1. Explain me what safety training do you have?

I have a college safety training online course that one has to take before completing.

2. Tell me what do you enjoy most about a career in this field?

I enjoy the feel of the machine running, and being able to see how much work I have done and what a difference it can make.

3. Explain the type of heavy equipment you are experienced with?

Yes. I have years of experience on two skid-steers on a farm, I have been trained on multiple pieces of equipment, and I have operated equipment on the job.

4. Tell me the most interesting fixture you've made and what made it great?

Fixtures are a huge productivity opportunity. You'll want to understand whether the applicant has skills in this area and understands the productivity issues.

5. Tell me why do you want to work with heavy machinery?

I am happy to work with any machinery as long as know how to operate or trouble shoot the equipment. I do not have much experience with heavy machinery. In endoscopy I use computers, endoscopy stacks and Lancer re-processors which are stationary and simple to use.

6. Tell me what does workplace safety mean to you?

People who work with heavy equipment need to make sure that their surroundings are safe for them. I place workplace safety high on the pedestal. A safe workplace leads to successful work processes.

7. Tell me as your supervisor, how can I motivate you?

I want to experience more in heavy equipment and employ in good company with good salary for my family.

8. Tell me have you ever worked with a CMM? Tell us about your experiences with one?

This is not a skill everyone will have, but CMM's are turning up on shop floors more and more. It's worth knowing whether your applicant can handle one even if that isn't in the cards for the initial job.

9. Tell me why did you choose a career in machine operations?

I enjoy the everyday challenge of solving random machine issues and coming up with new ideas on how certain tasks can be performed differently and more efficiently to make the job easier.

10. Tell me have you ever had to deal with conflicting deadlines?

Yes, and I have learned to prioritize what you can, and if you can't make a deadline, notify others and don't panic about it, because if its going to be late, its going to be late. Mistakes can happen that can cost much more than the deadline when you are rushing to finish.

11. Tell me what is the scope of work of a person working as a heavy equipment operator?

Heavy equipment operators spend a large part of their day operating heavy machinery in a safe manner. Performing daily safety and maintenance checks, ensuring that minor repair work is handled in a time-efficient manner, and overseeing inventory is all in a day's work for someone working at this position.

12. Tell me in which job title did you face a striking and quick change?

In capacity of warehouse assistant while working with ABC Company, it so happened that the company was in loss and was sold. The new administration changed everything, all rules and policy. This was rapid for me but being an adaptable person I managed well and worked with the new management on very good terms for the following 3 years until I had to resign due to family relocation in Chicago.

13. Please explain me how do you handle stressful situations?

First I doing exhale and inhale so that the pressure will goes out then I will start my work doing again with no stressful, all of us will experience the stressful situations so you will be the one to handle that or how do you handle that situations .

14. Explain the abilities you have in order to work with us as office machine operator?

I have the ability to see details at close range (within a few feet of the observer), read and understand information and ideas presented in writing, generate or use different sets of rules for combining or grouping things in different ways, listen to and understand information and ideas presented through spoken words and sentences, tell when something is wrong or is likely to go wrong. It does not involve solving the problem, only recognizing there is a problem.

15. Please explain what tools are you most comfortable / experienced in using?

Apart from operating trucks of various sizes and types, and construction power equipment (backhoes and bulldozers), I am well-versed in operating jackhammers, mowers and brush chippers, along with managing traffic control devices.

16. Explain the types of routine maintenance you've regularly performed on CNC machines?

Every shop has routine maintenance that has to get done. Lubrication, coolant maintenance, and other tasks. You need to know if this applicant will help get that work done. Don't be afraid to drill down deeper and ask them about more sophisticated maintenance they may have been involved with. You can even ask whether they were involved the last time a tech was brought in to fix a machine and get the story to help understand how well they followed what the tech did.

17. Tell us a stressful work situation you came across while working a machine operator?

When I joined RJP industries back in 2009 I found out that the previous employee had not maintained the inventory and I was somehow held responsible for it since I did not report the fact on time. It was quite stressful and kind of unfair since I had fulfilled my duty, only did not report the discrepancies in previous records. I learnt from this incident to always communicate every major or minor issue to the management at once.

18. Explain and share an instance when your supervisor was not happy with your work?

When I was responsible for ensuring accurate machine settings at the embroidery machine department, the supervisor called me and asked me to adjust the settings in a manner that both sides of the motive appear neat and are useable. I followed the manual and did it but the supervisor wanted more neatness. I took it as a challenge and after consistent multiple attempts and detailed study of the manual I finally achieved the correct settings.

19. Explain about a time you feel you failed on the job. How did you handle the situation?

Failing at ajob doesn't always mean its a bad thing, it helps you learn and be able to recognize areas that you need to improve on.

20. Explain me through a problem you recently solved using trigonometry or other shop math?

A decent grasp of Shop Math is pretty important for many CNC positions, and something you'll likely find hard to teach if they don't already need it.

21. Explain me are you able and willing to work outdoors in a variety of weather conditions?

Yes, I do enjoy working in all weather conditions outside, because not everyone can do it. It takes a special type of person to be able to withstand most weather conditions.

22. Suppose you come across two simultaneous machine problems, which one would you look at first?

I would determine which machinery is performing top priority work and look at it first.

