1. Explain what is Thermal Conductivity?

The property of the material that relates to its ability to conduct heat is referred as Thermal Conductivity.

2. Do you know what is Wave-Particle duality?

When matter and light exhibits properties of both waves and particles, it is referred as Wave-Particle duality. For instance, Light can behave like wave when it shines through narrow slits while, when exposed to some metal surface it will spray electrons acting as a particle. So under different conditions it will act.

3. Explain the factors on which the velocity of sound depends?

Velocity of sound depends on velocity and density of the medium on which it travels. It varies directly as the square root of elasticity and inversely as the square root of the density.

4. Do you know what is dyne?

Dyne is a unit of force or also referred as C-G-S (centimetre – gram –-second). It means that when a force is applied to mass of 1 gram, it gives acceleration of 1 centimetre per second.

5. Do you know what is “Convection”?

Convection is the process of transferring heat by movement of heated fluid such as water or air. In this process, the heated fluid expands, and gravity pulls the denser masses under them thus forcing them into motion. One good example is a draft of lamps and stoves.

6. Tell me what is dark matter?

Dark matter is an invisible matter in the space that can hold the stars into the galaxy. They have no effect of electromagnetic force on it, which means it does absorb, reflect or emit light that makes them practically invisible.

7. Tell me what is Quantum tunnelling?

Quantum tunnelling is the process where the particle passes through an obstruction or barrier to reach at another end. It is referred as tunnelling as the particle as “dug” out the way through the potential barrier.

9. Tell me do you have any specific advice for dealing with panel interviews?

When you are being interviewed by a panel or a committee, it is vital to look at everyone as you answer each question. If Dr. X asks you something, state Dr. X's name in your reply but address it to all the people in front of you, not just Dr. X. Everyone on the panel is evaluating you and they each need to know that you recognize their presence and authority even if they don't ask you a question. You should also offer extra copies of your résumé/CV and publications list as you begin the interview. Smile and maintain eye contact. Finally, request contact information for everyone on the panel so you can write each of them an individualized thank-you note.

10. Why are ball bearings used in bicycles, cars, etc?

The effective area of contact between the wheel and axle is reduced

11. Tell me what is the unit to measure the heat resistance?

Ohm is the unit to measure the heat resistance.

13. Tell me what is Uncertainty principle?

Uncertainty principle tells that the momentum and position of a particle cannot be measured precisely.

21. Explain what specific advice do you have for international students?

For international students looking for a job in a country where they don't have the correct work visa yet, it is important to clearly demonstrate that you and your set of experiences, expertise, skills, networks of contacts, pedigree, and credentials will provide the company a competitive advantage. Give them examples of what you have achieved that is unique to you and connect the dots for them by then explaining how this experience will benefit them-that you'll be able to solve problems more efficiently, more quickly, in novel directions, and so on. Why? If the company wants you-which they will determine and finalize in the actual interview-they will do what they need to do to get you, before the competition gets you. So look for opportunities in the interview to share exactly what achievements you have had that demonstrate your unique skill set. And remember: A company might have to go to the trouble of obtaining a work visa for you, but if they like you and see your value, they will do what is necessary to get you the job.

24. Tell me what is Pascal law?

A Pascal law states that when you apply force at one point on liquid it will transmit equal force from one location to another within the liquid.

27. Tell me what is shearing stress?

Shearing stress is the ratio of the tangential force F to the area of the face BCGH over which it is applied. The ratio shearing stress is divided by shearing strain is the shear module or co-efficient of rigidity, n

Shearing stress = const

Shearing strain

28. Tell me what is Photon?

The fundamental unit/quantum of Light

30. Tell me at what point in the interview process should a disability be discussed, if ever?

For the most part, I don't think you need to bring up a disability at all. In general, it is none of their business if it doesn't impact your ability to deliver excellence in the job. However, let's say your disability will affect your ability to take on certain tasks of the position. For example, say you have to be able to lift 25 pounds in order to operate a telescope or some other instrument, and your disability precludes you from doing that. In this instance, you can indicate the issue, and how you would work around it so as not to impact your ultimate productivity.

31. Basic Physics Teacher Job Interview Questions:

☛ Describe a college class or experience that has most influenced your teaching philosophy.
☛ What to you think is your most exciting, effective, and memorable lesson plan. How do you know it's effective?
☛ How do handle a classroom of students with a wide variety of skill levels?
☛ What are some ways that you use technology in the classroom? How do you find technologybeneficial? Can technology every have negative impacts on learning?
☛ What do you think it the difference between a novice and expert physics student? How do you transform notice students into experts?
☛ What role to you think homework should play in a physics class? What methods do you employ to encourage students to do homework?
☛ In what ways are you a better teach today than you were several years ago?
☛ What is a physics concept that you find students have particular difficulty with? How do you help students overcome this difficulty?
☛ What do you say to a student who asks why an astronaut is "weightless."
☛ A student is pushing a cart, both the student and cart are accelerating. The student claims that the force of the student on the cart is greater than the cart on the student. What do you say to this student?
☛ Here is a cart of objects that could be used for physics demonstrations, spend the next 5 minutes saying how you could use objects on the cart for various demonstrations.
☛ Use Gauss's Law to find the electric field a distance R away from an infinite line charge.
☛ What questions do you have for us?

32. Professional Physics Teacher Job Interview Questions:

☛ Tell about yourself and why you think you are successful physics teacher?
☛ Why do you like to work as physics teacher?
☛ What could you do not like to work as physics teacher?
☛ What are your future steps after experience you'll gain from your physics teacher job?
☛ As physics teacher, what training courses or extra education that you think will improve your work performance?
☛ What salary do you expect you'll get from being physics teacher employee?

33. A particle is moving freely. Then its?

kinetic energy is always greater than zero

35. Explain at the end of the interview when they ask "do you have any questions for us?", what should I ask?

Yes, you wait for them to provide you with an offer before you start negotiating. If they ask during the interview about your salary expectations, you can say, "I am just focused on the position and organization right now and want to ensure that I am are right fit for the job." If they insist, you can ask them what their budget or budget range is. If they really insist, be ready with a range that you have researched in advance. The general rule is that the first party to mention money sets the limits. If you mention a number before they do and it is lower than what they had budgeted, you just did them a huge favor by saving them money.