Tell us what is your biggest weakness as Trainee Manager?
Submitted by: MuhammadYou may have been advised to answer with a canned response like "I'm a perfectionist," or "I work too hard." But employers are looking for honest answers. Focus on a weakness that is relatively minor and that you are actively working to overcome.
For instance, you could say, "I'm nervous about public speaking, which I know is a problem for my career. I've joined a local Toastmasters group to help me learn some tried-and-tested techniques. I also volunteer for presentations and speaking assignments to practice."
Submitted by: Muhammad
For instance, you could say, "I'm nervous about public speaking, which I know is a problem for my career. I've joined a local Toastmasters group to help me learn some tried-and-tested techniques. I also volunteer for presentations and speaking assignments to practice."
Submitted by: Muhammad
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