1. What is cytoplasmic pH Theory?

The cytoplasm of Gram positive bacteria are said to be more acidic
than those of Gram negative ones.
Hence the dye is said to bind with more affinity to Gram positive cells.

2. What is absorption Field?

An organized system of meticulously constructed narrow trenches, which are partially filled with washed gravel or crushed stone, into which a pipe is placed. Discharges from septic tanks are passed through these trenches.

3. Tell me what Are The Components Of Ziehi-neelsen Stain?

Primary stain: Strong Carbol Fuchsin (contain Basic fuchsin and Phenol)
Decolourizer 20% sulphuric acid
Counterstain LoelTler's Methylene blue or 1% Malachite green, Picric acid for color-blind workers

4. Please explain what Is Beaded Appearance Of Mycobacteria?

Beaded appearance is used to describe the appearance of Mycobacterla when the cell doesn't stain uniformly. showing stained and unstained regions. These forms are common in Mycobacterium tuberculosis while Mycobacterium bovis stains uniformly. Most saprophytic Mycobacteria stain uniformly.

5. Tell us what Other Methods Are Available For Staining Mycobacteria?

Sputum smears for Mycobacterla can be stained by fluorescent dyes such as Auramine and Rhodamlne as they have affinity for mycolic acid In their cell walIs The fluorescent microscopy is useful in screening large number of specimens. Large area of smear can be quickly observed that too under high power dry objective.

6. Tell me what Is Sterilization And Disinfection?

The process of kdling all hying forms including spores is called sterilization and the process of killing of only the vegetative form of pathogenic bacteria as well as other microbes is disinfection

7. Tell us which Part Of The Bacteria Actually Gets Stained?

It is the cytoplasm (especially the nucleic acid) that gets stained and not the cell wall. Presence of an intact cell wall is important for retaining Gram positivity. Cell wall deficient forms such as Mycoplasma and L forms are Gram negative.

8. What is magnesium Ribonucleate Theory?

A compound of magnesium ribonucleate and basic protein concentrated at the cell membrane helps Gram positive bacteria retain the primary dye. Gram negative bacteria do not possess this substance.

9. Tell me how Does Ethylene Oxide Sterilize?

Alkylation (hydrogen atom is replaced with an alkyl group) of protein. DNA. and RNA afFects bacterial metabolism and replication. EQ gas (8.5%) is often mixed with stabilizers such as CO2 (91 5%) or hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFC). This requires high humidity (40-80%) and long exposure times (1-6 hrs).

10. Tell us which Is The More Important Step In Gram Stain?

Decolourization is the most important step as this step differentiates between Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. Over-decolourization can result in Gram positive bacteria appearing Gram negative and under-decolourization can result in Gram negative bacteria appearing Gram positive.

11. What is cell wall theory?

Cell wall of Gram positive bacteria are 40 times thicker than those of Gram negative cells, hence they are thought to help retain the dye-iodine complex.

12. Which Iodine Compounds Are Used In Antiseptics?

☛ Tincture Iodine - 2% of Iodine in 70% alcohol - lodophore - Povidone Iodine.
☛ Name some antiseptics.
☛ Chlorhexidine. Chloroxylenol. spirit (70% alcohol), tincture of Iodine. H202.

13. What is activated Sludge?

Sludge particles which are produced in raw or settled wastewater, by the growth of organisms in aeration tanks. This is all done in the presence of dissolved oxygen. This sludge contains living organisms that can feed on incoming wastewater

14. Can you name Some Disinfectants?

Phenol. Lysol, Formaldehyde. Sodium hypochlorite.

15. Tell us why Are Mycobacteria Acid Fast?

The cell walls of Mycobacterla are made up of waxy substance, Mycolic acid that Is relatively Impermeable to ordinary stainIng techniques. But, by apphcation of heat and a mordant (phenol), the cell can be stained The purpose of heating is to soften the waxy material of the cell wall and allow the stain to enter the cell. Basic fuchsin is more soluble in phenol and phenol is a better solvent for lipids and waxes.

16. What is lipid Content Theory?

Cell envelope of Gram negative bacteria contains an additional membrane (outer membrane). hence containing more lipids than Gram positive bacteria. Acetone or alcohol dissolves the lipid thus forming large pores in Gram negative bacteria through which the dye-iodine complex leaks out. Alcohol/acetone dehydrates Gram positive bacteria shrinking the cell wall and the closing the pores.

17. Tell us what Is Acid-alcohol Decolourizer?

3% HCI in 95% alcohol (methylated spirit). This is useful in dilrerentiating saprophytic Mycobacteria from pathogenic Mycobacteria Pathogenic Mycobacteria are both acid and alcohol fast but saprophytic Mycobacterla are only acid-fast Saprophytic Mycobacterla can get declourized by alcohol. 95% alcohol can be used as a secondary decolorizer after decolourizing with acid Especially used in staining smears prepared from urine that may contain Mycobacterium smegmatis.

