1. Explain how Well Do You Work In A Team as Hospital Cleaner?
I am good at interpersonal relationships and exercise my effective communication skills when needed to work in a team. I also try to help my colleagues whenever possible which makes me a very effective team player.
2. Explain me why do you want to leave your current job as Hospital Cleaner?
I am looking for a position where I can work on a broader scale and one that provides me more opportunity to move up to a supervisory role.
3. Can you tell me how Would You Handle Being Asked To Re-clean A Room?
If the candidate takes offense to being asked to fix their work, think twice about hiring them. An ideal candidate should take the situation as a learning experience and express their desire to improve-rather than being defensive or objectionable.
4. Tell us are You Familiar With Chemical Cleaning Precautions?
Yes, I am an expert in chemical cleaning and fully understand the precautions to be followed while using any chemical cleaners including ice cleaners. I am capable of reading and following instructions to book that come with various chemical cleaners.
5. Tell us how Do You Manage To Complete Multiple Housekeeping Tasks In A Single Day?
I am good at multitasking and task prioritization. When given multiple tasks for a day I immediately prioritize them and set to work. This strategy almost always helps me in completing the day's tasks no matter how many there are.
6. Tell us in Your Opinion, What Is The Most Important Quality Of A Housekeeping Aide?
A housekeeping aide needs to be able to work in a thorough and detail-oriented manner. A speck of dust here or there, or a spot on the floor can leave a very bad impression on guests, Thoroughness is important in all cleaning and maintenance work.
7. Tell us why Did You Choose To Work On This Housekeeping Position?
I believe that I have exceptional cleaning skills which make me comfortable while performing different kinds of cleaning and sanitization tasks. Because of these skills, I have the capability to provide exceptional housekeeping services.
8. Why Do You Want This Job Now as Hospital Cleaner?
The ideal candidate will be one who expresses interest in growing with the company and learning the business from the ground up. These kinds of housekeepers are going to be the most conscientious because they'll be looking for opportunities to move into positions of greater responsibility. Workers who just need a job may fill a vacancy, but may not be as motivated to do excellent work as those who plan to make a career in the industry.
9. Tell us will it be ok for you to work for night shifts and how do you manage?
You can say that you are comfortable and agree to work for a night shift. You can say that it is unusual timing, but you are used to be awake at night hours and hence there are no hassles in working for a night shift. You can also assure the employer that you would sleep for eight hours in the daytime and hence you do not find yourself exhausted during work.
10. Tell me what skills do you have that qualify you for this job as Hospital Cleaner?
Since I have worked as a cleaner for so long, I know what type of chemical is used for different surfaces and furniture and where I should not use any chemicals at all. I am also comfortable with mixing chemicals as I know just how potent each mixture should be so that it isn't harmful.
11. Tell me what Is Your Prime Chemical Safety Concern In Your Job?
Chemical safety is of the utmost importance for a person working in a housekeeping position. It is important for them to understand the portions in which chemicals need to be mixed and their safe use. This is for both their own safety and that of the guests. My prime concern is that housekeeping personnel should be trained in mixing and using hazardous materials properly and this is the areas where my training is focused on.
12. Tell me what are the job tasks for a janitor?
The key intention for a janitor position is to sustain a germ-free environment which is always neat and tidy. The main janitorial duties include dusting furniture and equipment's, office cleaning, mopping the floor, sweeping, minor electricity maintenance and plumbing, cleaning toilets, lawn, and clearing up snow off pathways.
13. Can you tell me a Time When Your Work Was Criticized? How Did You Handle It?
During my first year of work my supervisor called me once and criticized me for not cleaning the windows properly. I took the criticism positively and improved my window cleaning skills.
14. Can you explain me with some details of your employment background?
I have worked as a cleaner at Acme Inc. for five years. My job was to clean and maintain several work areas around the office.
15. Tell us how would you keep yourself boosted by performing repeated cleaning tasks?
By posting this question the interviewer would like to know if your quality of work would be constant. You can mention that you are motivated in performing the job though there is no great difference each day, and you're faster each day in performing janitor job as you are well-versed in the chore. You can say that you also find new ways so that you're more efficient and achieve work in short timings.
