A person who oversees and manages a museum and its collections
The curator is an expert in her field.
2. Tell me what is a collection?
A group of accumulated paintings, documents, or artifacts grouped together by a particular theme
The British Museum collection totals at least 8 million objects.
3. Tell us what resources do you use primarily to develop your educational lectures?
I have a plethora of informational resources such as books, old letters and documents, and periodicals to help me with my research work. I also keep closely in contact with historical scholars, so that I can have access to verified information.
Relating to the arts and to intellectual achievements
Visiting a museum is an example of a fun cultural activity.
A person employed to show tourists around places of interest
Our tour guide was very informative!
6. Tell us what is your particular way for leading specific groups of visitors on museum tours?
I have a set pattern upon which I create, develop and implement educational programs. Based on these, I lead visitors through museum sections, providing them with information on displays, and the histories and culture connected with them.
7. Tell us what can you bring to our school that makes you unique?
This question is pretty straight forward, and the perfect opportunity for you to really let your unique qualities shine. Talk about activities you've participated in or passions you have that can easily translate into teachable moments and classroom activities that fall outside the usual curriculum that is currently being enacted. Don't criticize what they're doing, but explain how what you're bringing will augment and compliment what they've already got in place.
A person who oversees the operation of a museum
9. What is an artifact (artefact - UK)?
An object made by a human being, of cultural or historical interest
By exhibiting artifacts from the past, museums can teach us a lot about different periods in history.
Anything made by man, especially something useful
11. Do you know what is a gift shop?
A shop that sells items appropriate as gifts
My favourite thing about a trip to a museum is visiting the gift shop!
a single thing that is taken as an example of a whole category
a piece of work produced by shaping solid figures(as people or things)out of stone,wood,clay,metal etc.
14. Basic Museums Teacher Job Interview Questions:
☛ Why did you choose to work as a museum curator?
☛ What do you find important about preserving history?
☛ Have you been to any museum exhibitions recently?
☛ Have you been to any galleries recently?
☛ What did you like/dislike about the galleries/exhibitions?
☛ How would you organize information about an upcoming gallery?
☛ Is there a specific time period in which you are most interested?
☛ What do you think is the primary challenge facing museums today?
☛ How do you feel about interactive exhibitions?
☛ Where would you like your career to be in 10 years?
☛ What approach would you use to make your exhibitions more acceptable?
☛ What situations might occur that would cause you to cancel/rethink an exhibition?
☛ What tools do you believe are most effective for marketing your exhibitions?
☛ Are you comfortable travelling to find new pieces for an exhibition?
☛ What were your favorite museum studies classes in college?
Communication is literally everything when one has a job such as that of a museum educator. Since one has to communicate with people from all walks of life on a daily basis, it is imperative that one's skills in verbal communication especially, are exceptional.
16. Can you explain me why do you want to teach at this school?
This question is another common teaching interview question and a perfect example of why preparing and practicing your answers before you get to the interview is critical! Use this opportunity to provide specific reasons why you're interested in the school by drawing on the information you gathered during your research.
Whoever is interviewing you is genuinely interested in knowing if you're actually interested in the position or if you're just sending out resumes and showing up for whoever calls you no matter where they are. Having specific answers tailored to your audience shows enthusiasm, initiative and dedication, all qualities that are valuable!
A public display of works of art or items of interest held in a museum or gallery for people to see
I would like to visit the Sherlock Holmes exhibition at the Museum of London in October.
a room or building that is used for showing works of art
caretaker,a person who takes care of a building keeping it clean and doing some rapairs
The remains of something, such as an object or person
House of worship
To maintain something in its original or existing state
As The Mona Lisa is over 500 years old, there are many people working on its preservation.
23. Can you tell us why did you decide to become a teacher?
This is probably the most often asked teacher question which means whoever is interviewing you has probably heard just about every story in the book… Giving a standard “because I love helping people learn” isn't going to cut it here.
You want to give an answer that is heartfelt and genuine and really illustrates why you chose this field. Take time before your interview to really reflect on why you're doing what you're doing. Was there someone in your past who inspired you and you want to pay that forward and inspire others? Draw from specific examples. Make your response thoughtful, genuine, and honest.
24. Can you explain me what made you decide to become a museum educator?
After I obtained my degree in history, there were a few choice that I had, such as teaching and research work. One other was working as a museum educator, which piqued my interest more because I somehow felt connected to this work. I tried my luck and soon decided that this work was right down my alley. And here I am!
a container with glass sides in which valuable or important objects are kept so that they can be looked at without being touched, damaged, or stolen
Energetic, willing and able to start something new
27. Tell us what is your teaching philosophy?
Everyone will have a unique answer to this question as everyone's experiences with education, experience, and own personal history will determine how they've shaped their own philosophy. What drives you to teach? What is your approach to teaching and what guides you and how you run your classroom? Take time before you get into the interview to really focus on what your philosophy is and how you apply it every day.
28. Please explain as far as external liaison is concerned, how do you fare?
Working with external agents to develop learning aids, and obtaining supplies is all in day's work for me. I am exceptionally well connected locally, and can easily research and derive the information that I need for my educational projects.
29. Tell me what is to wander (around)?
To walk slowly across or around an area, usually without clear purpose
On Saturday I enjoyed wandering around the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
artefact an object that is made by a person, such as a tool or a decoration, especially one that is of historical interest
Mixture of different kinds of things, jumble
cloakroom a room in a public building such as a restaurant, theatre, etc. where coats, bags, and other personal things can be left while their owners are in the building
objects that are made out of clay by hand
Something that you give in order to help a person or organisation
There is a recommended donation of $2.
35. Explain me what frustrates you the most in a classroom?
This question allows your interviewers to get to know what it takes to ruffle your feathers and how you'll behave when faced with that situation. Find a situation that is fairly common for all teachers and then explain how you've dealt with that frustration. Remember, you want to focus on positive aspects of your teaching style, so if you're still frustrated with a situation and haven't figured out how to work around it yet, maybe don't use that one as your example.