1. Do you know what Is An Operations Manager?

An operations manager is a senior-level employee who oversees the production of goods and/or providing of services.

2. Tell us what Are The Tasks You Have Handled Daily As An Operation Manager?

The tasks are numerous, so give a few specific examples.

Preparing budgets for programs, arranging facilities and ensuring coordinated movement from site to site, making inventory control and logistics, being an employees' supervisor, conducting job interviews etc.

3. Tell us what Do You Know About Managing Budgets?

Operations managers are typically involved in budget planning. Their goal is to learn how much has already been spent, how much will be spent, and how to spend the remaining budget so as to acquire necessary resources within budget limits. Operations managers may be even involved in financial issues such as loans for the company.

4. Out of all the other candidates, why should we hire you as Plant Manager?

Since a candidate cannot compare himself with people he doesn't know, all he can do is describe his incredible passion and desire and commitment and ... well, basically beg for the job. (Way too many interviewers ask the question and then sit back, arms folded, as if to say, "Go ahead. I'm listening. Try to convince me.")

And you learn nothing of substance.

Here's a better question: "What do you feel I need to know that we haven't discussed?" Or even "If you could get a do-over on one of my questions, how would you answer it now?"

5. Please explain what Experience Do You Have With Presentations?

Operations managers are required to communicate effectively inside and outside the organization. They often represent companies in conferences and meetings because they are highly qualified to present the details of expansion and growth, plans and prospects, and discuss any current projects.

7. Explain me what Does An Operations Manager Do?

Operations Managers monitor the work of the different departments within a company, or of different companies and organizations. They are highly trained, highly qualified professionals with great and complex responsibilities.

Operations managers design policies, plan human and technical resources, manage day to day tasks. They are involved in almost all aspect of company operations at once, but their overall goal is to provide and support the most effective methods of operation.

8. Tell us have you participated in negotiating contracts from small or large vendors? How do go about it and have you succeeded?

As Operations head, your job also involves in getting a job or project executed within budget. For this you would have to get help from outside source for which you would have to be good at negotiation.

This skill is aptly executed when you are sound in that field or subject or else take advice from other department heads. You could give examples of what contracts have you successfully negotiated.

9. What do you consider to be your biggest professional achievement as Plant Manager?

Here's an interview question that definitely requires an answer relevant to the job. If you say your biggest achievement was improving throughput by 18 percent in six months but you're interviewing for a leadership role in human resources ... that answer is interesting but ultimately irrelevant.

Instead, talk about an underperforming employee you "rescued," or how you overcame infighting between departments, or how so many of your direct reports have been promoted....

10. Explain me what Aspects Of Your Previous Management Roles Have You Excelled Within?

It is not enough just to mention that you were responsible for a particular task, employers want to know that you excelled at it. It is also not enough to merely recite your relevant areas of expertise, you will want to share examples of success stories from your work experience.

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11. Tell me how Operations Managers Establish And Maintain Interpersonal Relationships?

By developing constructive and cooperative working relationships with others, and maintaining them over time.

12. Tell us how Might An Operations Manager Be Involved With Individual Employees?

The operations manager's scope is broad, but he/she deals with office regulations, discipline and small scale conflicts as well.

It is often the operations manager's role to allay personal conflicts or grievances by being attentive and communicating effectively with individual employees.

13. Tell us list Some Skills Needed To Handle A Difficult Employee?

The following are some important skills and abilities required by operations managers in handling problem employees:

☛ The strength to deal with the situation in a direct manner as soon as it is realized. Ignoring a problem is never the solution.
☛ The ability to separate personal feelings from the behaviors. There may be mutual dislike between you and the problem employee, but the focus should always remain on the employee's behavior as it relates to achieving the goals of the company.
☛ The ability to thoroughly investigate the situation and not rely on gossip and hearsay.
☛ The effort to clearly communicate and provide specific feedback to this employee on how his behavior is impacting others by providing specific examples.
☛ The desire to work to coach the employee in displaying more appropriate behaviors.
☛ The awareness of the importance of actively documenting situations in the employee's record and consulting with HR as necessary.
☛ The understanding of when termination may be appropriate and how to follow through within the law.

14. Explain me about a time when you improved your company's organizational framework?

As a financial service operations manager, I was responsible for several departments, including finance, accounting and fundraising. I worked to eliminate inefficiencies in communications and record-keeping between departments by acting as a liaison with other departments, such as IT and Human Resources, in order to maintain accurate and consistently updated records throughout. I worked with IT to create a streamlined database that was able to cross reference with the company's other internal systems while maintaining appropriate security protocols. As a result, I discovered and was able to eliminate several sources of systemic redundancy and inefficiency.

