1. Do you know what is Permutation?

An ordered arrangement of a group of object is known as Permutation, for example, the permutation of arrangement of 9 balls different in colours in 3 different rows can be done in 9P3= 504 ways.

2. Explain how do you create a successful home and work balance?

Although I don't believe my life is balanced, I took on teaching spin classes as a way to structure ‘me time' into my day. I love cranking up the music and encouraging my clients to be the best they can be for 45 minutes! It is very refreshing to have adult conversations and it's nice to burn off a little steam while on the bike.

3. Do you know what is a linear equation what is it used for?

To calculate or solve problems involving distance, speed and time we used linear equation, it is also used to find solutions that involve weight, mass and density. Linear equation can be expressed as Ax +By+ Cz+…= D.

4. Explain what aspects of your job are the most challenging?

The most challenging aspect of my job as math teacher and instructional coach is managing the different personalities and tasks I've been asked to perform.

5. Do you know what is algebra?

Algebra is one of the fields of maths, which uses symbols and letters to represent numbers, point and objects, as well as relationship between them. It is used to know the unknown variables.

For example, you have lost 5 pens, and you are left with 10 pens now, to know the total number of pens you had it. You will use algebraic equation.

X -5 = 10

X= 10+5 = 15 which is the total number of pens you had.

6. Explain me how have you used student data to inform planning or assessment?

It has become quite common for teachers to use pre- and post-testing to better determine what our students actually know before we plan and teach lessons. With pre- and post-testing, I can also monitor the growth of each individual student. It has worked really well with the eighth graders in the math classes I teach. Let me show you one example from my portfolio.

7. Tell us in spite of work challenges, what do you most enjoy about being a teacher?

I love that everyday is a new day with new experiences. I learn from my students and have the opportunity to constantly grow as a professional.

8. Explain an example of differentiation in a classroom where you have worked?

Working with the sixth-grade teacher next door, we divided students for a math activity, based on the students' needs for review. I was able to work with students who really needed more one-on-one attention to attain higher scores. Even within my group, I modified how I presented information to students who needed more hands-on examples.

9. Explain me what would your master teacher or cooperating teacher say about you?

My master teacher would say that I am incredibly energetic in teaching because I love what I do! She would say that I am the type of person who also goes the extra mile to help my students learn and comprehend their lessons regardless of their abilities. She would say that I also try to teach values that are important in life, including the value of 

10. Tell me what advice can you give to those who are new to the field of teaching?

The pressure you encounter from administration can be intimidating and challenging. Don't worry about being the perfect teacher – worry about your growth as a teacher. I have become the most successful when I have picked small things to change (group work, rubrics, assessments) and only focus on one thing at a time. Find a community of teachers to help keep you inspired. Blogs, book clubs and professional development are some of my favorites!

11. Tell me according to you what is the role of parents towards students in middle school?

☛ Parents should be supportive
☛ Parents should try to understand their child learning ability and motivate them to improve further
☛ Parents should not oppose on their liking and dislike towards the subject
☛ Parents should tell the student that it is ok to fail
☛ Parents should encourage students to learn new things
☛ Parents should track their progress in schools
☛ Parents should build qualities like patience, hard work and practice

12. Tell me what is the extracurricular activities high school teacher can organize?

☛ Quiz competition based on subjects
☛ Debate or discussion on subjects and out of subjects
☛ Indoor and outdoor games
☛ Drama and stage performance
☛ Yearbook
☛ Volunteering in NGO's or field that student interest

13. Explain how can you bring interest among students for subject like science?

☛ At the beginning of the year, set the tone as the science is creative, dynamic and fun
☛ Wherever possible ask question to arouse curiosity
☛ Use example of scientific discoveries often in your conversation
☛ Take help of other science teachers for organising some science fair or seminar for students or group activities related to science
☛ Look for collaboration with local scientific research institute even if it is for temporary
☛ Take full advantage of lab facilities
☛ Let student work freely with their practical's and let them use the trial and error method

14. Tell me what can you contribute to our school community/teaching?

I am the type of teacher who shares with my peers the classroom experiences that I have had, whether good or bad. I do this because I believe that this the best way for me
and other teachers to improve our teaching. In this way, I get to share with them the best of my skills and, in return, they share with me the best of their skills. I also find
that this is a very good way to learn how to handle situations that are difficult or unusual. The feeling of not being alone, but being part of a team of teachers, is what I can bring to the school. This will help build morale and a great working environment.