18. What is acetogenic Bacterium?

An aerobic, gram negative bacteria, that is rod-shaped, which is made of non-sporogenous organisms that produce acetic acid as a waste product.

19. Do you know what Do Albert A(1) And B(2) Solution Contain?

Solution A(1) contains Toluidine blue, Malachite green, Glacial acetic acid and Alcohol while solution 8(2) contains iodine and potassium iodide In distilled water.

20. Tell us what Is Acid Fast Staining?

Certain bacteria or their structures have the ability to retain the primary dye (strong carbol fuchsin) and resist clecolourization by weak mineral acids such as H2S04. HCI. Such bacteria or their structure are termed acid fast and this property is termed acid fastness. There are two types of acid fast staining, the hot method and the cold method. The hot method (Ziehl-Neelsen) involves heating the slide while the cold methods such as Kinyoun's and Gabbett's do not involve heating the slide.

21. Tell us how well do you work with people as Bacteriologist?

You work great with people! This question may stump you, but as a Bacteriologist, you may work on your own more often than in a group. The interviewer wants to hear that you work well with all types of people from patients to other health care professionals.

22. Tell me what is aerobic?

This includes organisms that require molecular oxygen to survive (aerobic organisms), an environment that has molecular oxygen, and processes that happen only in the presence of oxygen (aerobic respiration).

23. Explain me which Are The Ways To Demonstrate These Granules?

Albert's stain. Neissers stain, Ponder's stain and Pugh's stain They can be demonstrated as retractile bodies in wet mount or slightly more gram positive structures in Gram stain.

24. Tell us which Are The Positive And Negative Controls For Gram Stain?

☛ Positive control: Staphylococci
☛ Negative control: E.coli. pus cells

25. Tell us how To Interpret The Smear?

At least 100 oIl Immersion fields must be viewed before declaring the smear as negative The sensitivity of smear Is low because It requires the presence of 104 bacillilml to be smear positive. If the number of bacilli is less than this, the chances of detecting them are less In such a case, the sample should be subjected to concentration techniques such as Petroff s method If the smear Es positive for AFB. it should be counted/graded Failure to detect any AFB does not rule tuberculosis Grading of smears has prognostic value.

26. Tell us what Do Popular Brands Of Antiseptics Such As Dettol Or Savlon Contain?

The active ingredient of Dettol is chloroxylenol whereas Savlon contains a combination of Cetrimide and Chiorhexidine.

27. What is agar?

A dried hydrophilic, colloidal substance extracted from red algae species, used as a solid culture media for bacteria and other micro-organisms. Also used as a bulk laxative, in making emulsions and as a supporting medium for immunodiffusion and immunoelectrophoresis

28. Tell me what Are The Various Filters?

Porcelain filters. Seitz (asbestos) filters. Sintered glass filters. Membrane filters and HEP filters.

29. Tell me how Is The Smear Graded?

Smears are graded depending on the number of bacilli seen

☛ 3-9 bacilli/entire smear: +
☛ 10 bacilli/entire smear ++
☛ 10 bacilli/in most oil Immersion fields: +++

30. Explain me who Introduced Acid Fast Staining?

Ehrlich in 1882 discovered acid fastness. The original method involved staining with aniline-gentian violet and decolourization with strong nitric acid.

It was later improved by Ziehl and Neelsen.

31. Tell me who Invented Gram Stain?

Hans Christian Gram invented this stain in 1884. The original formulation was Aniline Gentian violet. Lugol's iodine, absolute alcohol and Bismark brown.

32. What is agglutination Reaction?

The process of clumping together, in suspension of antigen bearing cells, micro-organisms, or particles in the presence of specific antibodies called agglutinins. This leads to the formation of an insoluble immune complex.

33. Explain me what Is Duckering?

Ducking Is a process of inactivation of Anthrax spores in animal products such as wool, hairs or bristles. It was introduced by Elmhirst Duckering, an enginer at wool factory. This is a live-step process. each lasting for 10 minutes and carried out at 40.5°c.

☛ immersion in 0.25-0.3% alkali
☛ immersion in soapy water
☛ immersion in 2% formaldehyde
☛ secondimmersion in 2% formaldehyde
☛ rinsinq in water

34. Tell us what Are Chemisterilants?

These are the chemicals used for sterilization. They are 2% Gluteraldehyde (cidex). Ethylene Oxide (EO). Formaldehyde + steam and Beta - Propiolactone (BPL).

35. Explain what Are The Articles Sterilized In An Autoclave?

Culture media, gloVes. cotton and clothes.