1. Why do you want to work here as Nurse?

Your reasons for wanting to work at this place of employment should be positive and show that you have an understanding of the unique culture. It's also an opportunity to draw the connection between your career goals and how they can be achieved at this particular facility. “Your hospital has been growing its oncology service line, and my ultimate goal and passion is to work with the top oncology program in our area.”

2. Explain me what is your favorite type of patient?

A patient that is appreciative of the care they are receiving. A patient that cooperates and is willing to do what is necessary to improve upon while they are under our care. Of course, finding a perfect patient will not always happen and you have to adapt and be just as courteous to a patient no matter how they behave.

3. What is emergency Situations?

The medical world is full of emergency situations, and anyone with any experience at all must have a few incidents to speak of. When answering this question, tell about some of the most challenging and difficult cases that you have faced. You can also talk about a specific problem and how you handled it. Make sure that you speak about the added value that the situation gave to your medical experience.

4. Tell me what was your proudest moment as a nurse so far?

Having only 1 patient at a time as you do in the surgical setting I focus on that 1 patient. I will never forget a very young breast cancer patient, I think she was 26, drifting off to sleep with anes and a single tear drifted down her face...I tried to confort her during her last seconds of consciousness. She remembered that in a letter to the hospital...she felt I was a caring nurse.

5. Tell me why do you want to work for us as Nurse?

XYZ Medical Center has a mission of improving the health of the people in their community through personalized and compassionate quality care. As a Critical Care Nurse it is important for me to provide kindhearted care and support to patients and their families through their heartbreaking experience. I am impressed with the level of compassionate care provided at Saint John's and wish to accept a leadership position in the future where I can use my experience to mentor others.

6. Tell me where do you see yourself in a few years?

Any medical institution will need to know how serious you are about the profession and where you see yourself in five or ten years. Clearly, they will want to hear that you are interested in a lifelong career in the medical profession; people prefer to hire employees looking for many years of work. If your plans are otherwise, be honest and play up your good points.

7. Tell me what was your least favorite patient? What was the situation?

I had a patient who's pain control was unmanageable. I notified the charge nurse and we notified the physician to get a different medication or dose that would be more therapeutic, but the physician declined the request. Still advocating for my patient we tried different non pharma interventions but his pain as still unmanageable. I didn't like that we couldn't make him pain free.

8. Tell me where do you see yourself in five years as Nurse?

I plan on being a career nurse. There are so many different floors and units to work on, with each providing their own change of pace. I enjoy nursing and patient care too much to ever consider a career outside of the hospital.

9. What do you dislike about your present job as Nurse?

The interviewer is trying to find out whether the job in question involves tasks you dislike. Do not be too specific. Talk about the characteristic of your present company that are different from the company you're interviewed by. For example, if your company is large, you might say you are frustrated with slow decision-making. Or if it's small, you could say that there is a lack of opportunities to progress in your career.

10. Tell me how do you handle situations that could cause you to be tardy or absent?

I will always try to avoid being tardy by ensuring I have adequate time prior to the start of work. Further to that, I will continue to take care of myself to the best of my ability to avoid becoming sick which would be a potential cause for missing work.

11. Tell me where did you get your qualifications from?

Here is a chance to speak about your training, any courses you have taken, related books and articles you have read, as well as all the experience you have accumulated, including volunteer and part time positions.

12. Tell me how will you earn the respect of your teammates?

I would say through confidence and showing initiative to learn. I think if they see you are open to learning and jump on those learning opportunities they will know you are working on becoming more competent and independent in your practice.

13. Explain me an example of a time when you went above and beyond in customer service?

Tell a compelling story. Give an example where you benefited a former employer through your customer service skills. Or think of a time in clinical when you went over and above on behalf of a patient, or family.

14. Tell me how do you deal with stress at work?

When work becomes stressful this is where I prioritize my responsibilities so that everything gets done I do my best to deal with the matter at hand that is causing the stress the faster its solved the less stress for the day.

15. Explain what motivates you to work in the nursing field?

Critical situations and tough patients motivate me. In my last job, I was confronted with a patient, who was not handled by a number of nurses, later I took charge of him and solved his problem by understanding his situation. I really love to overcome challenges.