16. Tell us what Are Your Personal Strengths That Help You As A Housekeeper?
My strengths are persistence, patience and organization. These traits support me not only in the role of housekeeping but also in dealing with customers effectively.
Guests and housekeepers interact often. Your housekeepers must be able to deal with all types of guests-nice or rude.
18. Can you explain me your worst experience that happened in your janitor job?
The employer would like you to know if you have faced any hindrance and how you handled it. Hence, mention a bad experience and the way you handled the situation in a calm and patient manner.
19. Can you explain me why Did You Choose To Work On This Housekeeping Position?
I have exceptional cleaning skills which make me comfortable while performing different kinds of cleaning and sanitization tasks. In addition, i have a demonstrated ability to perform minor repair and maintenance tasks. Because of these skills, I have the capability to provide exceptional housekeeping services.
20. Tell us how Do You Handle A Client Who Is Angry Or Upset And Dissatisfied By Your Work?
If a client is not happy with my work I apologize and then work on improving my services. I always try my best to understand the client's housekeeping requirements fully and to deliver high standard housekeeping and clients are generally happy with my work.
21. Tell us do you possess any professional janitor experience?
The fact about the janitor posting is that the individual should possess a good understanding of the procedures and cleaning equipments. If you possess any previous experience in the same janitorial work, do mention it to the employer. You can say that I have been a janitor for the past four years and possess experience in cleaning and its procedures. I also have experience handling cleaner chemicals.
To be able to multitask, one has to have a clear head. I make sure I get enough sleep before I report to work and I have a habit of not just multitasking physically but mentally as well. If one has to work in a capacity that is so demanding, one has to do a lot of mental computing in order to get the job done right.
23. Professional Hospital Cleaner Job Interview Questions:
☛ What is your previous experience?
☛ Can you be flexible?
☛ When can you start?
☛ Are you ready to work next week?
☛ What times are you available to work?
☛ Can you work unsupervised?
☛ Have you done any cleaning before?
☛ What cleaning roles have you had?
☛ How much experience do you have?
☛ What you use to clean a toilet?
☛ In a bathroom or toilet what are the 3 most important cleaning duties?
☛ What cleaning products do you normally use?
☛ Do you use different products for different areas, pieces of furniture etc?
☛ What makes you a good cleaner?
☛ How much do you clean at home? What are your priorities?
☛ How well do you work with others?
☛ How would you split 20 offices between 4 staff in time or would you work together?
☛ How flexible are you if there was a need to change or increase hours?
24. Organizational Hospital Cleaner Job Interview Questions:
☛ Why did you choose to become a housekeeper?
☛ What qualities do you have that make you a good housekeeper?
☛ Do you charge by the hour, or by the square foot?
☛ Do you supply your own cleaning supplies?
☛ You have your own rags, glove, and mop?
☛ What do you enjoy about looking after a home?
☛ Can you tolerate heights?
☛ How many years of experience do you have with house cleaning?
☛ Do you have experience with outdoor cleaning?
☛ Will you wash windows inside and/or out?
☛ Can you and would you be willing to use power washing equipment for windows, etc.
☛ Do you believe in the value of using green products?
☛ Are you knowledgeable about the treatment of different countertops (marble, granite,etc.)
☛ Are there particular cleaning products that you feel are superior and/or cost efficient?
☛ What do you find the most challenging/interesting part of house cleaning?
☛ Do you have any pet allergies?
☛ Are you willing to work in a home with a dog and/or cat?
☛ Are you willing to work in a home with a smoker?
☛ Are you willing to work while the owners are home?
☛ What are your expectations regarding the condition of the house when you arrive?
☛ Can we leave dishes in the sink?
☛ Can we leave toys on the floor?
☛ Have you ever worked with children in the house?
☛ Do you keep records of necessary tasks done daily, weekly, and monthly in each client's house.
☛ How do you prioritize your work?
☛ Are you thorough in your cleaning?
