1. Tell us what do you deem the most important aspect of a cashier's work?
Good customer service is the most important aspect of any cashier's work. Since they work at the front end, creating a good impression of the establishment they are working for is extremely important. On the other hand, proper cash handling and cash balancing are equally important.
2. Explain me why did you leave your last job as Hospital Cashier?
This falls among the most tricky interview questions and answers of all time. If you are a fresh graduate then you need not worry about this particular question. But if you were recently fired, quit unceremoniously or resigned to start your own business but things didn't work out, then you should worry about how to answer this interview question.
For those who were fired, you must own up to it and let the potential employer know you have taken measures to make sure you don't go down the same road. If you quit, then tell the employers why and link your reason to what the current role is offering.
3. Can you tell us how are you with handling money?
A key part of a cashier's job is handling money, so trustworthiness and integrity are important. In your answer, highlight your experience managing money, your past employers' feedback on your honesty and your accuracy in managing the cash drawer.
4. Tell us how would you define excellent customer service?
Excellent customer service begins with greeting the clients and assisting them in finding what they are looking for. Providing detailed information regarding the products they are interested in along with specifications and prices is the most important component of excellent customer service.
5. Can you please differentiate between discount and rebate?
Discounts are given at the time of purchase while rebates are given after the purchase has been made. Once the customer has paid the full amount, they are refunded the rebate amount after some documentation. Discounts and rebates, both imply that the customer has to pay less than the actual price for the merchandise bought.
6. Explain me a time you provided excellent customer service?
Employers look for candidates that can do their jobs well, while keeping the customers happy. Recall a past situation where you went above and beyond to give great service.
"A customer came in looking for a product she saw online, however we did not carry it in stores. I apologized and explained that our store inventory differed from our online inventory. I showed her a similar product in our store that she could purchase. As well as offering her the option of free express shipping on the online product just in case she was sold on that specific one. I allowed her to choose whichever was most convenient for her to show we were willing to do whatever it took for her to leave a happy customer."
7. Explain me how Would You Define Excellent Customer Service?
Excellent customer service begins with greeting the clients and assisting them in finding what they are looking for. Providing detailed information regarding the products they are interested in along with specifications and prices is the most important component of excellent customer service.
8. Tell us what is the most recent skill you have developed as a cashier?
I have recently attended a two day workshop on cashiering in which I perfected my credit card payment processing and verification skills.
9. Tell us are you comfortable handling money?
The main role of a cashier is to handle customer's transactions so you need to show that you can be trusted with money and are comfortable doing such.
"Handling money is expected to be my primary duty. I have no problem with that responsibility. I've worked as a cashier for three years and have experience counting back change and balancing my cash register. A customer has never had an issue and my register has never come up short."
10. Explain me why do you think customer service skills are essential for a cashier?
Since the cashier deals with public and represents the company or the store, customer dealing skills are a must.
11. Tell me what Do You Deem The Most Important Aspect Of A Cashier's Work?
Good customer service is the most important aspect of any cashier's work. Since they work at the front end, creating a good impression of the establishment they are working for is extremely important. On the other hand, proper cash handling and cash balancing are equally important.
12. Tell us what Experience Do You Have In Processing Non Cash Transactions?
I have handled all forms of non cash transactions including credit cards, vouchers, check payments and online amount transfers.
13. Tell me what experience do you have in processing non cash transactions?
I have handled all forms of non cash transactions including credit cards, vouchers, check payments and online amount transfers.
14. Tell us why would you want to make cashiering as a career?
I am good with both cash handling and customer service. Since these two aspects of a cashier's work are the most important, I excel in this role.
15. Tell us how would you describe excellent customer service?
As a cashier, you will constantly be interacting with customers. It's crucial that you provide quality service and that your description is in sync with how the employer views customer service.
"I would define excellent customer service as doing whatever is necessary to keep the customer happy. Whether it's greeting them with a smile, ensuring they have everything they need, or providing them with assistance. It also means resolving any issues that may arise, no matter who was at fault."
16. Tell us why do you think you can be a good cashier?
Say that you are responsible, do not mind routine work, and will learn the job quickly. If you had the same position before you can emphasize that you enjoyed it, and can handle the cash counter with a good speed.
17. Explain me do You Have Any Experience Of Cash Balancing And Amounts Reconciliation?
Yes. In fact it was part of my duty at my previous workplace. I performed cash and records balancing daily before closing.
18. Can you explain me about a problem you faced as a cashier and how you overcame it?
It was the annual closing when I had worked only two weeks at my first job. While balancing the cash there was a major discrepancy that just wouldn't resolve. I solved the problem by conveying it effectively to the management, taking guidance, following instructions and remaining calm. On checking and rechecking several times, I found out the wrong entry. I perform balancing daily ever since.
19. Tell us have you ever been tardy for work before?
I was stuck on the interstate due to an accident one-time last year. I was sitting in stand still traffic for 25 minutes. I called my manager right away to let her know I was in stand still traffic, and I notified her that I would be in as soon as possible. I am typically always on time, so she had no concerns with it since it was outside of my control.
20. Suppose if a customer accused you of bad customer service, what would you do?
Say that you count with such a behavior. Say that you always try your best, and listen attentively to the feedback from the customers. At the same time, however, you would not let any negative remarks to affect you emotionally in work.
