First is analytical mind to be able to evaluate any issue occurred in the engine. Second is ability to read and perceive instructions manuals and blueprints of the engines since each engine has different design and small engine routes can end up in complex issues.

25. What is dynamo?

A mechanical device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy through electromagnetic induction process.

26. What is battery Charge Rectifier?

This component changes AC voltage from the battery charge windings to DC voltage for charging a battery.

27. Tell me what is Alternating Current (AC)?

Current flowing from zero to a positive maximum and then back to zero, flows down again to a negative maximum to return back to zero.

28. What is load?

Load is that the amount of electric power used by devices associated to electricity generating system.

29. What is brake Mean Effective Pressure (bmep)?

Mean effective pressure acting on the piston which would result in the given brake horsepower output, if there were no losses due to friction, cooling, and exhaustion. Equal to mean indicated pressure times mechanical effidency.

30. As you know diesel mechanics are typically assigned based on their personal skills in specific fields. What fields are you most adaptable working in?

Whilst I am an experienced and skilled mechanic with comprehension in diesel engine handling with their wholeness, I am sure my interest is about maintaining electrical and system of brake related to vehicular engines.

31. What is ampere-Hour Capacity (Ah)?

A measurement of the battery's capacity to deliver a specified current over a spec.ified length of time.

32. Tell me what relevant skills do you possess?

Apart from technical aptitude and in-depth knowledge of working on complex and varied diesel engines, I also possess strong leadership skills, especially where crew management is concerned. Moreover, I can use modern technologies and hand tools to manage maintenance and repair work.

33. What is rated Voltage?

The specific voltage measurement at which an engine generator set can start functioning.

34. What is winding?

Winding comprises all the coils of a generator.

35. What is off-Peak Rate?

This is the rate of cost for power used during Off-Peak periods.