23. Tell me how do you contribute in sharing of supplementary work related information at your workplace?

I do so by initiating and engaging in work related conversations with colleagues in break periods and other free time. I frankly share any problems I am facing related to technique and inquire if others are facing similar issues. Through healthy group discussions all of us find answers to many small problems which otherwise remain un-addressed.

24. Suppose I spoke with your most recent supervisor what would they say are your biggest opportunities for improvement?

Lack of knowledge or experience. I feel more out of place when I am unable to understand or communicate in an area without the knowledge to direct me. I normally tackle this by asking questions, observing or by doing. I will not complete a task I know nothing about without asking.

25. Basic Machine Operator interview questions:

☛ What will be your key target in this Machine Operator job if we appoint you?
☛ How do you define your key team members?
☛ Which of your jobs had the most rapid change?
☛ What motivates you to do a good job?
☛ How would you feel about working for someone who knows less than you?
☛ Who has impacted you most in your career and how?
☛ What do you think, would you be willing to travel for work?

26. General Machine Operator interview questions:

☛ What is your personal mission statement?
☛ How do you establish good communication and information flow with others?
☛ When you are not studying or working, what types of activities do you enjoy?
☛ Describe how you have balanced your academic work with your extracurricular activities.
☛ Did you have a strategic plan as Machine Operator?
☛ What is the most difficult thing about working with you?
☛ Tell me about your proudest achievement.

Talk about your education, work history, recent career experience and future goals. Tell them about the training you received or the work related experience you gained. Having a plan for your future demonstrates motivation and ambition, both of which are important qualities.

27. Behavioral Machine Operator Job Interview Questions:

☛ Have you ever noticed a hazard in the workplace and what did you do about it?
☛ Describe a time when you disagreed with a co-worker. How did you resolve it?
☛ Have you ever made a mistake in measuring parts or final products? What happened?
☛ Tell me one thing you did to improve quality in your last job

28. Role-specific Machine Operator Job Interview Questions:

☛ Do you have experience with [type of machine]?
☛ How do you go through a quality check?
☛ What are the steps you follow to perform maintenance to a machine?
☛ What's your experience in programming machines?
☛ What tools do you use to perform measurements on the job?
☛ Do you prefer working individually or as part of a team and why?

29. Phone Based Machine Operator interview questions:

☛ How much preparation on files for trial do you do?
☛ Tell me about a time when you had to give someone difficult feedback.
☛ What do you think of your previous boss?
☛ What will you do if you don't get this position?
☛ What was the most stressful situation you have facedas as Machine Operator?
☛ Where would you like to be in your career five years from now?
☛ Situation where others disagreed with your ideas.

You should try to identify three areas of interest, one of which includes this company and job.
Consider opportunity and responsibility as components of success. Impress the interviewer by highlighting your successes that are most relevant to the job.

30. First Machine Operator interview questions:

☛ Who has impacted you most in your career and how?
☛ Why are you leaving your present job?
☛ What are the key values of a Machine Operator? How do you demonstrate these values?
☛ What do you do when priorities change quickly?
☛ What motivates you to do your best on the job?
☛ Do you think you are overqualified for this Machine Operator position?
☛ Have you gone above and beyond the call of duty?

When answering these typical Machine Operator interview questions stay focussed on career goals and aspirations. You should try to identify three areas of interest, one of which includes this company and job. This is the opportunity for the interviewer to assess you as a person through what you say and how you deliver it.

31. Informational Machine Operator interview questions:

☛ What motivates you to work as Machine Operator?
☛ Why did you apply for this Machine Operator position?
☛ Give examples of ideas you've had or implemented.
☛ How do you cope without motivation?
☛ What do you think of your previous boss?
☛ What are your expectations regarding promotions and salary increases?
☛ What is a typical career path in this job function?

32. Operational and Situational Machine Operator Job Interview Questions:

☛ What are three things you must do before you start a production cycle?
☛ What kind of information should you keep in logs?
☛ You discover that a machine has an issue. Your supervisor asks you to let it run until the daily production quota has been met and then fix it. What do you do?
☛ As a machine operator, how would you work towards quality assurance?
☛ If you noticed that your colleagues are not complying with safety rules what would you do?
☛ Imagine two machines break down at the same time. Which one will you fix first?

33. Face to Face Machine Operator interview questions:

☛ Describe a recent unpopular decision you made as Machine Operator
☛ What do you ultimately want to become?
☛ What salary are you seeking?
☛ What is your greatest fear?
☛ What's the best movie you've seen in the last year?
☛ What is your usual role in a team?
☛ How do you maintain a positive discussion?

34. Tell me what specific skills do you possess that make you a good choice to hire as a heavy equipment operator?

Ability to operate equipment according to operational and safety standards, knowledge of workplace safety, insight into construction and maintenance techniques, capability of using and maintaining hand and power tools, and devotion to work ethics are the prime skills that I possess which make me a good choice to hire as a heavy equipment operator.

35. Tell me a period in which you had to deal with a workplace conflict? How did you handle it?

Our manager was on leave and a replacement was on duty instead. He asked me to implement a stitching sequence that saved time but compromised the quality of end product. After much discussion and showing him samples of both end products I finally convinced him to let me work on the sequence that generated the desired quality of end product.