15. Tell me what Are The Abilities Of Operations Manager?

Here are the abilities needed to be operations manager:

☛ Oral Expression
☛ Oral Comprehension
☛ Problem Sensitivity
☛ Written Comprehension
☛ Speech Recognition
☛ Speech Clarity
☛ Deductive Reasoning
☛ Inductive Reasoning
☛ Near Vision
☛ Written Expression
☛ Originality
☛ Fluency of Ideas
☛ Information Ordering
☛ Category Flexibility
☛ Mathematical Reasoning
☛ Flexibility of Closure
☛ Time Sharing
☛ Selective Attention

16. Please explain what Do You Consider To Be The Most Challenging Thing About Being An Operations Manager?

The manager interview questions are a good guide of what to expect in manager or supervisor job interview. Preparation and confidence will stand out as the right candidate for the job.

17. Tell us have you handled Management Information Systems or Cost Analysis or variance Analysis?

From this question it is obvious, that it is posed to know whether you are familiar with the technical aspects required for your job.

Sometimes you might not have complete knowledge about it, as you would have some expert handling it. In such cases you could indicate how you handled them. But you could show your eagerness to harness that field as well. On the other side, if you had opportunity to explore that section, do indicate the details.

18. Tell us what Are The Duties Of Operations Manager?

Duties and tasks of operations manager:

☛ Direct and coordinate activities of businesses or departments concerned with the production, pricing, sales, and/or distribution of products.
☛ Manage staff, preparing work schedules and assigning specific duties.
☛ Review financial statements, sales and activity reports, and other performance data to measure productivity and goal achievement and to determine areas needing cost reduction and program improvement.
☛ Establish and implement departmental policies, goals, objectives, and procedures, conferring with board members, organization officials, and staff members as necessary.
☛ Determine staffing requirements, and interview, hire and train new employees, or oversee those personnel processes.
☛ Monitor businesses and agencies to ensure that they efficiently and effectively provide needed services while staying within budgetary limits.

19. Tell us what Are The Knowledge And Experience Required For Operations Manager?

Knowledge and experience needed to be operations manager:

☛ Administration and Management
☛ Customer and Personal Service
☛ English Language
☛ Law and Government
☛ Personnel and Human Resources
☛ Sales and Marketing
☛ Mathematics
☛ Public Safety and Security
☛ Economics and Accounting
☛ Production and Processing
☛ Communications and Media
☛ Computers and Electronics
☛ Education and Training

20. Please explain what Are Some Skills That You Bring To The Table As An Operations Manager?

A few of the needed skills in operations management include excellent communication skills, leadership skills, problem solving ability, and quick learning/thinking. Rather than spew out key phrases that you think people want to hear, make these relevant to your experience. One example might be that you managed changes and communicated said changes to all levels of personnel using your communication skills and leadership abilities.

21. Explain me a Problem You Recently Experienced With An Employee Who Reported To You, How Did You Solve It?

Show how you are able to review the relevant facts, consider alternatives and decide on the most appropriate action. Discuss how you take into consideration the available resources and any possible constraints.

22. What are your greatest strengths as Plant Manager?

They are asking you this in a broad sense. So ask yourself: What are you best at doing?

Are you a good leader?
Are you a skilled time manager?
Are you a great communicator?
Are you a detailed planner?
Are you good at convincing others?
Whatever you are best at doing, give the interviewer the top 2 or 3 things you excel at.

23. Tell us how do you manage budgets? At your previous employer what steps did you take to cut costs?

Head of Operations carries out tasks bearing in mind the budget restraints. He/she will be involved in budgeting for all the departments and also review to see how much is utilized and how much is remaining. From that they will decide for making the purchase based on the restraint.

Their aim is to know where to cut costs and where it is needed. Future resource planning is also in their job scope.

Hence, you will need to revive all the work executed with examples to show case your skill in managing within budget. Sometimes Operations Manager are involved in procuring loans for the company. In case you had been involved make it clear about the type of loan depicting the examples.

25. Explain me have you ever had a serious conflict with another team member? How did you resolve it?

At one time, I had a fairly substantial disagreement with another member of the organizational team. We had conflicting views about whether a certain investment would further our company's financial goals and whether it was consistent with our long-term organizational mission. I listened carefully to her arguments and, in turn, conducted further research to determine whether my initial position was strongly supported. Eventually, we were able to reach a compromise and agree on a course of action that we could both support as being best for the company.

