Testing in schools - is this good or bad?
Submitted by: AdministratorHere they are testing whether you have done your research - if you had no views or knowledge of this, it might call into question your commitment - bear in mind that most courses will have many more applicants than places to choose from.
All they will be looking for will be an ability to talk intelligently on the subject for a few minutes. They will not mind which side of the argument your views fall on as long as you can appreciate both the positive and negative points - don't be didactic!
Similar questions might cover the pros and cons of grant maintained schools, how would you deal with a disruptive pupil or other issues in teaching. Simply make sure you've read around the subject a little and talked to teachers about these issues. A good starting point is the Education Guardian on Tuesdays, and the Times Educational Supplement. These questions might be asked as part of a group interview.
Submitted by: Administrator
All they will be looking for will be an ability to talk intelligently on the subject for a few minutes. They will not mind which side of the argument your views fall on as long as you can appreciate both the positive and negative points - don't be didactic!
Similar questions might cover the pros and cons of grant maintained schools, how would you deal with a disruptive pupil or other issues in teaching. Simply make sure you've read around the subject a little and talked to teachers about these issues. A good starting point is the Education Guardian on Tuesdays, and the Times Educational Supplement. These questions might be asked as part of a group interview.
Submitted by: Administrator
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