1. Explain me what is new with Visual WebPart in SharePoint 2013?

A new Visual WebPart Template has been added to Visual Studio 2012 for Creating Visual Webparts for SharePoint 2013. In this new Template both the User Control and WebPart Classes are merged to Create one template unlike SharePoint 2010 where you had a separate ascx and webpart file. Also, now you can Create both Sandbox and Farm solutions using Visual WebPart Template.

2. Tell me what is MOSS?

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) is the full version of a portal-based platform for collaboratively creating, managing and sharing documents and Web services.
In MOSS additional feature add that can not in WSS 3.0.

3. Tell us what is the new SPSecurityEventReceiver?

In SharePoint 2013, MS has added “SPSecurityEventReceiver” class to handle events for SharePoint Groups, Users, Roles and Permission Inheritance.

4. Tell us what is new with Social Capabilities in SharePoint 2013?

In SharePoint 2013 Microsoft has Introduced new Social Capabilities to let users Collaborate Socially in the Company. My Sites have been enhanced Incredibly to Integrate these Social features. Some of the new Features added are Community Sites, Microblogging, NewsfeedSite feed, Follow people and Follow Sites.

5. Please explain what is SuiteBarBrandingDelegate delegate Control used for?

SuiteBarBrandingDelegate Delegate Control is responsible for displaying ‘SharePoint' or ‘Office 365' text on top left of the new SharePoint 2013 site (in the blue bar). This text can only be replaced by Overriding SuiteBarBrandingDelegate Delegate Control with a custom Custom Control Created using Visual Studio.

6. Tell us what are Callout Popups in SharePoint 2013?

Similar to Dialog framework in SharePoint 2010, Microsoft has added a new Callout Popup framework to Create Hover Popups that you know as Preview Windows as well. These NotificationTooltipHelp (whatever you call it..) Callout Popups can be fully Customized to add Custom Text & Actions for guiding End-users.

7. Do you know what kind of Apps Can Developed?

The Code for an app runs in different places, depending on where your app is hosted.They never run in the context of SharePoint Server, but they will run in the context of the browser or in the context of the hosted platform.You Can Develop three kind of Apps –

SharePoint-hosted apps
Provider-hosted and autohosted apps – In the cloud
Apps that have a mix of Components in SharePoint and in the cloud

8. Explain me what is Embed Code and How do you get Embed Code for a document?

SharePoint 2013 provides a support to get “Embed Information” for documents and other digital Content types such as Videos,Audios etc. to be added on any SharePoint Page or in a Microblogging feed.

9. Tell me what is the difference between Sandbox solution & farm solution?

We can create sandbox solution for particular site but not for the entire site collection or farm. It is not applicable for farm solution. There are some restriction while creating the sandbox solution.

10. Do you know what are the new “Digital Content types”?

In SharePoint 2013 Microsoft has introduced a new set of content types called “Digital Asset Content Types” for better use of Audio, Video and Images as Web Content.These content types can be added to any library and can be used as a one of the items files.

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11. How to Deploy Master Page and Custom Css from SharePoint 2010 in SharePoint 2013?

Master Pages and Css has Changed a lot in SharePoint 2013. You can deploy a master page in Master page gallery but the styles from old core.css needs to be updated.

12. Tell us what is a Site Collection in SharePoint?

1. A site collection is a set of web sites.

2. Every site collection has top-level site, created when the site collection is created.

3. THere might be multiple site collections in web application and each site collection may have a multiple child sites.

13. Explain me what is CAML?

CALM tands for Collaborative Application Markup Language and is an XML-based language that is used in Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services to define sites and lists, including, for example, fields, views, or forms, but CAML is also used to define tables in the Windows SharePoint Services database during site provisioning.

14. Tell us how are Sandbox Solution Migrated in SharePoint 2013?

Sandbox Solutions are upgraded with the Content databases.

15. Do you know what is “Image Renditions”?

Image renditions enable you to render a single image in multiple ways. An image can be displayed in various sizes or with different cropping.

16. Explain me what is the new Out-of-box PDF Support?

SharePoint 2013 now offers Out-of-box PDF Support and what that really means is that PDF icon is now natively supported and PDF when opened in SharePoint 2013 will try to open in the Adobe Reader and prompt user to either checkout & open or open the file in PDF directly.

17. Explain me what is PromotedActions delegate Control used for?

PromotedActions Delegate Control is responsible for displaying Links “Share,
Follow, SYNC, EDIT” in top right below SuiteLinksDelegate Control. These Links can be replaced by Overriding PromotedActions Delegate Control using a Custom Control Created using Visual Studio.

18. Tell us web Applications Vs Site Collections Vs Sites in SharePoint?

SharePoint Site basically is a website. SharePoint allows us to create websites of specific types like Personal site, a Team Site, a social media site, a blogs or a Wiki Site etc.

On the other hand, a Site Collection in SharePoint is a collection of SharePoint sites that share common features like Content types, Templates, Site columns, permissions, Web Parts etc.

A Web Application is a collection of Site Collections in SharePoint OR in order way a site collection resides in a
web application. Normally a SharePoint web application is corresponds to a website in IIS means when a SharePoint Web application is created, it creates a WebSite and an application Pool in IIS .

19. Tell me what are ways to create input forms for workflow?

☛ You can create your forms by using custom application pages, which are standard .aspx pages deployed to run out of the _layouts directory.
☛ Using Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007

20. How to create & Deploy Sandbox Solutions in SharePoint 2013?

Sandbox Solutions are depreciated in SharePoint 2013. You can still Create them and deploy them but they are not supported by Microsoft (not 100% sure about this though).