16. Explain me what are your likes and dislikes about the job?

All jobs have advantages and disadvantages. As you respond, be careful – do not say anything that puts your previous jobs in a bad light, unless it was a well-known or extreme situation. Focus on the positive, mention a few good things about previous job(s). If you feel it is important, briefly outline any disadvantages. Close with more positive comments.

17. Explain me how do you respond to a grumpy patient in pain?

I ask them if there is anything i can do to them, and i evaluate how they are, and try and make them comfortable.

18. Tell me how do you make seamless transitions on shift changes?

Tell the oncoming nurse about the most high risk patients that day. Talk to them not only about patients but also the most that happened to staff that day.

19. Explain me what is your greatest failure?

In my first job, I made a mistake in the patient's chart. Fortunately, my supervisor noticed it. Since then, I always double- check my charts.

20. Tell me how do you use your downtime?

I would recheck if I have really accomplished all my duties and obligations on my shift, then I would talk to my patient make sure she is stable and all her needs were met, and if she needs anything before I leave. Maybe helpout other co-workers if they are getting behind their schedules.

21. Explain your biggest strengths and weaknesses?

I have outstanding leadership qualities and interpersonal skills, which help me to coordinate well with my colleagues.

I do not quit easily, until the work is done in a proper manner; it's my major weakness.

22. Why are you looking for a new job?

If you want to leave your present job for negative reasons, be very careful in how you express this to an interviewer. Make it sound positive. Being negative or even rude about your current/previous employer or company will not work in your favour. Mention that you are looking for a new challenge, with more responsibility or a change of environment. It is advisable not speak of remuneration in connection with your desire for a new job.

23. What drives you as Nurse?

This question is very common in various healthcare departments. These professions mostly have people who work for reasons other than the financials. Therefore, you should inform the interviewer about your inherent need to serve people and help them get better and the happiness you feel when successful.

24. Tell me what are some areas that need improvement?

My weakness is am a type "A" personality. So I need not to keep on double checking myself. The second weakness is I have a notion that i need to help other nurses on the floor, which then puts me behind sometimes in my work. Lastly, I like to do things on my own without telling the other techs that i need help.

25. Tell me what are some issues in the nursing field you would like to see change?

I feel nursing is very professional. I don't have much exposure to nursing yet, so I would not know if there are improvements that need to be made.

26. Explain me how would you handle a patient, who complains about everything?

The major reason of complaints is their diseases, which makes them unhappy. As a nurse, I would understand their situation, listen and reassure them that the best possible services are given to them.

27. Tell me what questions do you have, feel free to ask?

☛ What is the pay?
☛ Does the job offer any benefits?
☛ What is the nurse-to-patient ratio?
☛ How long are your shifts -- eight, 10 or 12 hours?How do you go about scheduling?
☛ Is self-scheduling an option, or does someone else dictate the schedule?
☛ How long have most nurses been on the unit?

28. Tell me how would you respond when asked to perform a task outside of your job description?

I would glady accept, because I always want to make a great impression and do my duties, whatever they may be, at the hospital.

29. Tell me what kind of experience do you have to benefit this particular job?

This is a great chance for you to sell yourself, but the interviewer will be looking for an individual who is a problem solver and can ‘hit the ground running'. The answer lies in understanding the role described to you and taking the trouble to ask lots of questions about tasks involved. Try to respond with examples of the suitable skills and experience you have, showing that you could accept the role with confidence.

30. Explain me about a time when you made a mistake. How did you handle it?

is impossible to say that I have never made a mistake, but I can garanty the I learn from it and iy will never happen again.

31. What motivates you as Nurse?

I grew up in a medical family. Seeing my parents help out neighbors and family members that were ill and really making a difference inspired me to become a nurse.

32. Explain me what is your ideal work environment?

Conducive environment ,team working ,respect for others,friendly staff,opportunity for career development and educational staff development.

33. Please explain your former supervisor?

Kevin was a competent supervisor with exceptional leadership qualities, who always maintained healthy interpersonal relationship. I have learned a lot from her.

34. Tell us when you feel most satisfied in your job?

I really enjoy caring people and helping them in coping up with their illness. I love to work with children.

35. Explain me what is the most difficult part of being a nurse?

According to me, the most intricate part of being a nurse is having a patient, who suffers from an incapacitating disease, which is incurable.