☛ Do you move furniture and objects when vacuuming and dusting?
☛ Do you dust baseboards?
☛ Do you wipe pictures and/or light fixtures?
25. Basic Hospital Cleaner Job Interview Questions:
☛ What cleaning products do you normally use?
☛ How do you clean computer screens?
☛ How much time do you need to clean a working space of 10 offices?
☛ Have you ever used green cleaning products? If yes, how would you rate them compared to products you've traditionally used?
☛ What are the most important duties when cleaning a bathroom?
☛ Is there any specific task that you don't perform? (e.g. due to an allergy)
☛ How do you deal with emergencies? Can you mention a few examples from your past experience?
☛ Do you have experience with outdoor cleaning?
☛ How flexible are your working hours? Would you be available for early morning or late night shifts?
☛ How do you treat different materials like wood, marble or granite?
☛ Are you familiar with cleaning machinery? What devices have you previously used?
☛ If you found a personal item and you didn't know who it belonged to, what would you do?
☛ What do you do when you have to move heavy furniture to vacuum?
☛ Are you familiar with health and safety precautions?
26. Operational Hospital Cleaner Job Interview Questions:
☛ Tell me about yourself.
☛ What are your strengths?
☛ What are your weaknesses?
☛ Why do you want this job?
☛ Where would you like to be in your career five years from now?
☛ What's your ideal company?
☛ What attracted you to this company?
☛ Why should we hire you?
☛ What did you like least about your last job?
☛ When were you most satisfied in your job?
☛ What can you do for us that other candidates can't?
☛ What were the responsibilities of your last position?
27. Fresh Hospital Cleaner Job Interview Questions:
☛ What's the most frustrating task you have faced in your previous positions?
☛ Describe a situation where you went the extra mile and performed a task out of the ordinary.
☛ Do you prefer working in a team or independently?
☛ Have you ever seen a co-worker stealing? What did you do?
28. Can you tell me are you technically savvy?
If you mean whether I can use cleaning equipment and tools, yes I am!
29. Explain me an instance when your work as a housekeeper was challenged?
I was once working for a hospital where there was a patient whose family notorious for being dissatisfied at everything. The patient happened to be admitted in one of the rooms that I was servicing. And nothing was good enough for the family. The sheets were never clean enough, there was never enough soap and the bed was never made “to our liking”. It was extremely tiring. But thankfully, when the patient was discharged, the family didn't leave a single complaint!
30. Tell us something you have done beyond your duty level?
This type of character interview questions are asked to know your efficiency and if you would be ready to do any task at times. You can mention an example where you worked in an organization which had less staff. At that moment, you were asked to do extra shift in order to support your organization.
31. Tell us do you possess the patience to deal with the public at times of cleaning?
With respect to the janitor or custodial position that is offered to you, you may have to clean places amidst the public during the business operation times. Your answer should be that you are comfortable working in such environment where customers are around. You can say that you started your career by working in customer service and hence you're used to working in places where public and customers are around.
You would find it to be interesting as you get a chance to interact with other people. You can also mention that you always concentrate on the job and the task you handle; you would not be interrupted by people around.
32. Please explain why do you think you are suitable and better candidate for this position?
When such a question is asked you just need to highlight your specific skills. You can say that you have an in-depth knowledge of chemicals and cleaning procedures. You can mention that you have experience in this job role and hence you can follow cleaning practices by following few safe procedures. You can mention that you also possess the capability to work under restricted supervision.
I have been actively involved in trainings pertaining to leading teams of housekeeping personnel. The basic idea behind my involvement in these trainings is to understand conflict management between workers and to downplay the effects in front of guests.
34. Tell us how Would You React If You See Misconduct Or Inappropriate Behavior In A Fellow Worker?
I will report it immediately to supervisor since I would not want the facility or the management to suffer due to an employee's indiscretion.
To be able to multitask, one has to have a clear head. I make sure I get enough sleep before I report to work and I have a habit of not just multitasking physically but mentally as well. If one has to work in a capacity that is so demanding, one has to do a lot of mental computing in order to get the job done right.