10. A newborn babys immunity, which is acquired from the mother, is often referred to as:

1. active immunity
2. passive immunity
3. bistander immunity
4. physical immunity

Answer: B

12. An example of negative feedback control is when:

1. the end product of a metabolic pathway inhibits an earlier reaction
2. the initial enzyme of a metabolic pathway inhibits a later reaction
3. the end product of a metabolic pathway stimulates an earlier reaction
4. the initial product of a metabolic pathway inhibits the next reaction

Answer: A

13. Which of the following is true about a brain cell from a normal individual human:

1. some DNA sequences are present in multiple copies
2. most of the DNA codes for protein
3. most genes are transcribed
4. most genes are arranged in operon-like clusters

Answer: A

14. Transfer RNA with an amino acid attached to it is called:

1. a charged tRNA
2. an amino acyl tRNA
3. a tRNA with an amino acid attached
4. t-primed RNA

Answer: B

15. Which of the following does NOT belong to the Class Arachnida:

1. spider
2. tick
3. mite
4. shrimp

Answer: D

16. DNA is produced from RNA:

1. by reverse transcriptase
2. by an oligoside
3. by DNA polymerase
4. in yeast as a protective measure

Answer: A

17. Growth and development are synonymous, respectively, with which of the following:

1. division and multiplication
2. multiplication and division
3. multiplication and differentiation
4. zygote and embryo

Answer: C

18. In the cell cycle, DNA synthesis occurs during:

1. mitosis
2. G1
3. G2
4. interphase

Answer: D

19. The exchange of gases between blood and the tissue occurs normally in:

1. venules
2. arterioles
3. veins
4. capillaries

Answer: D

20. Francesco Redi is known for an experiment that refuted which of the following theories:

1. the theory of spontaneous generation
2. phlogiston theory
3. the theory of bad humors
4. the theory that disease was caused by astrological events

Answer: A

21. In a typical cell, cytokinesis overlaps with:

1. S phase
2. metaphase
3. anaphase
4. telophase

Answer: D

22. Stems grow longer by creating new cells at their tips, in a region known as the:

1. terminal division section
2. terminal mitotic
3. shoot apical meristem
4. apical terminus

Answer: C

23. Which of the following does NOT directly function in the cytoskeleton:

1. microtubules
2. microfilaments
3. spectrin
4. actin

Answer: C

24. Physicians give patients immuno-suppressing drugs after an organ transplant to prevent:

1. infection
2. a graft verses host response
3. rejection of the transplant
4. viral infections

Answer: C

25. Which of the following accounts for the largest decline in death rate in the USA between the years 1900 and 1990:

1. accidents
2. cancer
3. cardiovascular disease
4. infectious disease

Answer: D

26. George Gamow made a contribution to biology by correctly interpreting the:

1. X-ray crystallographic structure of DNA
2. existence of reverse transcriptase
3. minimum number of letters in the code for amino acids
4. existence of oncogenes

Answer: C

27. The following pathway, CO2 + H2O + energy yields (CH2O)n + O2, represents which of the following:

1. cellular respiration
2. photosynthesis
3. an irreversible reaction
4. glycolysis

Answer: B

29. Which of the following fins is NOT found on fish:

1. pectoral
2. lateral
3. dorsal
4. pelvic

Answer: B

33. Which of the following is not caused by a virus:

1. mumps
2. yellow fever
3. small pox
4. leprosy

Answer: D

34. Plants gather wavelengths of light NOT absorbed by the main chlorophyll a and b through:

1. photosystem I
2. photosystem II
3. accessory pigments
4. carotenoids

Answer: C