21. Tell me what Is The Most Recent Skill You Have Developed As A Cashier?
I have recently attended a two day workshop on cashiering in which I perfected my credit card payment processing and verification skills.
22. Explain of A Particularly Difficult Situation That You Handled Involving Customer?
At Macy's, a customer got quite antsy when he realized that he did not get the change that he was supposed to. He gave me a $100 bill and I was required to return $20 to him but accidentally gave him $10. He got very upset and asked to see a supervisor. I apologized but did not offer too much of an explanation of my error as I somehow gauged he was too upset to listen to me. I called my supervisor before the situation got out of hand.
23. Tell us why do you want to work for us as Hospital Cashier?
An alternative to this interview question would be why do you want this job? When faced with this question, the first thing to remember is that the employer or interviewer is interested in your motivation.
Think back to the time you encountered the position, what convinced you to submit an application? Use that in your answer and remember to add why you think the company is a best fit for you. Employers enjoy a little flattery.
24. Tell us how do you think you will be a good fit to our company?
Quite well, actually! I have worked in the retail arena before and can safely say that I am comfortable with most of its demands.
25. Can you please explain if a coworker calls out sick and you're on your own?
This is a common issue in service industries. When short-staffed, you can face long lines and frustrated customers. In this situation, it's important you recognize the role of politeness and efficiency. If even working at your fastest the lines keep lengthening, you need to tell the employer you would consult with your manager about calling in other workers or asking other employees to take over another register.
It may be tempting to answer this question by emphasizing your ability to handle ever-increasing volumes of customers, but even the world's fastest cashier needs help now and then. The hiring manager doesn't want a candidate who insists that he or she can do everything without help, that's just not realistic.
26. Tell us what does customer service mean to you?
You and your coworkers represent the company you work for everyday to the people who come in. You've probably experienced various levels of customer service yourself. Pull from these experiences to describe exactly how you'd want to be treated by a cashier. This is the most important of the four cashier interview questions and answers. A good answer to this might be that customer service means keeping a smile, greeting everyone kindly, and providing assistance whenever necessary.
27. Explain me a situation when you found it hard to be courteous?
Perhaps you didn't like some customer, or someone was really rude with you, or had stupid remarks. It is completely natural to find it hard to be courteous in such a situation. But you should say that you still tried your best, since it is important to maintain a good level of customer satisfaction.
28. Can you differentiate Between Discount And Rebate?
Discounts are given at the time of purchase while rebates are given after the purchase has been made. Once the customer has paid the full amount, they are refunded the rebate amount after some documentation. Discounts and rebates, both imply that the customer has to pay less than the actual price for the merchandise bought.
My primary strategy for dealing with stress is to focus on the parts of my job I can control while not worrying about the parts out of my control. This allows me to devote all my energy to being the best employee I can be. Additionally, I mentally compartmentalize stress to keep problems from one area of work or life from affecting other areas.
30. Can you state three traits you possess that you think are your major strengths as a cashier?
☛ Numeracy skills,
☛ customer oriented attitude and
☛ cash balancing expertise.
31. Basic Hospital Cashier Job Interview Questions:
☛ What other customer-facing experience do you have?
☛ Describe your experience with cash-handling.
☛ This job involves repetitive tasks. How do you stay motivated?
☛ Walk us through a typical day at your last job. What were your responsibilities?
☛ Tell us about a time you made a suggestion that saved time, money, or improved revenue.
☛ What would you do if you knew that you would be extremely late for your shift?
☛ How would you deal with a co-worker who wasn't doing their share of the work?
☛ What would you do if you had a slow day at work? How would you spend your time?
☛ Describe a time you had a disagreement with your supervisor. How did you resolve the situation?
☛ A customer tries to combine two offers that cannot be combined. How would you handle it?
☛ A customer wishes to return an item for a refund. What procedure do you follow?
☛ A customer has a question, but you don't know the answer. What are your next steps?
☛ Describe a time you went above and beyond to deliver excellent customer service.
32. Explain me do you prefer working alone or on a team? Why?
In any job, being able to work with a team and get along with others is important. However, make it clear to the interviewer that you can still accomplish goals successfully on your own.
"I work highly effectively alone, however I prefer to work on a team because it can be extremely beneficial. I feel that collaborating with others allows for more ideas and higher efficiency and speed. If we're all working well together, it will be apparent to our customers and reflect well on the company."
33. Explain me how flexible is your schedule?
The key to both of these cashier interview questions and answers is your willingness to be flexible. You will most likely be working in a store with more than a couple of other cashiers who will call in sick at some point. This means that there may be more opportunities for you to pick up extra hours. This could also mean that the store will need you to work when you may not want to. Be open about what works for you and what doesn't in regard to days of the week, time of day, and shift length. If you are flexible, say so. Companies will be more likely to hire someone that can work a little extra or on short notice.
34. Explain me about A Problem You Faced As A Cashier And How You Overcame It?
It was the annual closing when I had worked only two weeks at my first job. While balancing the cash there was a major discrepancy that just wouldn't resolve. I solved the problem by conveying it effectively to the management, taking guidance, following instructions and remaining calm. On checking and rechecking several times, I found out the wrong entry. I perform balancing daily ever since.
I take short 3-5 minute break after every hour and also deal with customers in between receiving cash for purchases which breaks the monotony. This enables me to carry out the core cashiering tasks specially hard cash handling effectively, in a focused manner.