1. Explain me of some duties that you perform as a machine operator on a daily basis?

After the pre checks are done with, I adjust equipment controls to meet the needs of the procedure that is about to be performed. Then come to changing machine parts, tooling activities and setting temperatures.

2. Tell me a time when you had to work with a difficult supervisor?

Right after my hiring at TMG Corporation as a machine operator, the manager changed. I was fairly new and still on training therefore was not yet familiar with the techniques they used. I faced too much criticism and explanation calls on minor errors. With time I realized that this check and balance was a big contributing factor in enhancing my skills and am till date thankful for the chance of learning under supervision of that person.

3. What are your salary expectations as Machine Operator?

Not higher and not lower than the market rate for machine operator jobs, around 15-20$/ hour.

4. What motivates you to work hard as Machine Operator?

The simple fact of knowing that if I work hard I am going to be able to provide for my family. In addition, I know that the more I contribute to an organization the better chance I have of advancing within the organization.

5. Please explain me what do you know about our company?

I know Roto-Rooter is a plumbing company that has been around for over 80 years, and does everything with plumbing, from septic tanks to household drains.

6. Tell me what interests you about this Heavy Equipment Operator position?

A number of possibility comes to mind when I think of the equipment pool operator position. To work with a range of equipment on a daily bases as I do enjoy technical devices. To improve myself and be self-sufficient. Not to mainly be sat down as the role requires me to not sit at a desk all day but to move around. Mainly I like to think my main objective is to learn a new area and skill set and be as useful as can be.

7. Explain me how do you react when priorities change quickly?

I adjust, make sure I have the priorities right, and begin working according to the new priorities' orders.

8. Explain three adjectives pertaining to your personality that your friends would verify?

Three adjectives describing me would be: persistent, responsible and adaptable.

9. Tell me why did you choose this profession?

Mechanical physics has always intrigued me and I used to open up house hold appliances as a hobby to see how the system works. When I am around machines, I remain in awe. I enjoy working them, conducting preventive maintenance and basic troubleshooting in case of any malfunction.

10. Explain about your training and how it would help you with this position?

☛ Operated equipment relevant to calcium reduction in the lactose manufacturing process
☛ Ran and controlled equipment relating to reverse osmosis in the lactose manufacturing process
☛ Handled and managed equipment involving evaporation in the lactose manufacturing process
☛ Ran and maintained packaging equipment pertaining to the lactose manufacturing process
☛ Trained and communicated to new operators how to package, store, and document product for shipping These type of skills and knowledge are very similar to and transitions nicely with the job description for this position.

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11. Tell me about your greatest achievement in your career as a heavy equipment operator so far?

When I employed abroad and when I worked as Heavy Equipment trainer.

12. Tell me what steps do you take when a machine starts performing poorly?

Immediately stop what I am doing, park the machine in a safe area and, depending on what portion is not working, either shut it down or apply the brakes and, after ensuring it is secured, inspect for anything obvious that may be wrong. If I cannot figure out what is wrong, I will not run the machine until someone with better knowledge has inspected the machine.

13. Explain me what would your references say about your performance as an operator?

Only one of my references has seen me operate, and I know he would say I was a safe operator. Of course, it is an older reference. New references are tough for me to find, because those who have seen me operate are co-workers at my current work, and I am in fear of losing my job if it is found out I am looking for other work.

14. Tell me why do you think you will be a successful machine operator since you do not possess any relevant experience?

I am a detail-oriented individual and have the ability to grasp new concepts easily. Since my father was also a factory worker I have had exposure to machines and have always been intrigued by them. I strongly believe you will find me to be a quick learner and an efficient worker.

16. How to use a calipers and read a micrometer?

Measurement is a constant issue around the shop. Get into it early.

17. Explain how would you describe (needed office machine operator or your) work style?

My work style matching exactlty what cashier job requires by: being careful about detail and thorough in completing work tasks, being pleasant with others on the job and displaying a good-natured, cooperative attitude, accepting criticism and dealing calmly and effectively with high stress situations, a willingness to take on responsibilities and challenges, maintaining composure, keeping emotions in check, controlling anger, and avoiding aggressive behavior, even in very difficult situations.

18. Tell us what specific duties have you performed in the past, in a heavy equipment operator position?

Handling demolition work, decommissioning and dismantling industrial buildings, on and off-site concrete crushing and salvaging, subsurface remediation and tank removal, and waste management support, all have been part of my work responsibilities in the past.

19. Tell me what are the skills required for office machine operator employee in order to success in his work?

Controlling operations of equipment or systems, Watching gauges, dials, or other indicators to make sure a machine is working properly, Monitoring/Assessing performance of yourself, other individuals, or organizations to make improvements or take corrective action, Managing one's own time and the time of others, Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times.

20. Explain me what fixture or tooling you've encountered in your career that saved your shop the most money?

Even if they don't make fixtures, they still need to understand and use them.

21. Explain me manual machining? Walk me through an example of a part or operation you recently had to do on a manual machine?

This is one of those deals where they have to convince you they know a topic cold, at least if you need them to know it. Don't be afraid to grab a piece of bar stock and a micrometer and head out to the shop to have the applicant turn the stock to a particular OD on the lathe. You'll learn a lot watching how quickly they get it done and seeing how they go about it.

22. Tell me which qualities or qualifications you feel are mandatory to become a successful machine operator?

I believe one needs to be really impressed by how machines work to be able to enjoy each day at work. To succeed as a machine operator, skills in forklift and pallet jack operations, inventory management and preventive maintenance of machinery are mandatory.

23. Tell me are you the type of person that pays attention to detail?

It depends on the situation really, but yes, I do pay attention to detail in most cases.

24. Explain me how important is communication while operating heavy equipment?

Extremely important, because if you can't understand each other, a dangerous situation can occur. I always make sure a "Stop" command that everyone understands is established. And I mean everyone.

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25. Explain me an example of a high-pressure situation for a Heavy Equipment Operator?

Working on a steep slope is one. Another is working near live traffic. Yet another is working in confined spaces, where there is risk for damage to property.