1. Why self closing sounding pipes are used onboard?
It may possibly regulatory but I definitely know the US Coastguard pick up on it. It is for the fact a tank may be overfilled. A self closing sounding pipe will prevent overflow.
Ships can be flooded due to rupture of its hull due to several reasons such as collision, grounding, and or poor hull maintenance by which corrosion may eat away the hull. Also for warships it could be of battle related exchange of firing
3. What are the functions of paring disc and flow control disc in purifier and clarifier?
it is a device to supply two types of water. No. of holes located at bottom.
types of water -1. Oprating Water (single injection)
2. Desludging water (fountain Water).
4. What is crankshaft explosion?
No Answer is Posted For this Question
5. How many ports are there in India?
there are 12 major ports and 181 minor port in india
6. The place where happen iron losses?
In transformer case Core occurs iron loss (Eddy Current & Hysteresis Loss) Or No Load Loss in Electric Transformer.
Ships are divided into various types depending on their
nature of service.
1. Cargo Ships (Bulk carriers, general cargo carriers,
container vessels, oil tankers, chemical tankers, Product
tankers, gas carriers, Ro-Ro ships). Depending on their
sizes they are again classified as handymax, panamax,
suezmax, afromax, vlcc, ulcc, vloc, vlgc, etc.
2. Passenger Ships
3. Serivce ships, such as cable laying submarines, off shore
supply vessels, dp vessels etc
4. Protection such as war ships, Navy submarines etc.
8. What is specific fuel consumption and how fuel calculate?
generally it·s refer to the fuel consumtion rate, there
are several deferent way to catlculate the specific fuel
consuption, such as volumetric method and flow method. but
these methods can be taken only in lab. no possible do it
on the sea.
9. What is high temperature corrosion and what is center priming?
When material exposed to high temperature atmospehic
situation like high level of oxygen presence, sulfer
presence and different type chemical presence cause
matrial worsening . This type of material corrosion is
known as High temperature corrosion
10. What does 7L67GFCA stands forin a marine engine MITSUI B&W 7L67GFCA?
7L 67GFCA Means that the engine have seven in-line units
(cylinders)with 67centimeter of Liner diameter,water cooled
and super charged cross head engine.
There r Slip ring arrangement in cranes onboard ships. the
slip rings are present within the crane which is not seen
from outside. the power lines pass throough the centre of
the crane through slip rings. The power line u see out side
is only for grab which comes through the torsion clutch. If
there is no slip ring arrangement the crane cannot turn 360
13. What is the meaning of code number which is given on bearing?
bearing number ia 6205z:
6 stands for the type of bearing , ie, deep groove ball
2 standa for the the OD and width (thickness) of the bearing
05 stands for the ID of the bearing ie, 05 x 4= 20 mm bore;
14. How the power has taken from a large marine generator to the msb?
The 440v generated by the generator can be taken to the MSB
via busbars. associated with preferential trips, overload
15. How will we know, without opening anything,that an engine is 2S or 4S?
by the arrangement of the valves ...in two stroke exhaust
valve is situated at the top(i.e cylinder head) and there
are scavenge ports at the bottom in modern diesel
engine...whereas in four stoke the exhaust and inlet is
situated at the cylinder head.
16. what is the difference between Mitsui MAN b&w and Hitachi MAN b&w engines?
Design and system wise absolutely no difference. Only the
license manfacturer is different. mitsui and Hitachi
kawasaki Diawoo are the different license holders for Man
B&W for making the engines
17. What is the purpose of o-ring, wearings in the centrifugal pumps?
O-ring : to prevent leakage between metal parts while
allowing some movement between them
wear ring : generally a softer material than the parent
material , employed to wear out quickly than the parent
metal thereby avoiding loss of parent metal
18. What is the different between gate valve and globe valve?
Gate valve is non regulator means full close or full open
positions only, while globe valve is regulator.
19. How the priming is done in a centrifugal pumps?
As centrifugal pump is not a self priming pump,separate
priming arrangement is required...
generally,a separate axial pump is provided for this
purpose.The discharge v/v of the centrifugal pump is
closed,and the inlet v/v is opened.The discharge v/v is
opened only after the pump is primed,that is filled with the
liquid to be pumped.