1. Define self-confidence?

An attitude, which allows individuals to have positive yet realistic views of themselves and their situations. A candidate who trusts her own abilities, has a general sense of control in her life, and believes that, within reason, she will be able to do what she wishes, plans, and expects.

2. How confident are you?

Applicant should answer the question instantly and forcefully while maintaining full eye contact. Also pay close attention to body language: Is the applicant's body language congruent with his answer.

3. Would friends describe you as confident person?

Watch the applicant's body language and non-verbal responses, especially eye movement. Does he/she sound and look convincing when answering this question.

4. Described a situation where you were aware of a serious mistake made by a colleague and what did you do about it?

You basically want to hear that they do not like to point fingers at others; that they try to stop the mistake from happening again by making his/her colleague aware of their error in a non blame educational manner.

5. Tell me about a time when you had a disagreement with a colleague at work. How did you manage to work it out?

Job seeker should appear to know how to resolve issues and uses it as an opportunity to reinforce interpersonal relationships; concentrates on the issues and never personalizes things.

6. How you manage to work with people whom you are not comfortable with? What you do in such situations?

Job seeker should explain that they put the team first; should not appear easily intimidated; seeks to resolve differences; does not personalize conflicts.

7. Described a time when you helped to successfully mediate in a conflict? How did you feel?

Candidate should show that they are helpful in resolving conflicts by understanding each co-workers view of the situation.

8. Described a situation when you were given job instructions and you were unable to comprehend instructions. How did you go about completing the task?

Job seeker should explain that seeking clarification is alright; that they try to clarify things to make sure the job is done right; should see conflict as natural and not a personal attack.

9. Can you please explain the difference between confidence and arrogance?

Applicant should know that confidence is an essential life-affirming character trait, while arrogance is a poor, frightened, and inadequate self-image parading as confidence.

10. Tell me about situation or situations that might demonstrate your confidence to do this job?

Does the job seeker appear to be able to deal with all the diverse situations he/she will meet in your organization? Do they appear to be able to handle issues in a calm and confident manner.

11. Tell me about time when you gave coaching sessions, yet participants had difficulty in understanding topics you were covering. What did you do?

Should appear to have the relevant coaching skills; has patience and does not mind repeating the topic until everyone understands the purpose of the coaching session.

12. As team leader, can you motivate a colleague who is not interested in working? Give an example if you have done something similar in the past?

Candidate should appear to view situations from the other person's perspective, understands and can see potential problems, acts as a counselor, and tries to inspire colleagues.

13. Describe time when you helped co-worker enhance their social skills?

Job seeker should seem to naturally help others in enhancing their skills.

14. What you think are main factors that normally boost morale of your fellow workers? How would you incorporate these factors into this organization?

Candidate should know that workers need to feel valued for the contributions they make; clear goals that co-workers can work towards; co-workers should be given opportunities to grow, learn, and achieve within the workplace.

15. Do you think it is important for colleagues to constantly update their skills? If so, what have you done to help in this matter?

Candidate should appear to take care of the people around him/her in the company, so that they can be more successful; motivates and inspires other to do better and achieve more; enhances education and skills.

16. Which you gave some on job training to your subordinates. Please be as specific as possible?

You should heart that they have provided on-the-job training for others; whether they have or haven't the job seeker should appear to be helpful and committed to creating a strong well skilled team.

18. What should you assume about your co-workers if you want to delegate successfully?

Job seeker should be able to view the positive potential of co-workers; does not rule out the possibility that a co-worker may want more responsibility; co-workers want to learn more; job seeker should recognize that the short term training investment will pay off in the long term.

19. What do you think are the most common excuses team leaders use to not delegate?

They can do it better them selves; can't trust him/her to do it; he/she is not qualified enough; they don't want anymore added responsibilities; I don't have time to show anyone how to do it; No one to delegate to; I am the only one that can do it.

20. Do you think delegation is a way to dump failure on the shoulders of a subordinate or as a dynamic tool for motivating and training your team to realize their full potential?

Employee should see delegation as an effective management skill which allows staff to use and develop their skills and knowledge to their full potential. A cynical view of this skill is a warning sign.

21. What type of instructions would you give your staff if you decided to delegate?

Clear instructions with decisive standards; everyone should know what needs to be done, when it should be finished, and the quality/detail needed. A job seeker should delegate the objective, not the procedure.

22. What steps do you take to ensure that the work you delegate is successful?

Job seeker should explain he knows how to outline desired results, ask for progress reports, sets interim deadlines, and does not overly focus on the methodology.