26. Tell me how big was the team you had last worked with? What were the difficulties you had to face? How did you manage them?

Operations Managers are always working with teams. Team members are to be motivated and appraised on the situations around them.

Here the operations head handles his /her team with ease using their management skill. You could explain the details of team that you had handled wherein how you moved within the team by walking the talk showing them the details. Also you could tell what the most difficult situation was where you had to take the call and smoothen out.

27. Explain me how do you solve a problem that arises? How do you act on it? Do you pause and think or act immediately?

Many problems would arise in daily work environment whether it is manufacturing unit or service sector. Being in charge for it, you would be involved in handling problems on daily basis.

Take out some good examples on how you acted on it. Most of the time employers would be interested to know if you involved the team members to discuss the issue and get solutions.

Usually Operations in charge gets to the core of the issue by using their six sigma skill and other management styles. For this it requires brain storming session with the team who would bring out the solutions and does not decide by himself.

28. What are your biggest weaknesses as Plant Manager?

Every candidate knows how to answer this question: Just pick a theoretical weakness and magically transform that flaw into a strength in disguise!

For example: "My biggest weakness is getting so absorbed in my work that I lose all track of time. Every day I look up and realize everyone has gone home! I know I should be more aware of the clock, but when I love what I'm doing I just can't think of anything else."

So your "biggest weakness" is that you'll put in more hours than everyone else? Great...

A better approach is to choose an actual weakness, but one you're working to improve. Share what you're doing to overcome that weakness. No one is perfect, but showing you're willing to honestly self-assess and then seek ways to improve comes pretty darned close.

29. Explain me a Time You Had To Provide Training Or Coaching To Different Staff Members On The Same Tasks?

Show how you have facilitated the development of knowledge and skills, how you adjust your approach according to the individual and provide support where needed. Discuss how you are able to assess the needs of your staff, establish a plan for improvement considering available resources and the individual requirements and gain agreement to this plan.

30. Do you know how To Observe, Receive And Otherwise Obtain Information From All Relevant Sources?

Providing information to supervisors, co-workers, and subordinates by telephone, in written form, e-mail, or in person.

31. Do you know what Are The Skills Of An Operations Manager?

Here are the skills needed to be operations manager:

☛ Active Listening
☛ Management of Personnel Resources
☛ Time Management
☛ Monitoring
☛ Judgment and Decision Making
☛ Reading Comprehension
☛ Speaking
☛ Management of Financial Resources
☛ Active Learning
☛ Persuasion
☛ Coordination
☛ Negotiation
☛ Critical Thinking
☛ Writing
☛ Instructing
☛ Management of Material Resources
☛ Learning Strategies
☛ Service Orientation
☛ Social Perceptiveness
☛ Mathematics
☛ Quality Control Analysis

32. Can you list Some Activities Of Operations Manager?

Activities of operations manager:

☛ Getting Information
☛ Communicating with Supervisors
☛ Establishing and Maintaining Interpersonal Relationships
☛ Resolving Conflicts and Negotiating with Others
☛ Evaluating Information to Determine Compliance with Standards
☛ Making Decisions and Solving Problems

33. Please explain some ways in which you have worked with other departments to achieve financial goals?

One department that I often work closely with is the legal team. Making decisions that affect the business and financial operations side of our company often involves questions of legal expertise. Many business decisions fall into this category. Questions of taxation, licensing, copyrights, antitrust statutes and corporate structure often need the input of both finance experts and legal professionals. In turn, the legal department often needs further clarification in respect to the operations of particular financial instruments. By collaborating with the legal department, I minimize the risk of legal repercussions from future business and financial decisions while helping the legal team provide comprehensive and accurate legal advice.

34. Explain me what methods do you employ to communicate your message? How do you do it?
What is your experience in making presentations?

Operations Head need to be equipped with making presentations as it is the best method to display to the inside and outside part of the organization.

As they are constantly posed with displaying the progress of the company or any new projects and/or future expansions that are envisaged, this part of communication skill is best utilized in this aspect.

You will need to have some sample work projects that you had developed to give as examples. Indicate the methodology that you have employed to make the message clear.

35. Operational Plant Manager Job Interview Questions:

☛ Imagine that you've discovered a flaw in a procedure that might result in losses for the plant. What would you do?
☛ How would you address the issue of consistently underperforming employees?
☛ You want to implement a new system to reduce wasted materials but encounter resistance from colleagues with a long history of working at your company. How would you persuade them to adopt the system?
☛ What's difficult about managing a team?
☛ How would you motivate a team in the face of a very tight production/shipping deadline?