15. Tell me how do you use technology as a tool for learning in your classroom?

I usually use technology in one of two ways: for grading students in my classroom or developing electronic teacher assessment notebooks for every teacher in the school. In the former, I use EnGrade, an application that lets me put my grades online so students and parents can see my grading in real time. It also keeps me organized by tracking attendance and other assessments. In the latter, I develop online spreadsheets via Google Docs / Drive so teachers can get a good sense of their students' assessment information. In turn, they also have to enter their performance assessment grades so the teacher teams get a good sense of how students are learning in the class.

16. Tell me what is the formula for calculating interest rate?

There are two types of interest which can be calculated using a different formula

Simple Interest

Compound Interest

To calculate simple interest, formula used is (PX RX T)/ 100

Where P is the principal amount, R is for the rate of interest and t is for time

Formula for calculating compound interest is P X (1 + r/100) ^t

17. Explain me what is your classroom management plan?

My general classroom management plan is to make my classroom feel like a home to every student. I want them to feel valued, intelligent, safe, and comfortable. I want
them to respect me, the teacher, and each other and to show that respect by treating everyone with kindness and caring.

The class environment must be conducive to learning so I welcome everyone's opinions and encourage and respect student differences. I try to understand the expectations
of my students and make them aware of my expectations. I always make it a point to clearly communicate my expectations at the beginning of the school year. In this
way, I ensure that the students and I are moving toward the same goal – learning for all. I establish firm, but fair and consistent discipline. I try to maintain a regular schedule each day. If the classroom is well-managed and teaching is effective, the participants in this learning environment will learn, grow, and become responsible

18. Tell me what advice can you give to recent graduates who are preparing to start a teaching career?

Spend some time in the classroom. Learn some empathy. Get a nice watch. As the year progresses, start difficult, get easier if you must. Learn from other teachers, take what works for your personality, and apply it as early and often as possible.

19. Tell us what is Cubic Meter?

Cubic Meter is the standard unit used to measure the volume of an object length by length. The unit is written in m3.

1 m3 (Cubic Meter) = 1000 liters

20. Tell me what are some of the problems faced by middle school?

Some of the problems faced by middle school is

☛ Insufficient teacher training
☛ Inappropriate learning environment
☛ Less involvement of parents
☛ Emotional stress and other issues

21. Explain me what are effective classroom management styles?

Effective classroom management styles include

☛ Don't attend any parent's- teacher conference, student meeting or discussion until you are clear about the goal
☛ Don't promise student to do something which you can't able to do
☛ Understand students all aspects and requirement for class-room
☛ Ensure that whatever you implement or say should be practically feasible and beneficial for the student

22. Tell me what would be your classroom management structure if you are hired?

The classroom management structure the I would opt for –

☛ Listening students in one-to-one meeting
☛ Solving issues among the students
☛ Try to involve parents in the disciplinary process
☛ Having student sign a learning contract at the beginning of the year
☛ Agreeing on a set of classroom rules together as a class

23. Tell me what will be your approach when a lesson does not work well?

☛ Try to analyse what went wrong
☛ Concentrate on the weakness of the lessons
☛ Make the content easy and more comprehensive
☛ Utilize useful resource
☛ Take advice and guidance from other experienced teachers

24. Explain what is Geometry is about?

Geometry can be classified into two classes

☛ Plane Geometry: It is about flat shapes like triangles, lines and circles that can be drawn on a piece of paper
☛ Solid Geometry: It is about three-dimensional objects like cylinders, cubes, prism and spheres

25. Explain me what are the type of qualities would you look for in a principal?

☛ Having a vision and a clear goal
☛ Planning and motivating
☛ Good communication at all levels
☛ Visibility, consistency and accountability
☛ Supportive

26. Tell us how you can convert a percentage to a fraction?

To convert a percentage into fraction let say 70% to a fraction
☛ Convert 70 % into decimal = 70/ 100 = 0.7
☛ Write down the decimal “over” the number 1 = 0.7/1
☛ Then multiply top and bottom by 10 = 0.7x 10 = 7/10

For each number after the decimal point 1 x 10

(10 for 1, 100 for 2)

☛ Which will give = 7/10
☛ 7/10 it the fraction form

27. Explain me what is your view on the implementation of new subject in the curriculum and which subject you would like to include?

