What is the relevance of your degree to the National Curriculum?
Submitted by: AdministratorYou need to show how your degree course relates to the National Curriculum. This is relatively easy if you have done a relevant degree, but if you are applying for primary with a non-National Curriculum degree in psychology, for example, you need in this case to carefully relate the elements in your psychology degree to the elements in the primary curriculum.
Similar questions might ask you what you think you would be teaching in your specialist area, or about areas of your subject in which you feel weak.
You must concentrate on the positive. You should be prepared to dissect your degree up into the appropriate component parts and show evidence of particularly English, Maths and Science if you are applying to Primary teacher training or your chosen subject area if Secondary.
Submitted by: Administrator
Similar questions might ask you what you think you would be teaching in your specialist area, or about areas of your subject in which you feel weak.
You must concentrate on the positive. You should be prepared to dissect your degree up into the appropriate component parts and show evidence of particularly English, Maths and Science if you are applying to Primary teacher training or your chosen subject area if Secondary.
Submitted by: Administrator
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