1. What is canon?

A musical form where the melody or tune is imitated by individual parts at regular intervals. The individual parts may enter at different measures and pitches. The tune may also be played at different speeds, backwards, or inverted.

2. What is classical?

The period of music history which dates from the mid 1700's to mid 1800's. The music was spare and emotionally reserved, especially when compared to Romantic and Boroque music.

3. What is fugue?

A composition written for three to six voices. Beginning with the exposition, each voice enters at different times, creating counterpoint with one another.

4. What is klangfarbenmelodie?

The technique of altering the tone color of a single note or musical line by changing from one instrument to another in the middle of a note or line.

5. What is encore?

A piece of music played at the end of a recital responding to the audiences enthusiastic reaction to the performance, shown by continuous applause.

6. What is prelude?

A short piece originally preceded by a more substantial work, also an orchestral introduction to opera, however not lengthy enough to be considered an overture.

7. What is gregorian Chant?

Singing or chanting in unison without strict rhythm. Collected during the Reign of Pope Gregory VIII for psalms and other other parts of the church service.

8. What is enharmonic Interval?

Two notes that differ in name only. The notes occupy the same position. For example: C sharp and D flat.

9. Explain what is scale?

An ordered succession of adjacent pitches, arranged in a sequence of whole steps and half steps, for example the major or minor scales. A specific scale is defined by its characteristic interval pattern and by its most prominent pitch, known as its tonic.

10. What is falsetto?

A style of male singing where by partial use of the vocal chords, the voice is able to reach the pitch of a female.

11. Tell me what is concerto?

A composition written for a solo instrument. The soloist plays the melody while the orchestra plays the accompaniment.

12. What is fifth?

The interval between two notes. Three whole tones and one semitone make up the distance between the two notes.

13. What is romantic?

A period in history during the 18th and early 19th centuries where the focus shifted from the neoclassical style to an emotional, expressive, and imaginative style.

14. What is key signature?

The flats and sharps at the beginning of each staff line indicating the key of music the piece is to be played.

15. What is dynamics?

Pertaining to the loudness or softness of a musical composition. Also the symbols in sheet music indicating volume.

16. Explain me about an instructor or mentor that has inspired you?

This question creates an opportunity for the prospect to tell a story. Being a good storyteller is important for music teachers. Storytelling is a great way to engage students and help them with focus.

17. What is reed?

The piece of cane in wind instruments. The players cause vibrations by blowing through it in order to produce sound.

18. Tell me what is harmony?

Pleasing combination of two or three tones played together in the background while a melody is being played. Harmony also refers to the study of chord progressions.

19. What is classicism?

The period of music history which dates from the mid 1800's and lasted about sixty years. There was a strong regard for order and balance.

20. Tell me how would a former student describe you as a teacher?

This question is related to #3 so I don't always ask these back-to-back. This question encourages the interviewee to discuss their strengths and abilities from a different perspective.

21. What is scordatura?

The retuning of a stringed instrument in order to play notes below the ordinary range of the instrument or to produce an usual tone color.

22. Do you know what is solo?

For one player (musician), or to be played alone. In an orchestral work it has come to mean the important line or part for one player, while soli would be the same for a group or section of players.

23. What is conductor?

One who directs a group of performers. The conductor indicates the tempo, phrasing, dynamics, and style by gestures and facial expressions.

24. What is cadenza?

Initially an improvised cadence by a soloist; later becoming an elaborate and written out passage in an aria or concerto, featuring the skills of an instrumentalist or vocalist.

25. Tell us what makes your favorite artist so outstanding?

This question tests a candidate's ability to be expressive. They will have to dig a little deeper into their thoughts to come up with a thoughtful answer. This question puts them in a position where they have to explain musical concepts. This, of course, is something that they will have to do in a lesson.

26. What is relative major and minor?

The major and minor keys that share the same notes in that key. For example: A minor shares the same note as C major.

27. Tell me what is measure?

The unit of measure where the beats on the lines of the staff are divided up into two, three, four beats to a measure.

28. Tell me what is fermata?

To hold a tone or rest held beyond the written value at the discretion of the performer.

29. What is clef?

In sheet music, a symbol at the beginning of the staff defining the pitch of the notes found in that particular staff.

30. Tell us is there anything in your personal life that could impact your ability to get to work on a consistent basis?

The question is an invitation for the prospect to reveal any prior commitments or family issues that could impact their ability to work. Caring for family members, lack of reliable transportation, school, and touring bands are all issues I've dealt with as an employer. Some of these issues are more disruptive to business than others. It's important to address any of these issues up front.

31. Basic Music Teacher Job Interview Questions:

☛ What is your professional and educational experience in music?
☛ What is your teaching experience? What age groups do you teach?
☛ How do you participate in ongoing professional development?
☛ Do you have a written studio policy? Will you review it with me?
☛ Do you regularly evaluate student progress?
☛ What instructional materials do you use?
☛ What kinds of music do you teach?
☛ What other elements are part of your teaching curriculum?
☛ Do you require students to perform in studio recitals during the year?
☛ Do you offer other performance opportunities for your students, such as festivals and competitions?
☛ Do you use technology in your studio, such as computers, music instruction software, digital keyboards?
☛ How much practice time do you require each day?
☛ What do you expect of your students? Their parents?
☛ What is the Parent's Role?
☛ Do you charge by lesson or for the month?

32. Professional Music Teacher Job Interview Questions:

☛ What is your teaching philosophy?
☛ Why do you want to work at our school?
☛ What kind of repertoire would you have our students perform?
☛ What inspires you?
☛ Why did you become a music teacher?
☛ I step into your classroom. What would I see?
☛ If a kid confides to you that his parents are abusive, what would you do?
☛ What skills would your students have by the time they leave your program?
☛ What approach to music education do you most use in your classroom?
☛ What are the first three solfege notes you would teach in Kodaly? (I actually got this question)
☛ What is your opinion about dalcroze?
☛ What is your background with Orff instruments?
☛ What background do you have with teaching instruments?
☛ Would you be comfortable teaching general music?
☛ Would you be comfortable teaching recorder/flutophone/violin/piano?
☛ What is your approach to changing boys' voices?
☛ What is most important to you in a classroom?
☛ What are your classroom management strategies?
☛ How would you redirect a distracted child so they are not disrupting their classmates?
☛ How do you make sure students are all able to succeed? (Differentiation)
☛ What role would formative assessment have in your classroom?
☛ How would you use technology in our classroom?

33. What is dissonance?

Harsh, discordant, and lack of harmony. Also a chord that sounds incomplete until it resolves itself on a harmonious chord.

34. What is fourth?

The interval between two notes. Two whole tones and one semitone make up the distance between the two notes.

35. Do you know what is major?

One of the two modes of the tonal system. Music written in major keys have a positive affirming character.