21. Explain me what players are Supported for playing SharePoint 2013 Video files?

SharePoint 2013 supports two Video players – HTML 5 player and a Silverlight player.SharePoint chooses the player automatically, depending on the video format that it encounters in the video set (the collection of files that are related to the video). If the format can't be played on the HTML 5 player, the SharePoint uses the Silverlight player.

22. Tell us what is the new Analytics Processing Component in SharePoint 2013?

The Analytics Processing Component in SharePoint Server 2013 analyzes both the Content and the way users interact with it.The results from the analysis are added to the items in the search index to be used by Search Webparts,Recommendation Reports,Most Popular Items reports and other WebParts.

23. Do you know what is a Theme?

Themes are used to apply customization to a SharePoint Site and applying a lightweight branding by changing overall site layout, colors, fonts, background image etc. In SharePoint 2013, Microsoft has extensively improved theming Engine. Now, Theme customization is available by creating Font Schemes and Color Palletes. Further, we can add custom themes to Theme Gallery.

24. Tell me what is WebApplication in SharePoint?

1. In SharePoint WebApplication is a IIS website.

2. From Central Admin we can create the web application. Each web application is associated with one IIS web site.

3. Once the web application is created, we can extend the web application in different zones.

4. For each web application, content database is created.

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25. Tell me what are the zones in SharePoint?

1. Zones provides the separate logical paths of authentication for the same web application.

2. We can create 5 zones for each web application as follows :
☛ a. Default
☛ b. Intranet
☛ c. Extranet
☛ d. Internet and
☛ e. Custom

3. Each zone represented by different web sites in IIS.

26. Tell us how do you Deploy Solution to 14 hive or 15 Hive without modifying Solution?

In SharePoint 2013 with the new “CompatabilityLevel” parameter of Install-SPSolution cmdlet you can now Deploy your wsp Solutions to 14 hive, 15 hive or both.

27. Tell me what is Device Channel Panel Control in SharePoint 2013?

Device Channel Panel is a new control that you can include in a page layout to control what content is rendered in which channel. The Device Channel Panel is a container that is mapped to one or more channels.

28. Tell me what is Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server?

MS SharePoint Portal Server is an integrated suite from server side, to help improve organizational effectiveness with the help of providing
☛ comprehensive content management.
☛ enterprise search.
☛ accelerating shared business processes.
☛ facilitating information sharing across boundaries.
☛ Provides platform which includes server administration, application extensibility and interoperability for IT professionals.

29. Tell me which are default master pages in Sharepoint 2010?

☛ 1. v4.master - This is default master page.
☛ 2. default.master - this is used to support the 2007 user interface
☛ 3. minimal.master
☛ 4. simple.master- it is used for accessdenied.aspx, confirmation.aspx, error.aspx, login.aspx, reqacc.aspx, signout.aspx & webdeleted.aspx pages.

30. Tell us can we turn off Social – Follow & Site Feed in SharePoint 2013?

Yes.You Can de-activiate Follow & Social by disabling “Following Content feature” and “Site Feeds feature” on the Team site(in the written Order). By default, the Site feed feature on a team site is enabled.

31. Tell me how to use Fabulous 40 templates in SharePoint 2013?

As per MSDN, Microsoft is not Creating any New Versions of these Templates. The old Sites based on these templates Can be upgraded only if the Templates are Installed successfully in SharePoint 2013. You can try installing wsp of Fab 40 with CompatabilityLevel as 15 and upgrade the existing site collections.

32. Tell me what is the new IFrames support in SharePoint 2013?

SharePoint 2013 was added with the new Out-of-Box Support for IFrames. Admins can now embed dynamic content from other sites, such youtube videos or maps to any SharePoint site by using IFrames. Admins would need to add the Domain for the external site in “HTML Field Security” first.

33. Do you know what is Shredded Storage?

With Shredded Storage feature enabled, every document and the Changes made to the document, is stored in SQL as multiple “Shredded BLOBS“. Whenever a new Version of a document is Created, only the BLOBs of the document that Corresponds to the Change are saved as opposed to the entire document as a new version.This feature helps to lower down the amount of storage required for saving files.

34. Please explain what is Distributed Cache Service?

The Distributed Cache service provides caching features in SharePoint Server 2013. The microblog features and feeds rely on the Distributed Cache to store data for very fast retrieval across all entities. The Distributed Cache service is built on Windows Server AppFabric, which implements the AppFabric Caching service. Windows Server AppFabric installs with the prerequisites for SharePoint Server 2013.

35. Explain me what are Master Pages in SharePoint?

Master Pages in SharePoint serves the same purpose as that of ASP.NET Master Pages. Certain parts of a web page normally remains same like header, footer or navigation bar etc. So, We create Master Pages with these common parts in order to achive a consistent look and feel for a SharePoint Site.
Using Master pages provides lots of benefits including:

☛ Common Controls in one location only
☛ Writing less Code and Centralized Updating
☛ Better User Experience
☛ Flexibility
☛ Easier management of SharePoint Sites

Important Note:
☛ A SharePoint Farm can have one or more Web Application(s).
☛ A SharePoint Web Application can have one or more Site Collection(s).
☛ A SharePoint Site Collection can have one or more Site(s).
☛ A SharePoint Site can have one or more List(s).
☛ A SharePoint List can have one or more List Item(s).