☛ Computers are inevitable in 21st century; a basic computer programming from high school onwards can help students to become a pro by the time they complete their colleges
☛ Data science engineering is another subject that could be helpful to the student in their near future
☛ Statistics is like catalyst for data analysis, with little knowledge with statistics they can handle and operate data library in any field

28. Explain me what are the skills middle school teacher should have or implement to make teaching more effective?

☛ Provide study material which is compelling and easy to understand
☛ Try create an ambience where students can help each other
☛ Allot homework smartly which is a burden less and more meaning full
☛ Model thinking and not solution or answer oriented
☛ Provide the feedback immediately and which is more relevant to the task
☛ Before state testing gets math tutor volunteers once a week for 2 months
☛ Use story telling method to teach maths to students

29. Tell me how much is a hectare and how much is square millimetre?

☛ 1 hectare = 100 meters on each side , so a hectare has 100 m x 100 m = 10,000 m2
☛ A square millimetre is millimetres x millilitres; a millimetre is a thousand part of a meter, so a square millimetre is one millionth of a square meter
1 X 1 = 1 of a square meter

1000 1000 1,000, 000

30. Tell me in a staff room, there are four racks with 10 boxes of chalk-stick. In a given day, 10 boxes of chalk stick is in use. What is the fraction remains in the rack?

If each rack consist of 10 box of chalk stick, then total number of box on 4 racks will be

4X 10 = 40

Now, the second part is 10 of the boxes are in use which means that total amount of box left is= 40 – 10 = 30.

Now the fraction will be

Remained/ total = 30/ 40 = 3 / 4 is the fraction remain in the rack

31. Tell me what aspects of your job are the most challenging and how do you overcome them?

My biggest challenge is balancing my students' needs with the pressure of my district's pacing expectations. It is very difficult to find time to execute enriching lessons or conduct interventions when our curriculum often covers different topics each day. It is a constant internal battle I face when I know I want to do what is right for my students while also trying to meet the expectations of administration.

32. Suppose let's pretend it's almost the first day of school and you are a first grade teacher. How would you prepare your classroom?

This question tests how well you will manage the classroom. The philosophy is that the more organized you are, the more well-run your classroom will be. Don't give the panel just a few words… they may be using a checklist to see how many items you mention. Plus, as a teacher, you should be very excited about this question and be able to speak for a while, but limit the response to two minutes.

Your response must provide them with an idea of how nurturing and inviting your classroom will be to students. Come up with some creative decorating ideas, making sure
they are student-centered. You could also mention a huge welcome sign, the daily schedule, age-appropriate posters, name tags for students, labeled desks (how will they be
arranged?) and lockers, a list of class rules/consequences/rewards, and other labeled areas (e.g., the classroom library, manipulative storage, computer area), etc. Or, mention that you might invite parents and students to visit the classroom the day before school
starts, with the administrator's permission. If you have a portfolio with have pictures of other first days of school, this is a great chance to share them with the panel.

Next, make it clear that you will have organized the textbooks, your lesson plan book, your grade book and other materials well before school begins. Mention several
activities you might include during the first day of school, including an ice-breaker, a trip to the restrooms, and a fun art project.

The real key to this question is to show your enthusiasm, passion, excellent organizational skills, and how you will create a warm and captivating environment in which students will feel safe, where learning will be maximized, so that children will look forward to coming to school each day.

33. Tell me do you know what is going on in education today?

 Do you have a passion for the profession? In other words, do you stay current?

Here is a possible answer for this question.

I love education. I think that it is imperative to be a lifelong learner when one is a teacher. I plan to continue my education by (fill in this blank with your own plans). 

Technology continues to evolve into a strategic part of education. Tablet PCs and hand held devices are the newest gadgets on the market for students to use; the internet is
an incredible resource. Technology provides interactive, individualized learning experiences, increasing student engagement and efficiency – in safer and more secure

Multiculturalism and securing equal opportunities for all are important themes in education.

And, of course, teaching to state standards to upgrade student academic progress is very important.

34. Tell us what is the responsibilities of a middle school teacher?

The middle school teacher responsibilities includes

☛ Helping children to move from early phases of learning to become expert
☛ Conducting and grading tests
☛ Presenting and setting up lessons
☛ Working with students both in groups and personally
☛ Tracking and monitoring the performance and progress of each student
☛ Regular meeting with parents to discuss student's progress
☛ Supervising activities after school hours for sports, club and dance activities

35. Do you know what are the duties of a high school teachers?

High school teacher duties includes

☛ Prioritizing teaching methods
☛ Preparing material for seminars and presentations
☛ Enforcing disciplinary actions
☛ Conducting progress reports
☛ Assessment of student progress
☛ Lecturing and discussing concepts
☛ Making administrative and budget decisions